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Archive through September 28, 2001

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May this never happen again...

Our hearts are with the victims
and their families

God bless America
Oliver Kranz, Germany

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To the family of Angel Juarbe:

Please accept condolences from your (Puerto Rican) De Jesus-Juarbe relatives.

We believe that we are distantly related to you. My grandmother's maiden name was Juarbe.

Please contact me if you want to know more about our side of the family.

Take care, and God bless you all,
-- Gigi Eyre

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Everyone has there own ideas on what we should do. The way I look at it, they killed hundreds of innocent people in our country. If we do the same to their country...oh well. They deserve it. How many people here would honestly get on a plane with a bunch of muslims? I wouldn't. The United States is supposed to be the land of the free. How can we be free if every time we see a muslim, we remember what happened. I don't want my children growing up afraid in their own country. I want them all gone from here and once their back there, I say we bomb the hell out of them. Kill them all and let Satan sort them out!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, I know that the terrorist are muslims but lets look back in history. Do we need to get the chinese and Japenese out of our country too? They have also committed crimes against our country!! It is not fair to the muslims or any other group to suffer what a few of their members have done. The come to this land for freedom also. They would not be here if they didn't see the US as an opportunity to make their lives better. Have you ever thought that maybe they realized how some radical muslims felt and they wanted to get away from them. Is it right to make there whole population suffer???
I can answer that and the answer is no. If you or I suffered everytime one of our nationality did something would it be fair??
Put yourself in their shoes. Our nation is for the people by the people and it is for all people. It also allows us a freedom of speech. I guess if you want to send them home then we all need to move somewhere cause none of our ancestors started over here!!!!!!!!!! Think about it!!!!!!!!!! Are we any better than them if we kill there people??? You made the comment let satan sort them out. Well, I got one last question for you. What will he do to us if we are guilty of the same thing?????????? Guess he'll be sorting us out too!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, I'm a white christian with no minority group in my blood. Im just not prejudice.

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Dear brothers and sisters,

The world has entered a new era and it is dangerous.

To BOMB or not to BOMB Afghanistan!
If USA starts a war, more innocent life (Americans and non Americans will be killed).
The world may become chaotic because the terrorists will take the opportunities to start a human war between the Muslims and the Christians all over the world.

Do you agree?
"Our main interest is PEACE for all human beings"

Our world becomes ugly because EDUCATION has failed and it failed badly.

The ONLY solution to solve all problems in the world is EDUCATION.

Our current EDUCATION is not known as EDUCATION because it does not fully teach human beings how to live our life correctly and it does not teach us how to solve all minor and major problems correctly. Our current EDUCATION is known as gaining knowledge in the competition on technologies with the ultimate aim of gaining money and power. As a result, it neglects the most important needs of human beings i.e. good moral values. The world has evolved to such an extent that humans are taught to hate others and kill each other. The inhuman act on USA ground is the signal of a new era of disasters and if the world leaders did not handle it correctly, human beings will experience more disasters in future.

EDUCATION and COMMUNICATION are the keys to solve the root all problems. The leaders must emphasize on EDUCATION.

EDUCATION teaches all human beings to live our life correctly. In school, the teacher teaches good moral values, observe and identify students with bad behaviours.
The teacher is patient and she will teach and show the students to correct their wrong behaviours. The teachers did not teach the students to start a war and kill each other.

At home, the parents play the vital role in ensuring that their children have good moral values, live in harmony with all human beings and live peacefully and happily.

The parents, teachers and the society at large must work hand in hand together. The leaders of all countries must work together to ensure that all human beings have good moral values and live our life correctly and live a happy life.

When a person behaves wrongly and to the extent of committing suicide or killing someone. What does it means to us?

It simply means that the person is IGNORANCE, he was not taught the correct values of living. He did the wrong thing because he does not know that it is wrong. The education has failed to teach him the right moral values. If we list down the number of such cases in the world including past generations of life, the list is infinite.


1. The LEADERs of all countries to combine as ONE voice, all LEADERs would maintain a clear objective i.e. PEACE for all human beings. They would verify and agree that EDUCATION is the only solution to solve all the problems in the world.

2. The world LEADERs invites the Taliban leader to discuss all outstanding issues. The LEADERs must be willing to put aside any past conflicts and find out the best solution to solve the root of the problems. The LEADERS must work hard and work together to find out the ROOT and remove it. The LEADERs would show compassion towards their enemies (who are also ignorance human beings like you and me) and must be willing to compromise and help each other.

3. The world is our school, we are good students and the Talibans are not. The LEADERs are the teachers of the school. All teachers and students must follow the rules and regulations. The teachers shall find out why the Talibans did not behave in class. Listen to Talibans; give them opportunities to voice out their thoughts and frustrations about their classmates and teachers. If the Talibans did not behave in class, the teachers will discipline them. As we all know, no teachers will kill the students. With time, patience, loving kindness (showing care and concern) and self-reflection, the Talibans will learn by examples and they will grow up to become good human beings. When all human beings have learnt to cultivate good moral values and live their life positive and correctly, then the world will achieve PEACE and HAPPINESS.

4. The billion of US dollars gathered in the preparation for the war could be converted into the greatest charitable deeds in history. Instead of using the money to kill the Talibans and lost of innocent Americans life, it would be wisely used to educate them, contribute to the poor and save life. I believe many countries will be willing to participate in these meaningful charitable deeds. Japan has stated clearly that they will not join forces with USA to attack Afghanistan. However, they will help in financial support or provide support services. The Japanese has come to realise that war is ugly and war will not be able to solve the problems. We should learn from the many examples in our history.

The Soviet had battled with Afghanistan for 10 years and failed. Much innocent life had been killed in the war. One of the soviet leaders said that we would have sent 400,000 troops to Afghanistan instead of 100,000. He hasn’t learnt EDUCATION yet. Assuming that the whole of Afghanistan people had been destroyed, do you think that the world will be PEACE in future? The answer is definitely no, because there are terrorists all over the world. Future to be leaders who are unhappy with certain leaders will start to form or support terrorism again.

Please do not forget to EDUCATE the leader (Saddam Hussein) of Iraq and others if any? He hates the Americans and therefore the safety of the Americans will be questionable.

The original self refers to the original starting point of your life and my life.

A bad human can become good and a good human can become bad.
It is just a matter of a change in our thought.
It is a matter of EDUCATION.

I’m 38 years old with a Master of Science.
I have a wife and two children (below 8 years old).

Live a wise and truly happy life.

May all the worlds in the universe be at PEACE forever?

With COMPASSION and a SINCERE heart!

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I'm sorry for everyones pain, but Osama declared a Holy War and the Christians of this world have agreed to HIS TERMS, total annihalation. He has his Holy War. You must understand, the USA is the hammer of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He has punished us for our sins and will now use us to do His will. We only follow His plan, He will allow nothing else. All Islam will rise up against the USA because of false information like we exploit their resources, the USA is the great Satan, we keep the American Indians on the reservation (Prison camps), black people are still virtual slaves and the USA wants to take over the world. B.S. If we wanted the world we could have it. The USA sends money, food, medicine, and people to help the third world, and they spit in our face out of jealousy, because G-d has blessed us so richly and they are cursed. I agree not all Muslims are responsible, only those that stood by and allowed these lunatics to thrive in their countries. The sad fact is that Islam will eventually side with this demon possesed madman or his successor. The fig tree is putting forth leaves. Let him with understanding hear these words:

Isaiah 30:25-33 In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water[1] will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill[2]. The moon[3] will shine like the sun[4], and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days[5], when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted. See, the Name of the LORD comes from afar[6], with burning anger and dense clouds of smoke; his lips are full of wrath, and his tongue is a consuming fire. His breath is like a rushing torrent, rising up to the neck. He shakes the nations in the sieve of destruction;[7]he places in the jaws of the peoples a bit that leads them astray[8]. And you will sing as on the night you celebrate a holy festival; your hearts will rejoice as when people go up with flutes to the mountain of the LORD, to the Rock of Israel[9]. The LORD will cause men to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. The voice of the LORD will shatter Assyria[10]; with his scepter he will strike them down. Every stroke the LORD lays on them with his punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines and harps, as he fights them in battle with the blows of his arm. Topheth has long been prepared; it has been made ready for the king. Its fire pit has been made deep and wide, with an abundance of fire and wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of burning sulfur, sets it ablaze.

1. Holt Spirit
2. Christians-“Lost tribes” of Israel, and Jews-Judah, Levi, etc.
3. Symbol for Islam
4. Appear to be as powerful as the USA by striking a major blow to our mainland
5. Combined might of USA, NATO, Russia
6. USA Christians
7. If they aren’t with Him, they’re against Him
8. Militant Islam
9. Christian revival in America
10. Iraq, peoples descended from Assyrians, or present nations now within the boundaries of ancient Assyria?

This interpretation is merely speculation on my part.

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The bible contains the whole future of mankind. Soon there will be a great earthquake in Mesopotamia. Many will die. The ocean will reclaim much of this area.
But of course this is only speculation on my part because I'm only a stupid redneck.

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I would like to offer to put up a free one page customized memorial for anyone lost in the horrible events of 9-11-01. The person only need complete a short form, completing as much, or as little information as they would like. I've tried to make it very easy and designed a few attractive and customized templates.

There is so little I can really do that I felt this was at least something. I will never show banner ads on this site, nor will I sell it or in any way commercialize this tragedy.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions that you may have.

Rachelle L. Biggs

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I would like to send out my prayers to all those in need, even though I'm in Michigan I still feel your pain. There's not a day that goes by that I dont think about what happened or dont send a prayer out tho those who have lost a loved one. God Bless all of the rescue workers.

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I am very sorry for the victims lost in the tragedy. My condolences go out to everybody that was effected by this. Someone that my dad knows is missing. Pray. That's all that we can do right now. Pray and hope.
United States will stand strong.

God Bless America. My home sweet home.

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No compassion here. Let Osama make bold statements. Does this guy have any fuckin! idea what types of weapons we are going to unleash on his ass? Let the 'Jihad' begin. Personally, I think the U.S. should close its borders to all people of muslim descent. They are a "clear and present" danger to the U.S. It's time we watch out for the U.S. and not the rest of the world.

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Dear compassion,

I am a teacher and I do teach moral values in my classroom. THere is one problem though God has been taken out of education. We are not allowed to teach of him. Do you think that this is the time to bring prayer back in schools? Some children don't receive moral values at home. Prayer was one positive things these children learned in school. We have cut it out and look what is happening to our children. Both of my children are under 8 also and i wish they could at least say the blessing at school. Ive never understood why it was taken out of schools anyway. Most of the people ive talked to want it in schools. To me our freedom of speech has been violated. We can't speak God. Im not talking about the teachers but everyone. I have a respect for all religions. But most all religions have the common ground of God. Ive just always wondered how a few could have prayer thrown out when the majority want it.

May God Bless Each of you!!!!!!!!

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people are overreacting to the situation people should just relax calm down and think before they do anything unnecessary.

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Dear American,
Hello, we are students in france, our names are Hayet, Elodie, Fanny and Romain, we are 15 years old . We are sorry for what happened in your country. We sympathize with you and share your pain .
Hayet, Elodie, Fanny and Romain

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We are three french girls (Pauline,Florine,Salomé).

We are 13 and 14 years old.
We are sorry for what happened.
We found it dreadful.
We share your sorrow and are with you.
Good bye.

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