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Archive through September 28, 2001

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Dear U*S*A,

I’m glad to hear that you are a teacher because it is one of the best jobs in the world. Teaching in itself is a good form of charitable works. The students watch your speech and action. You lead by examples and you are actually a model. If the model is good, majority of the students will learn to be good and vice versa.

A school is a common ground for all children to learn good moral values regardless of race, language, religion/non religion, nationality, etc. Religious teaching in a school is good. However, it will create problems such as:

1. Isolation between students of different religious group.
2. The majority group will gain control in the school activities.
3. The minority group will feel out of place and unhappy.
4. The system and teachings will bias towards the majority group.
5. Favouritism & selfishness will set in because the teachers and students will favour their own group.
6. Finally, the minority group will try to transfer to another school.

The school management system must be able to take care of all the problems and come up with the solutions and compile them as part of the rules and regulations.

All good religions teach good moral values. However, there are differences in their beliefs. Therefore, we shall recognize the differences, respect each other and work on common ground. Good programs on cultivating good moral values should play an important part in the school curriculum. It should be given a higher priority (if not the highest) as compared to other issues. The principle and teachers shall play an active role in the programs. We have to accord to the laws of the system, the prayer sessions shall be done outside schools. All religious leaders shall emphasize on good moral values, live in harmony and respect other religions, do not say any bad things about other religions and remind their believers to pray everyday and as often as possible. We shall praise each other and not despise others. Conflict arises when we disagree with each other and it will lead to anger, hatred and killings.

If a school is a Christian school as approved by the government, then Christian teachings will naturally be part of the school system. However, the school must still follow the laws of the country. Similarly, it applies to Muslim schools or other religious school.

The current society at large is very bad. Why?
Education is not taught at home and in school.
The basic value of a child (be filial to the parent and respect the teacher) is gone.

Why it is so difficult to teach good moral values to the children now?
1. The parents are teaching the wrong things.
2. The teachers are teaching the wrong things.
3. The society is promoting the wrong things.
4. The poor children are under a lot of pressure and stress.
5. The children are exposed to wrong values on TV programmes, movies, internet, media, etc.
6. The world is focusing on the wrong things.

What is the ROOT CAUSE of the failure in cultivating good moral values in our society?
It is system failure and the leader of all countries plays a major role in it.

The leaders are not willing to give up the fight for money and power. It is the root cause to many problems in our current society.

Does the people and the leaders recognise the problems that the society is facing?
If it is yes, then the system will change for the good of mankind.

If it is no, then we are going to see more sad stories in future. Out of compassion, individual school may do their part to emphasize on cultivating good moral values in their curriculum.

If the society continues to be bad, shall we give up?
No, we are part of the society that we live in. We shall continue to dedicate our kind hearts to the society. We live by examples, pray and hope that at each moment there is someone who will turn from bad to good.

When a child is born, she should be taught good moral values during her important years (say up to 16 years old). As she grows up, she would continue to be mindful of it, good moral values will be part of her life till she is old and her soul leaves her body.

Whatever it is, we shall not neglect imparting good moral values at home, in school, in churches, mosques, temples, and the society at large.

If I have the power, I shall clean up the minds of all human beings. When all the minds are ONE, we will not say anything bad about each other and the world will guarantee to be at PEACE.

Logically, is it obvious that there is no such power exists.

When we believe in a religion, we have to be careful?
We shall not blind ourselves to the extent that we interpret certain statements in our own way and it is not according to the original meaning. If in doubts, we have to refer to the religious leaders or the teachers. And sometimes, they may not be correct. Hence, a discussion forum of the religious group is a good way to clarify any doubts.

The disaster in USA is a good learning life example. It is time to verify any doubts about any statements in our teachings. Keep our mind calm, quiet and peaceful. Start to ask genuine questions and write them down. Ask our teachers or religious leader for the answers? Discuss among the group if possible.

It is a good time for all religious and non-religious (free thinkers) human beings to think about the purpose and meaning of life.

I find PEACE in myself when I dedicate my life to the good of the society.

I try to be mindful at each moment.
Live a wise and truly happy life.
With compassion and a sincere heart.

May the world be at PEACE.

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We are all with you

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These events were horrible but I'm with you,I'm with all the americans and I support you.I especially want to congratulate all the first-aid workers who help and rescue the wounded.

Virginie,14 years old, French student, from collège PAGNOL St Laurent du Var,a secondary school in FRANCE

Don't lose hope. We are with you. Congratulations to you, first-aid workers: you are doing an extraordinary job.

Anaïs, 14 years old, French student, from Collège PAGNOL, Saint Laurent du Var, a secondary school in France.

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God bless you
I cant help you but my heart is with you.
BIG KISS.Alexandre de CASTRO

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We learnt the terrible events which happened to the USA. It's a glaring injustice and it's very distressing for families.We want to tell you we are with you, and we're unding you all us support.

Aurore and Céline,french student,from collége Pagnol Saint Laurent du Var,a secondary school in France.

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Hello everyone

We are all with you in this terrible ordeal.
I think at you all.

Jennifer,14years old.French student

From College Pagnol Saint Laurent du Var
A secondary school in France

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Good morning !

We are all with you in this terrible catastrophe

Magali,14 years old french student
from College Pagnol ST Laurent du var
a secondary school in France

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Dear American,

I'm thinking of you.I'm sharing your pain.You are so courageous! Good luck for the future, and good-bye.

MATT and BERT 15 years French student, from College Pagnol Saint-Laurent-du-Var, a Secondary School in France.

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Dear American friends, I want to tell you I support you in these terrible days and especially families who have lost someone. This terrorist act, this act of war is awful, unacceptable. I denouce terrorism and I am against it. It's why I'm sending this little message for to try to comfort you.

Ophélie and Lilia, french student from Collège Pagnol St Laurent du Var, a secondary school in France.

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I served my country in the 70's, it's time for the young ones to do it now. Bazookas? Not since the Korean War. Kalashnikov? Although a more reliable weapon (except for the Arab manufactured models) than the M-16, the USA doesn't issue them to overt soldiers. We prefer the 5.56 mm bullet as it is slightly unstable and tumbles when it hits flesh, producing horrific wounds and causing the demon posessed terrorists to use up all of their resources and people trying to help their wounded. Personally though, among my 15 or 16 guns (I'm not sure, I would have to count them) I prefer my 5.56 mm Mini-14, a scaled down version of the M-14. It's extremely reliable, and with the 30 round magazines, 5000 rounds of ammo, folding stock, and flash suppressor I added, it is a formidable weapon. The only problem is I have Multiple Sclerosis and can't exert myself in close combat, so I would have to use my old scoped 30-06 and shoot them in the neck vertebrae from 300 or 400 yards away like I do deer. BAM, they hit the ground and never even quiver. Very humane, the shock wave from the impact of the 180 grain soft point bullets scramble their brain and blow their spinal column to hamburger. No brain, no pain. Of course the terrorists have no real brain or they would have left the USA alone.

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