Looking for a very close friend, Brian Warner. I know he works on the computers in the tower. I think he works in the First Building ( but I'm not sure). Any information would be helpful. Got alot of good friends praying and worried about you! Hopes and prayers go out to all...Any information please contact us;
Looking for a dear Friend who worked in the Pentagon, General Heabner, he used to be Stationed in Germany and then Ft. Bliss TX before he started working in the Pentagon.
Any help would be appreciated..
Looking for a friend-Lenin Salvador-a Computer Engineer, who works in Sun Microsystem in World Trade Center, NY. If you know him, please e-mail at dongals@hotmail.com. Thank you very much.
There's a new list of survivors from the World Trade Center. It's updated every ten minutes.
I hope this helps the people looking for their loveds ones.
Looking for a friend, Lenin Salvador, a Computer Engineer, who works in Sun Microsystem in World Trade Center, NY. If you know him, please e-mail dongals@hotmail.com. Thank you very much.
I am looking for Louis Inghilterra, South Tower of the World Trade Center. Please call me at 703 615-2514.
To my former Port Authority collegues and friends, our prayers here in Tennessee are with you, your families and our tenants. Be strong as always and know time will help us to understand our loss.
I'm looking for an old friend. Ann Marie Boothman. We've been out of touch for years but I'd like to know if she's OK. She moved to NY and worked in the financial district for merril lynch at one time.
I'm looking for information on Christine Miller of Aon, South Tower of WTC. If you have information regarding her safety, please e-mail me at barbara@earlcorp.com.
Looking for a dear friend MICHAEL TADDONIO- any information please email at corky@nycap.rr.com
Micheal Lohnes if you see this message or if anyone knows about him please contact Cliff in British Columbia Canada.
I am looking for a NY City fireman who was part of the SEarch and Rescue Squad. His name is William McGinn. He is about 42-43 yrs. old. Send any info to devin.dehnert@worldnet.att.net
I'm looking for any people who worked for Sandler O'Neill - WTC2 104th floor. In particular, CRAIG SILVERSTEIN and STACEY MCGOWAN. ANY information would be greatly appreciated! krusemelanie@hotmail.com
Looking for a dear friend MICHAEL TADDONIO in WTC attack! Any information please email at corky@nycap.rr.com
I am looking for my dear friend HEIDI HEIKENFELD who worked for Oppenheimer Funds in 2WTC. Please email me if you know of her whereabouts or of someone who possibly worked with her. She is 23 years old. My prayers are with you all.