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Archive through September 28, 2001

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Dear brothers and sisters in the world,

When our minds (including all leaders) are clear, we will be able to solve all problems in the world. The leaders in the world must communicate and find out the cause of all problems.

This is a long email to read. However, it is worth to spend your previous moment in it.

I would like to praise the positive messages shared by the following friends (I regard all of you as my brothers and sisters). I hope that the leaders are also reading this message and think about it. I hope that the world leaders will come to their correct senses.

By a proud American, a hurt New Yorker! ( - on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 09:26 pm:

By Questions ( -
By U*S*A ( -

I praise the bible, or any teachings who cultivates good moral values (loving kindness, respect each other, peace, good behaviours, compassion, etc).

If your faith is with God or Allah, then have strong faith and follows the good teachings of your God or Allah. Do not claim that God or Allah is the greatest because it is an evil thought (created by our own minds) and it will result in killings or religious war. We respect each other and treat each other with loving kindness. Do not say bad things about others because it is a bad thought. We help each other to correct our wrong thoughts.

If you can see your wrong deeds, then you will be able to correct it and remove it from within. It is important to repent all our wrong deeds and make a vow not to do it again. You have to remind yourself everyday without fail.

Did the American leaders and the Americans at large see their wrong deeds?
Obviously not, because the worst disaster in human mankind has occurred not elsewhere but in USA (the most powerful country in the world). The Americans and the world were shocked, but not the minorities because they know the consequence of previous wrong deeds and the result of CAUSE & EFFECT. In the past, the Americans must have committed wrong deeds against other countries (killings innocent and non innocent people). This is a form of retribution, you will reap what you sow.

What about the terrorist?
Sad to say and I felt sorry for them because they have entered hell immediately and they will live a long period of great sufferings. The worst that you can think of.

Some examples of great sufferings:
1. The worst is endless pain, birth and death. Such punishments continue without intermission.
2. The wailing and screaming of sinners are heard because of pain.
3. Where hot and burning iron-walls surround this hell and with flames of fire falling on the sinners like heavy rain-drops. After the sinners are burnt to death, they are reborn for further suffering.

What about innocent people being killed?
They may or may not be reborn as human again, it depends on their souls.

In 1999, when I was taking my Master at University in U.K., I looked at the sky (deep into the universe) and asked questions with a sincere heart.

Why are we sufferings on earth?
How does the universe come about?
There are infinite stars in the universe and our earth is as tiny as an atom.

Is there a living being that creates the universe?
If there is one, then you must be very powerful, pls be kind and make me disappear so that my sufferings will stop forever. And if it is possible, make the whole universe disappear so that there are no more sufferings.

I had completed my Master and came back to my country. In my mind, my Master is just like a piece of paper, it provides me with a title and a job. However, it does not play an important role in my life because it does not teach me to live a truly happy life and prepare me for my next life.

In May 2000, it was with good fate that I came across some good reading materials (books) about life and the universe. It explains that all happenings in the universe are due to the minds. The minds come about from a natural happening in the universe. The whole universe is governed by CAUSE & EFFECT. I was very interested to know the original point of the existence of life in the universe. I’m satisfied with the answer I got and the next thing is to move on positively with my life.

Who is my teacher?
My teacher was a human being before (someone like you and me), who has experienced life and has lived for many billion years. His mind has gained full knowledge of the details of all the causes and effects in the universe. He tells us that our original pure self is the same, if we keep our mind pure, we will achieve the state of perfect equality and we will attain infinite wisdom (full knowledge of the cause & effect of the universe). However, our human minds are polluted and it is not pure. Hence, we are not able to see through the existence of all things. With compassion and from his pure self nature mind, his infinite knowledge has been captured into books and now internet, CDs, etc. It is available in various countries including USA.

The next big question I asked was:

How do I live a truly happy life?

Again, I got the answer from these reading materials.

Watched and removed our wrong thoughts, speech and action. Keep the mind calm, quiet and peaceful at all times. If possible, attain purity of mind. However, it is impossible in this life because the mind is full of wondering thoughts. You may close your eyes for a few minutes, observe your minds and you will find that there are so many wondering thoughts. You will notice that you are not able to keep your mind still even for a short duration of time.

How do I live my life now?
I live my life without any worries. Keep my daily living lifestyle as simple as possible and be humble. I praise the good points of others. Whatever I do, is for the benefits of others i.e. I contribute my life to the society.

I’m working and at the same time, I try to keep my mind calm, quiet and peaceful.

How do I feel?
The mind is truly happy and peaceful.

Where is the best place in the universe that I would like to go after my life expires on earth?
There is no place in the universe is considered the best place for me because a single thought is a form of suffering. I would prefer to disappear forever. However, it is not possible. Hence in relative sense, I would like to go to the best realm (dimension). Human realm is better than hell, heaven is better than human realm. However, there are many realms above human realm. Nobody can decide for us, we made our own choice. Depending on your state of mind, we made our own choice. Hence, different religions (Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc) are created because the state of the minds are different. Our bad habits are very difficult to remove and due to ignorance and the stubbornness of our your minds, our fate has been decided. Fate can be changed, it depends on your mind. You can actually think about it and make the decision right now. Convert all your wrong behaviours from bad to good and effectively you have actually changed your fate.

The best realm exists and it is infinitely far away from earth. You may view it as a higher dimension world than us (we live in 3 dimension world). They are infinite worlds in the universe.

What is so nice about the best realm?
No more sufferings, “born and die, born and die……..” cycle again.
It is a pleasant and peaceful place.
The minds are peaceful.
No evil thoughts at all, i.e. no greed, anger and ignorance (deluded minds).
Education is part of everyday life, one learns from teachers and work hard so that one will gain full knowledge of life and the universe and attain purity of mind (the ultimate state of mind). It is known as eternal.
No obstacle to time and space.
With compassion, the living beings from this realm will move into all other worlds (including our world), they have special abilities and they will act like human beings and wait for good opportunities to teach us by examples. They will tell us how sufferings come about and teach us how to get out of sufferings (the awakening of the mind). We need to switch our minds from bad to good. Do all that is good and nothing that is bad.

What is bad and what is good?
When a person has gained wisdom, one will know the answer by oneself. However, the books or teachers are the best references.

What’s next after my life expires on earth?
My soul records all the good or bad deeds that I had done in this life and it will leave my body (just a material waste) and move into the other realms. I would like to go to the best realm. One needs to have sincere and strong faith to the teacher in this realm. Follows his instructions and one will guarantee to attain it in this life.

Extracts from the teaching materials:
To keep our mind pure and at peace is like keeping a pond clean and undisturbed. When the water is clear and still, it can reflect the sky, sun and trees just as they are, without distortion. Our mind is the same. When we are polluted by greed, anger, ignorance and disturbed by discriminations and attachments, we distort our picture of reality and fail to see things as they are. Wrong perceptions of reality can prevent us from enjoying a clear and happy life.

We can learn to turn the light around, reflect upon ourselves and smooth our mind-pond still. Everything outside of us is non-discriminatory. The garbage does not feel it is unclean and the flower does not know it is fragrant. We must let our mind be at peace and without attachments, this is true happiness.

There is a lot of music in our society now that promotes violence, greed and hatred. To maintain a peaceful mind, we should refrain from listening to these the best we can.

What is purity?
Purity is apart from defilement. Defilement is the greed, anger and ignorance present in our minds. Cultivation is cleansing these impurities from our hearts.

Cultivation is not something unusual, but part of our everyday life. Whenever we recognize and correct our faults, we are cultivating.

"What goes around comes around." "Treat others the way we would like to be treated." If we want world peace for future generations and ourselves we should refrain from erroneous acts and cultivate kindness.

We should not be afraid to see our faults and mistakes because only then can they be corrected. People who fail to see their own mistakes will not be able to change for the better.

We should treat all people with respect and sincerity and be responsible for our actions and careful when handling other's property. Be conservative with speech and actions to avoid harming others.

Listen more: speak less.

Filial piety and respect are the roots of good conduct.

It is best to be considerate and kind in our speech. To put down another person is only proving our own arrogance and lack of self-confidence to others.

The root of people's sufferings and sicknesses is discrimination and attachment to unrealistic things. The teachings tell us how to detach ourselves and not to discriminate. If we listen and practice according to the teachings, we will be at great ease in this world of confusion.

The difference between the success and failure of cultivation lies in our learning attitude. We need to be humble, sincere, and respectful and not think we are better than others.

To often criticize others is not a good matter. We should instead try to see their good points.

Practicing virtue is to keep a kind heart, speak kind words and do kind acts to benefit others.

Cultivating a sincere, pure, non-discriminatory, great compassionate heart enables one to attain enlightenment.

We should truly believe in the existence of heaven and hell. If we practice kind deeds, our future will be in heaven. If we commit evil acts, our future will be in hell.

When we are jealous of others, we only harm ourselves in the process.

Wisdom is essential if we truly wish to propagate the Teachings and benefit living beings. Do not use emotions when helping others, use wisdom and be reasonable. If we use emotions when dealing with people and matters, it often makes a good thing go bad.

A wise mind is like a mirror, reflecting and perceiving everything clearly, without distortion.

A student of the teaching strictly abides by the moral codes, the laws of the nation and society, and disciplines himself/herself in the teachings.

The teacher himself took care of the old and sick, and was mindful and ever ready to help all beings in need. The teacher’s conduct showed unconditional compassion, set-ting a great example for us to follow.

Life is short and fragile, why not cultivate kindness instead of committing acts which cause harm to living beings and to oneself?

Be constantly mindful of people worried by afflictions and bring forth the heart to help them. Learn to tie good affinities with others and always be friendly.

To help others is to help ourselves.

To respect others is to respect ourselves.

People who deceive others may some-day still feel remorseful and can be saved from hell, but those who deceive themselves have no way of escaping at all.

If people would sincerely accrue virtues and practice kind deeds, disasters and calamities can either be reduced or eliminated depending upon the degree of sincerity and kind deeds practiced.

The key to success is diligence.

Peace of the world is based on peace in the family.

When helping others, we should think about benefiting the entire society or even the world instead of limiting our help to just the ones we love. Expanding the boundaries of our care for others makes our lives more meaningful, full of freedom and happiness.

Disasters appear according to people's thoughts. If we want to turn the tide of destiny, we must first turn our thoughts toward kindness and compassion.

Worries arise from the mind. It would be wise to not let things worry us. Nothing and no one can make us worry without our permission.

Accord with the people around us. Do not let our personality get in the way of our relationships with other people.

Do not worry over worldly matters.

Our hearts find peace when we under-stand the law of cause and effect: "What goes around, comes around." We would cease to blame others for our own misfortunes because we would be aware of the fact that we brought it upon ourselves. When our heart is at peace, we develop concentration, and with concentration, wisdom comes forth. Wisdom is the key to changing our lives for the better because for only with wisdom can we see true reality.

If we wish to bring peace to the world, we must start by changing our erroneous ways. World peace stems from inner peace.

We must cleanse ourselves of greed, anger and ignorance. These three poisons are the roots behind all our sufferings.

True love is undiscriminating, unattaching and unconditional, we should share this love with all beings. This is called compassion.

We must learn to "let go" and not be too stubborn with our viewpoints. If this goal can be achieved, then we will be at great ease and live a happy, fulfilling life.

Sufferings arise due to our unawareness and misunderstandings of our environment and ourselves.

It would be wise to be conservative in what we use and be content with what we have.

It would be wise to remember that our lives are getting shorter by the second.

Our goal of cultivation is to attain true happiness. True happiness is undiminishing happiness, withstanding the test of time and conditions.

Love can turn into hate. We may dislike something we adored yesterday. We should see things with eyes of equality and not let emotions control our lives.

Treat people sincerely. We should mean what we say and truly be sincere from the bottom of our hearts.

For the health of our body, we should keep it moving. In taking care of our mind, we should keep it at peace. Exercise and peace of mind are the key to living a happy, fulfilling life.
We must be in control of our body and mind, and not let them hinder our ability to enjoy life.
Wise people do not harbor feelings of gain or loss. In this way, they often dwell in the joy of possessing great peace of mind.

When we encounter a person or a situation we do not like, it is the perfect opportunity for us to practice patience and cultivate a pure and compassionate heart.

If we learn to forgive, we will dwell in peace of mind.

We show our gratitude to those who have shown us kindness, such as parents, teachers, and even society. Everyone in society is interdependent and interrelated, thus, we practice good deeds to repay them.

Regardless of what we do, it is best to not give rise to anger.

Wisdom springs from Purity of Mind.

How many people recognize the kindness shown by parents? Usually, people do not realize until they themselves become parents or lose their parents. We show our gratitude through practicing filial piety by being responsible, considerate and compliant to our parents wishes.

Love is based on wisdom. This is called compassion.

To be a poor, content and happy person is better than being one who is rich, worried and afflicted with greed.

Wise people do not just see matters from the surface, they contemplate them thoroughly and see to the truth.

A genuine heart is one without discriminations or attachments.

The point of practicing giving and charity is to forsake greed, anger, ignorance and arrogance.

Everything is in our minds. Therefore, we have to observe our thought, speech and action.

In order to counter evil thoughts, fill our thought, speech and action with loving kindness.

Live a wise and truly happy life.

God blessed all Christians.
Allah blessed all Muslims.
Other good beings blessed their followers.

Fellow brothers and sisters:
Shall we live in peace forever?

Our original mind is pure, shall we move into the state of purity?

I hereby dedicate all my merits to all living beings in the universe.

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To Our American Freinds
We wish all the best in your recovery from this unbelievable act of terrist that has happened.

From all Australian's on the central coast of a
I think I can say how sorry we are and thatif we can help in any way we would.

May Gods speed be with you in your time of need
adn all of our love is with you
God Bless you all

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My condolences for those families whose loved ones perished on that tragic day.I was shocked and disbelief,still do.'the second plane that slammed into the second building, the time both buildings collasped still lingered in my mind.its very inhumane and unimaginable thing!!Pray for those who lost their loved ones including those who lend their help unconditionally.I dont know anyone in U.S. but i was saddend and cried,too.
Hope this thing teach us,life is very precious,no matter who we are,where we are and where we come from.Hope we dont shed more blood esp the innocents.Dont plant the seed of hatred.God bless the world.

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i just want to say that we all love you and pray for the victims and their families. i live in Italy but, trust me, we all feel like it had happened here in Europe. Nothing maybe will be the same as before, but our love will always live. as long as there is someone who love, no one will surrender.
God bless you all.

Barbara (Milan)

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Prisoner of the Wind
Natalie McBride, age 10

Lost in an image of wind blowing all around,
I’m in a building that’s falling to the ground,
Fire is beneath me, no way to get out,
My last words I want to scream and shout,
“Give love to my family and children of three”,
But suddenly I fall; I can’t believe that I’m alive.
I’m free!

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Almost 2 weeks have passed now, and I still can't belive what has happened.
I've been crying and praying since last 9-11, like many others around the entire worls, hoping all americans find some peace, someday.
My boyfriend is now studying in the US, I have friends and family over there, I've been there many times and I only have words of gratitude and affection to this country's people, always so kind to me.
My heart is with you. The world is with you. Stand up America, we are all hugging you.
Paula (Buenos Aires - Argentina)

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And I don't know a soul who's not been battered
I don't have have a friend who feels at ease
I don't know a dream that's not been shattered
or driven too its knees
We come on the ship they call the mayflower
We come on the ship that sailed the moon
We come in the age's most uncertain hours
An sing an American tune
(Paul Simon)
Jaap - Rotterdam ( Netherlands)

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I am 15 years old and I think what happened in America two weeks ago is disgusting.I think that the Americans should stop talking and actually find Binliner and make him give his life for the thousands of people that he and his other muslim leaders planned to kill. We know innocent people will no doubt suffer but the likes of this low life Binliner do not even care about their own innocent people so we will have to do what ever it takes to put down this inhuman terrorist regime like a rabid dog.In addition I also think that if Pakistan take sides with Afghanistan then they should ship ALL the pakis back to the smelly dump that they came from instead of trying to cause as much trouble as they can for the English people The only reason they are here is so they can get an education and try to achieve global domination but now that this disaster has happened I personally dont think that they have got a chance of that now. As for ISLAM meaning PEACE I think we all agree that it is aload of BULLSHIT !!!!!

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I think it is wrong to make a judgement about all Islamic people. We must respect their religion just like we want respect for ours. I am 31 years old and I do not agree that it is time to attack. I want only the terrorist who are responsible to be punished. If we jump into this many that are not responsible will also be punished. Please think about what you are saying.

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It would be completely useless to persecute the pakistanese and the Afghans who are living in the west.
Most of them are against terrorist attacks.

Anyway US must whipe the taliban out of the face of the world NOW like all other islamic Fundamentalist terorist organisations.
Not doing it would be stupid. One don't need a genocide to achieve this goal thought.

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Let the "Jihad" begin. Our new technology weapons will cut through the old soviet "crap" those fuckin! terrorists have.

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So many things have changed in the past two weeks. Our lives as we know them have been shattered but also pulled together. This is so much for all of us to take in, as a nation, as parents and as children. How do we cope - a nation who felt they were in control. As a mother I wanted to run home and hug my children like I never have before. As a child, I wanted to tell my parents I finally understood what they went through that awful day in December, 1941. As a US Citizen I didn't know. I found faith in a man I didn't vote for because I didn't believe in him - that too has all changed. I can only pray and hope we all learn from this - I know I have.

Now that time has passed and I can step back I want to hug those children who lost parents on that dark Tuesday morning, because having lost a parent suddenly I can somewhat relate to what it is like to have what you thought was a "given" be all gone in a blink of an eye. I know what it feels like to feel as a child if you don't think about what happened it won't be real. I want to tell these children that this is a pain that will come back and grab you at times when you least expect it - just when you thought that pain was buried somewhere deep it comes back - but to also know that the one blessing from this is your parent that you feel is lost will come back to you and give you strength like you have never known at times when you will need it most. They will always be in your heart and in your memories and someday you will grow like I have and see that parent in the eyes of your own children - you will grow - you will feel empty at times but remember you will always be loved and have a love that you will carry in your heart like no other. I pray for these children every day and hope they will somehow find peace.

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The writer of the following piece is Kent Madin,
part-owner of Boojum Expeditions who leads
trips to Mongolia and other far-flung places.
He wrote from Boojum Expeditions, Khovsgol
Lodge Management, somewhere in Mongolia.

Bomb Them with Butter

A military response, particularly an attack on
Afghanistan, is exactly what the terrorists want.
It will strengthen and swell their small but
fanatical ranks.
Instead, bomb Afghanistan with butter, with
rice, bread, clothing and medicine. It will cost
less than conventional arms, poses no threat
of US casualties and just might get the
populace thinking that maybe the Taliban don't
have the answers. After three years of drought
and with starvation looming, let's offer the
Afghani people the vision of a new future. One
that includes full stomachs.
Bomb them with information. Video players
and cassettes of world leaders, particularly
Islamic leaders, condemning terrorism.
Carpet the country with magazines and
newspapers showing the horror of terrorism
committed by their "guest". Blitz them with
laptop computers and DVD players filled with
a perspective that is denied them by their
government. Saturation bombing with the
hope it will mean that some of it gets through.
Send so much that the Taliban can't collect
and hide it all.
The Taliban are telling their people to
prepare for Jihad. Instead, let's give the
Afghani people their first good meal in years.
Seeing your family fully fed and the prospect of
stability in terms of food and a future is a
powerful deterrent to martyrdom. All we ask in
return is that they, as a people, agree to enter
the civilized world. That includes handing over
terrorists in their midst.
In responding to terrorism we need to do
something different..something
unexpected..something that addresses the
root of the problem. We need to take away the
well of despair, ignorance and brutality from
which the Osama bin Laden's of the world
water their gardens of terror.

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Let's be realistic, bombing afghanistan with high-tech goodies? first of all, the people would never see any of those things, once the Taliban realizes that we are dropping DVD players and Butter, they would take it all for themselves and then murder any afghan found using the items. If we do that, The Taliban will still be around, what do you think that bread and DVD players will motivate the afghans to fight the Taliban? What will they use to fight the Taliban? In the end, once this comes full circle again, the Americans will be blamed for "crusading" against these people that are fuckin! living in the damn stone ages, and then they will commit more terrorist attacks. The only solution is sending in the military. The Taliban are a very, very evil organization, and they will not stop until we personally shove paveway bombs up there arrses!

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To all the families and friends of the victims of the events of September 11th may these prayers bring you peace and hope and may you know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many. My heart felt sympathy goes out to you during this time and may you find strength each day in the love and support of your family.


In every need, let me come to You
with humble trust saying:
Jesus, help me!
In all my doubts, perplexities, and temptations:
Jesus, help me!
In hours of loneliness, weariness, and trials:
Jesus, help me!
In failures, disappointments, troubles and sorrows:
Jesus, help me!
When others fail me, and I need Your grace:
Jesus, help me!
When I am impatient and my cross irritates me:
Jesus, help me!
Always, in spite of my weakness, falls and shortcomings of every kind:
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
help me and never forsake me.

"Powerful Novena of Childlike Confidence"

O Jesus, Who hast said, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you, through the intercession of Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.

(Make A Request)

O Jesus, Who hast said, all that you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you through the intercession of Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Thy Father in Thy Name that my prayer be granted.

(Make A Request)

O Jesus, Who hast said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My word shall not pass", through the intercession of Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.

(Make A Request)

To Mayor Giuliani and his support team and all the rescue workers and volunteers who have been working so hard during this rescue/recovery, we say THANK YOU for your unconditional support and assistance during these times. You are a positive strength and hope for the american people and true role models to us all.

Thinking of you - Dana Da Silva, Brooklyn, NY.

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