These phone numbers are from my local newspaper. They pertain to the businesses in the trade ctr, military and the airlines involved...
My prayers are with you and I pray for all of us.
Detroit, MI
For several hours yesterday Fox News had a message at the bottom of their screen saying "For National Mental Health Assistance call 1-800-FOR TRUTH." They finally took it down when they realized the Scientology cult had tricked them into listing their marketing hotline number under false pretenses. Please be aware that Scientology has no credentials as a mental health service of any kind. In fact, one of Scientology's goals is to do away with psychiatry and psychology altogether and replace them with Scientology's own fraudulent practices. Fox was appalled to find out they had unwittingly forwarded this cult's agenda. Warn your loved ones not to call this number.
Hopefully it's already been thought of and it may be too dangerous anyway - has anyone thought of going through subway/PATH tunnels to try to get to victims? It might be another path in under all the debris.
No Fee Honoring. Honor a Disaster Rescue Worker or Victim.
This is an established Non-Profit(501 c 3) Organization dedicated to Honoring Heroic Citizens. You may submit online, your Hero with a picture(optional) and verbiage.
(When you go to the site, be aware that you will get a message indicating that the SSL certificate is expired. Don't worry about it. Just click through it. The site is still secure(SSL protected(ie your posting is encrypted for submission to our site in order to protect your privacy/data/submission))... its just the cert that has expired. We have a new cert being installed by our hosting company now... but again... the site is still secure now).
My name is Chris Boddy. My deepest sympathy.
Victims need help now. Yesterday.
One of the most insidious aspects of this horrible event is that it happened on a Tuesday morning. Like any Tuesday. People were going about their lives like they had every other Tuesday. That all changed. For victims and everyone else.
Terrorism is a random act, haunting. Millions, even billions have witnessed this extreme violence.
We are now subjected to "terror porn" as networks repeat over and over again the images that brought a nation to a halt. I suggest many nations. This sensuous indulgence
has led children to believe that more attacks happened than actually did.
There are countless shocked and emotionally walking injured that need professional assistance immediately.
I own,,, and "many" other .coms relating to this event.
We need to build an emergency crisis management triage to deal with the many complicated emotional issues.
I saw your website as I searched for someone to help me react to Tuesday.
If you can't help, can you direct me to someone who will. IT professionals and finance will be readily available, for a concise plan.
I am willing to go to NYC and with the help and direction of AAETS, the ICISF and others build these sites. Search engine placement and links to relief funds make this a "no brainer". The cost to reach so many is minimal and money raised for sponsoring relief funds makes this approach effective. We will be beyond reproach and direct donations to the sponsor, a recognized one. Corporations will help also.
These sites must be put up immediately. People may not express their real needs when so many others have percieved deeper needs. But they will go to a website.
Thanks Chris Boddy