Kazakhs feel sorry ...
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Kazakhs feel sorry for America

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It is an unbelievable tragedy for human being. I still cannot believe my eyes!!! I still feel that I saw a terrible movie yesterday, but that was not a movie at all! Just Terrible, I have no word... Those monsters must be punished IMMEDIATELY!!! They bured thousand of alive people by sand and steel. How they could?!!!
You are strong, America, do not let your eyes down! Be sure, we are with you!!!

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Thank you! Yes we are America and we are strong. We will survive this and we will not forget those who have been injured and killed. And we will not let this go unpunished!


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From the UNITED States of America, we thank you for your kindness and prayers. We know that most of the world are not like the insane people who did this unspeakable act of terrorism, and would never cheer at a disaster like this (no matter what country it happened to). We know that most of the world is grateful for our help and compassion in times of disaster, in our humane treatment of prisoners in times of war, and for our efforts in keeping FREEDOM and Opportunity to Succeed ALIVE in as much of the world as we can. We constantly mourn (and try to help) the victims of poverty and ignorance, of zealot groups and governments, of religious persecution (which includes all the women of the world who are kept down with violence and kept from having an education, to make their own choices)etc., etc., etc. There is no reason to attack at us, and it is so silly to try, and think of it as a victory against us! We will not be broken! Many terrorist groups had their death warrant signed yesterday, whether they were a part of this or not. Rest assured that we are still UNITED, and will ALWAYS BE SO. We will not be cowed by this. We will forever work to eradicate anyone who might ever dare to commit this kind of cowardly and cruel deed. We are still, and will ALWAYS be "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave". Thank you once more.

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I'm have trouble concentrating at work in the Rocky Mtns. Papers seem so menial after the events of yesterday. Rather the focus is on Americans or not--it's the horror that such an event centers on humans against humans. Allah cannot be pleased with anyone doing such a horrific act to anyone (as bin ladin might have some believe). When will people realize we are ONE--to do this against another is to hate oneself. I pray for healing.
