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No more threats, now is the time for the usa to take action

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I totally agree. We need to do something now. We have allowed foreigners to come into our country and take away what we own. We have helped other foreign countries in their own wars and what do we get, them killing our soldiers who were there trying to help them and now this. These people need to be shot. We need to take a stand and get back what is owed to us. If not for ourselves , but for the victims you died in yesterday's tradegy.

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I am an true Oklahoman,I feel your pain and our hearts go out to you all!I can't beleive that these men got up this morning and said that we are going to kill all these people and ourselves.
Who gives you the right to take a childs mommy or daddy away,brother,sister,aunts,uncles,etc.You are not GOD! The time is coming to rid this planet of this EVIL!

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Sheila, this is a message from Africa. We cried in our living-room last night. I'm still numb, I can't yet believe what happened. It's like nothing else anybody's ever seen. Please believe me, us "foreigners" feel this too. A crime like this affects all humanity in some deep way. We need to stand together, as a world community. We'll be stronger that way.

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In light of the recent events I feel compelled to speak my mind. I've got a message for you America and your not going to like it. But I'm going to give it to you anyway.
It's about time someone called a spade a spade. America has turned into a society of whining wusses. There I said it. Kids out of line? Well it must be A.D.D. Give him / her some ritilin
and send the parents to counseling. Can't work very hard? You must have chronic fatigue syndrome. Can't pass that test? Well you must have a learning disability. Finding it hard to cope
with the daily grind? Here, have some xanax and some prozac that should smooth things out for ya.. We have taken the easy way out for too long and it has just cost us dearly. We have
reached a point where every American has to walk on eggshells for fear of being sued. While so many of the population are looking for a reason to sue and get some of that easy money.
In our over litigated society a criminals rights are guarded far more fiercely than any working persons are. We have decided that social programs and our gluttonous pursuit of ever more
civil liberties are more important than security and we let our guard down. These terrorists lived among us. They trained in our schools. They were known to have ties to terrorist
organizations. They were even suspected of being involved in other terrorist actions yet they were allowed to live here free and happy. They came to America where they could operate
effectively in close proximity to their targets and not have their mission impeded. Why? because nobody can upset anybody or infringe on their civil rights, by god forbid, questioning their
intentions. This is true even if you are in this country illegally. For this alone we should be ashamed. We all know these terrorist attacks have been going on for well over ten years now
and they have always been committed by the same group. So why didn't we react fiercely to previous attacks? Of course the reason is that they were far away and not near the scale of
this act of war. Maybe if we had taken stronger actions and not just sent a few missiles here and there we could have avoided an attack like this. Maybe if we hadn't gutted our
intelligence gathering agencies we would have known they were coming. All this is hindsight. The time to second guess ourselves and point fingers at our failure to thwart this attack
passed with the first explosion. Our general lack of action is something that we now have to live with the consequences of and put behind us. How could four or five terrorists
with knives and or box cutters take over an aircraft ? Because only one group fought back Well guess what?, fighting back worked. Those brave people won that fight and saved
countless lives and sacrificed their own in the process. They didn't want to die. They didn't wake up that day knowing they would die like the hijackers did. They saw that they had to
face death and they did it with a bravery that saved the lives of many others. They should and always will be regarded as heroes. It's time to WAKE UP AMERICA! WE ARE AT
WAR!! WE HAVE BEEN AT WAR !! We should take a look at our first reaction to the attack on the world trade center. It went something like "We have to find the guys that did
this" Well, just in case you don't keep track of current events let me say this " WE KNOW WHO DID IT ! TERRORISM DID IT ! THEY'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS ! "
That response is just what is to be expected from a weak, over medicated, and therapy dependent society. Which is how we will be viewed if we just send in the cops to "get those guys"
and avoid the big fight. If you don't believe that how we are perceived by these people matters then ask yourself how they could have had the audacity to mount this attack against such a
scary super power like America. They perceive us as weak and not willing to mount a full scale war against them. They waited until our economy was in a downward trend and our
military weakened while they were at one of the strongest points in their history. Anything less than an all out war with an overwhelming force is just not enough to deter them. Even then
war alone will not stop terrorism. It must be completely destroyed. Already we can hear many of the so called experts saying that we have very specific targets and we have do do this
right. Make no mistake about it, terrorism is larger than Osama Bin Laden or any other leaders of their movements. It has been here for a long time and is going to be hard to kill. Taking
out the current leadership will not destroy the organization. This is a holy war that has been declared on America. It has been declared by an organization that has huge resources and a
vast membership that will grow exponentially when America begins military action. Meanwhile back at the ranch our highest priority before tuesday has been don't mess up my cushy job
and don't hurt my feelings. Now look at our second reaction, " light a candle " " LIGHT A CANDLE !!!!??? " The enemy just took down two huge targets in our largest city, killed
countless thousands of our fellow Americans and then flew around over our nations capitol in a guided missile and picked out our military's headquarters as a final target, and our reaction
is LIGHT A CANDLE!!!???. We had better wake up America because we've got a baddass enemy that has stood down powerful countries such as Russia and England and has
weathered attacks from America on countless occasions and has still managed to survive and even thrive. And now they've shown us their ability to hit us at home and hit us hard. In case
you haven't figured it out yet, they are not going to go away and will almost surely attack again, and that's not an opinion, that's history talking. What do we think? that this is a few
thousand bad apples over there "somewhere in the mountains" that are making the usually nice Islamic fundamentalist community look bad? These are SOLDIERS, they are well
disciplined, motivated, dedicated, brutally vicious, trained, brave and elusive. They are also battle hardened and tested. They have a burning hatred for all Americans and all that America
stands for. This enemy is large, spread out all through the middle east and the world, including the U.S. They are sponsored by the wealth of several rich countries and have enough
money to live where and how they please. They are smart and they move like ghosts, until they attack. This is not an attack by some " bin Laden guys " THIS IS THE TERROR
MACHINE!!! A large organized army that declared war on us openly several years ago. We better get our own courage up America because the enemy has his courage up. You think
the attack on our country was cowardly? Why? because they hit a civilian target? Think about it, this is how war is waged by these people. It has always been in the cities. It's always
been in the buildings. They don't have military complexes. In war you hit targets that hurt the enemy the most. In the eyes of our enemy we are all the soldiers of the economic super
power that they have declared war on long ago, and every American is the enemy. As an attacking force do you think that it took cowardice to run an airplane face first into the side of a
building and sure flaming death? I don't think I could to do it, especially if I had months or years to think about it before hand. The enemy absolutely does not care about civilians or
innocent people in this country and is willing to sacrifice his own life to kill us. In the enemy's eyes the American way of life and our economic power is our work of war. Osama Bin
Laden has told us openly "ALL AMERICANS ARE TARGETS". I certainly do not want to humanize our common enemy in any way, but we have got to put aside the notion that this
enemy is crazy or idiotic they are not. These are radical extremists who will stop at nothing until all Americans and western civilization are vanquished from the earth. They will absolutely
NEVER stop attacking us EVER EVER EVER. They will fight us to the death and believe death is better than living with us still alive. Our enemy believes that the only thing standing in
the way of them returning to their former glory is western civilization. Remember how the Persian / Islamic empire used to be one of the top civilizations on earth? well apparently they
remember it too and they blame the west for its downfall. If you think that all this happened because we support peace and coexistence in the middle east you are only partially right.
When the leaders of Islamic fundamentalism see their men watching T.V. they blame the west. When they see their women walking around unveiled they blame the west. They see this as
weakness and the reason for their decline. There is no compromise for the Islamic radicals We are hated because we are infidels and stand in the way of what Islamic fundamentalist
radicals believe is their destiny, a true Muslim world. Anything less requires a holy war to purge. Most of our focus has been on Afghanistan due to the fact that Bin Laden is hiding there.
They are just one country of several known to sponsor terrorists. The taliban militia that now rules Afghanistan are strong allies with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan is a land
locked country and the ways into it are limited We will need the full co-operation of countries such as Pakistan or russia that under most circumstances we have poor relations with on a
good day. Our launch point will most likely be Pakistan and the Taliban has even been purported to be a puppet arm of the Pakistani security forces. This is who we must trust now to
place our soldiers and eguiptment in the area. The leaders of the taliban regularly have the the hands cut off of thieves in a public arena and stone women to death for walking too close to
a man they are not closely related to. You would think that the people of Afghanistan would hate these oppressors. Well the opposite is true. The majority is glad that they are getting
back to a purity of Islam that their previous weak rulers did not have the strength to bring to their country. The Taliban which means "religious students" assassinated their main opposition
leader one week before the attack on our country yet still deny any knowledge or duplicity. And as of late have openly threatened all those who would help the U.S. in any way. These
are the people that we will go to war against first. There also happens to be around 15 million afghans. And that's just one country in the middle east known to sponsor terrorism. If you
don't think that these Islamic countries can band together just as we will than you are seriously underestimating the enemy. The governments of the middle east don't get along but they are
all Islamic and if they do decide that this is an Islamic war with the west than we could very well be facing a large and multi faceted enemy with the specter of weapons of mass
destruction. We had better toughen up America because we are at war. And we are at war with a very big and very bad adversary. We didn't ask for it, but its here. We tried to stop it
with surgical strikes, diplomacy, sanctions, and even a huge air and land campaign waged on one of terrorism's biggest supporters Iraq, it didn't work. It strengthened the resolve of the
Islamic holy warriors and polarized their hatred. We are facing a very tough enemy, and in case you haven't thought about it yet we will be going to their home turf. And the place it's
going to start just happens to be some of the most god awful terrain in the whole world and they know it well and we don't. We most certainly have our work cut out for us. We must do
now what America has done in the past when faced with powerful foes and we will not only persevere we will make the world a better place when it's all over. That means the time has
come to reach inside ourselves and answer this call and find the courage and determination to lead the free world into battle against a hardened and hateful enemy. If you don't think it's
up to every individual to do his or her part you are wrong. The few civil liberties that will be compromised, not even removed, will not kill us. We do not need to bicker with each other
when our patience is tried. I have always been proud to be an American, I just feel that we've gotten a little too spoiled and lazy lately. We have all had the opportunity to witness what
Americans are capable of when challenged. Watch the fire fighters and the rescuers at the scene of horror in NYC. Remember the ones who lost their lives by running into the face of
death and chaos to save the lives of fellow Americans. Those brave individuals who go into harms way are truly the American heroes of the day. We would do ourselves proud if we
could live up to the example they have set for us. Over five thousand of our brothers, sisters, friends, family, and fellow Americans were slaughtered on tuesday. We all cried as we
watched them dying and our buildings falling, that's to be expected, the response of peace loving and good hearted people is always shock, horror and dismay when confronted with
such a horrific event. You saw the response of the monsters who perpetrated this act of war, and their brethren, I won't speak any further on it. It's time to wipe off the tears and get our
war faces on because we all need to pull together like we've never had to before and every American is a part of it. We can all make a difference right down to the last man, woman and
child. Don't bog our system down. Don't be wasteful, try to be efficient. Keep a mind set that everything you do has an effect on our society, even your attitude, don't bitch about it, tell
yourself and those around you that we must do our parts to help this great country in our time of need. For the most part, it won't be asking much, don't worry you'll still have your cable
T.V. and the other essentials of life. We have to make changes in our attitudes, we woke up to a different world on tuesday. Remember that Americans have done it before during world
wars and now it's our turn to step up to the plate. We are at the start of what will most likely be a very large scale war on foreign soil. There will almost certainly be further attacks on the
American people on our own soil. If you don't think it can happen again remember how shocked we were that it happened at all. We need to be aware of our surroundings and stay
frosty and on guard. Not paranoid but watchful. Terrorists can not operate out in the open and their network will crumble if exposed. We need to be united in our communities and
focused on our common foe. If you think that the threat at home is over than we are leaving ourselves open for another attack from within. Our enemy is tough, but we are tougher, our
enemy is smart, but we are smarter, our enemy can be defeated , and we will do it. If the armies of the free world go about eradicating this enemy on a piecemeal basis you had better
believe that this attack we have all just experienced will be far from the last. We must fight this "new kind of enemy" in this " new kind of war" down to the last solider no matter where
they are, in the streets, in caves, even in our own country and be unrelenting with grim and fierce determination. We are at a huge crossroads of history right now with all the tones set in
biblical proportions. If you think it's anything less then you are not thinking at all. The time has come America, we all knew it would be here one day, this is the day. We had better wake
up and get our minds right and get behind this war because the world is going to need all of us to do our parts. Thankfully we are not alone and there will be other countries that will stand
with us, but " IT WILL BE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !!! " that will lead the armies of freedom into battle, we always knew it would be our responsibility. Time to be
strong America , we can do it, I know we can, we must.

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f***you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I Agree with everyone saying action needs to be taken. The U.S.A has fallen apart and the borders need to be closed. If foreighners have a problem with our county get the F out. If you live in the U.S be like United States Citizens and stop fing up our country.

I agree with u ONE and ANN you F OFF!!!! What the hell do u know. He has a better point then u ever could so just shut the F up.
