New York City Area Hospitals for family members of possible victims:
St. Vincent's Hospital Hotline 1-212-604-7285
Bellevue Hospital Center 1-212-562-7696
Metropolitan Hospital Center 1-212-423-6262
Washington, DC Area Hospitals: 1-202-877-3627 2" TARGET="_top">, phone 1-703-698-1110
Virginia Hospital Centers
Arlington Hospital 1-703-558-6763 ph 1-202-782-6563 ph 1-202-715-4000 ph 1-703-689-9000
Georgetown University Hospital 1-202-687-8569
FEMA Help Line -- For crisis counseling, help with funeral expenses, disaster unemployment assistance, and information on disaster loans or grants for your losses: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Help Line 1-800-462-9029
Information to families about victims and about services for survivors and their rights 1-800-331-0075
American Red Cross Family Inquiry Hotline 1-215-299-0134
Travelers 2" TARGET="_top">,
Looking for Alicia Guerrero working at WTC as a possible concierge, not sure which tower but high up possibly past 80. My name is jason garcia from chicago, an online-chat friend of Alicia. God Bless and protect those souls lost during this horrid tragedy in our country in our world. Please unite for peace and make a stand in finding out about terrorists groups and there connections around the world and in the U.S.
We need to rid any evil groups that prey on the innocent, there is no way we can tolerate this kind of tactic on human beings. My prayer and condolences to the families of the unfortunate and defenseless people lost in these pointless and regretabaly unforgetable events. A hole in my heart for the rest of my life but we will be stronger and more wise about the gift of life!
LOVE jason garcia chicago IL
please everyone share your feelings and remember the innocent