Looking for PAUL JEFFERS-Cantor Fitz. Listed on the WTC.COM survivor list as being OK/Fine. Anyone with any information please call 917-270-6065 or respond to e-mail address. We would like to know where he was last seen so we can track his where abouts.
Thank you and God Bless
SEAN LUGANO was last heard calling from his cell phone on the 88th Floor of WTC 2 at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. Sean is 5-foot-9, 165 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes. If you have any information about Sean, please contact his brother Mike at 917-407-2545. Thank you!
-Still Missing-
Doug worked for Sandler O’Neil on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center/South Tower. We last heard from Doug right after the first plane hit. Please if you have ANY information contact one of us anytime at the following numbers.
(519) 734-8780 Home
(519) 818-1499 Cell
(212) 888-0256 Home
(212) 826-5066 Office
(917) 626-5066 Cell: 24 hours
Please take a look at his picture at the following link: http://communities.msn.com/dougirgang