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Looking for Rosemarie Fusco with MARSH

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Looking For Rosemarie Fusco with MARSH. She was a client and I am concerned.

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Joined: 23 years ago
Posts: 1

Dear Cynthia,

A former colleague of mine was looking on the WTC Survivor list and noticed someone inquiring about me and forwarded off the information. Thank you so much for thinking of me. Thank God I am safe and sound. Unfortunately, plenty of my colleagues weren't as lucky. It has been such a terrible tragedy -- as of course you know. There hasn't been a time when I look at our new skyline in amazement of what a devastation we all have experienced. I realize your message was sent out on 9.12 -- but I haven't looked at all on that site -- It would pain me to much to search for former colleagues and friends I know would not be listed. I do appreciate your concern. Your thoughtfulness has put a smile on my heart. You have reinstated that I have worked with such wonderful and considerate people in the industry. Hope all is good with you and please keep in touch. This is my e-mail address at home. Once again thank you so much for your concern.

Rosemarie Fusco
Marsh Inc.

P.S. I am not employed there anymore
