If ANYONE from Cant...
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If ANYONE from Cantor made it out, PLEASE email us!

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Looking for anyone who made it out from Cantor. My cousin, Todd Pitman, worked on the 105th floor and the he called right after the first crash saying he was on his way to the stairs. We haven't heard anything since and are desperate for news. The slightest bit of hope would be incredible right now.

If you made it out or know anyone who made it out that was above the 100th floor, please email us or call us. The silence has been unbearable.
bennett_pitman@hotmail.com or (518) 441-0771

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I would also like to hear any news if someone made it out. My friend JOSHUA PIVER was also on the 105th floor in tower one. We could use the slightest bit of hope.
Email s_seccombe@yahoo.com

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Looking for Stacy Peak also on 105th floor, if anyone knows of anyone making it out please e-mail ctsakach@msn.com Give us some hope.

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im looking for George Paris, he was working for cantor is supervisor is Miller Carl ,i saw in the list that he is alive, but i wont to know about george paris, if anyone have some information please send me a email or call me thanks
good bless everyone
