looking for names of any survivors from eurobrokers. pls contact lorigilliar@netscape.net
looking for an Eurobroker employee- maybe he doesn't work there anymore- Michael P. Sylvester. Wanted to know if he is ok. I was there in '93 bombing with him. If anyone knows of him and if he is ok. please email miapaone@hotmail.com
Looking for Frank Skidmore, my dad. Haven't heard from him sinc ethe plane hit and am wary of believing www.ny.com/wtclist. Please let me know if you know if he even started to evacuate or not.
In search of Manish Patel. Please contact me
with any information regarding his
home 323.962.6371
mobile 323.578.2597
Also, I've tried to contact his girlfriend, Sakai
Takushima, however I haven't heard anything
from her. I believe she works at WTC. Thank
you for any info.
Looking for KEVIN CLEARY, Eurobrokers. ANY information would be helpful. Please email knugent@innovationvt.com or call 608.279.5279
Looking for Lance Tumulty - Bldg. II of the WTC on the 84th floor - Eurobrokers - please call or write with any information (917) 834-9967 or (732) 915-5892. 6'2" 235lbs. with hazel eyes/brown hair. Also looking for Scott McGovern. Any info would be helpful - thanks
looking for Adam Arias. His wife has not heard from him since the second plane hit. any information after that would be of alot of help. He worked on the 84th floor tower 2.any one that may have seen him please contact me at tmevans97@lvcm.com God bless