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Non-Anti-American Look at the Tragedy

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Lets make one point very clear, from the start... I AM NOT ANTI-AMERICAN! With that clear lets look at the whole picture. Why were we, the American people, attacked? Why doesn't the government do more to protect us, the American people? Why are the Palestinians rejoicing over September 11th attacks? What will the government do to resolve, better yet cease these hideous attacks on American soil and against American people?

They are lots of questions, and though we may always be looking for the answers, for they do not exist! But I can tell you they COULD HAVE been prevented! How you ask?

Well for years, the American government has, quite bluntly, put their nose into everyone else’s business. And for what was the gain? I know it was for “American Interests”. And what is the cost of this nosiness? Well look at New York; look at the CIA agents selling OUR (American) secrets look at the wars that the American government puts OUR people into, only to have us lose thousands of men and women, with no resolve!

Wake Up America!

We should spend more time worrying about America and the people at home. I know, I know... America was found on the principle that we are a Melting Pot of all those distressed and needy. But do you really think the forefathers were visionists? If we couldn't see the attacks on OUR nations’ capitol and New York City, I KNOW that OUR forefathers could not have imagined us trying to SAVE the world!

Quite honestly, if you can't save yourselves, you CAN'T save others!

We have no business "taking sides", in the Middle East. They have been fighting each other for years, but the American government thinks it can put a flag on a building and.... POOF! Everything will be, as it should. Have not the American people any control of its government? I think the right to vote is a pacification we except. But the true winners are the people with money. Think not, then why do men spend millions of dollars for a position that pays only $65,000 a year? Because once in office they have the power to influence a greater wealth... that being the lives of American people, for personal gain! If the government needs more money, they put us into a conflict, tell the American people it is in our interest, that they need money for this "cause", and we as Americans "believe" the government. And you still think you are in charge? Heck, speaking the truth about the inner sanctions of the government is not only taboo, but did you know it is a crime. My brother works on top secret information in the Dept. of Justice, do you think they would let him sit around the dinner table and speak freely of what really goes on, behind the eyes of the American. I haven't seen my brother in years, by the way! And if he happened to show up for Christmas dinner, and happened to tell us something that the "government" deemed "secret" they would have him jailed for Treason. And this simplifies that in fact the government does not belong to the people.

The government would have the American people believe that the "secrets" they hoard, are being hoarded because the American people would over-react (excuse me, we can't react, because the government reacted for us, thus whose in power?), or we would not comprehend or understand (it would be overwhelming). Folks the American government relies on the "ignorance" of it's people. That to me makes us, the American people, victims to OUR governments’ decisions. For years I have been telling the American people to take back government, close down our borders, work on the problems facing OWN nation, and stay out of issues that we neither started or that have little bearing on Americans.

I am 33 years old, with a lovely wife and two young boys. We work very hard, do what we can within the capacity of our lives and yet we still have to watch as more yet more Foreigners move into our neighborhoods, while the American government hands them money to buy houses, cars, to educate them to American ways. I watch as Israel gets billions and billions of dollars for a country they have NEVER OWNED. Don't believe me, read the Bible, God took their land after they denounced Jesus as the Messiah. And yet the Israeli people believe they OWN land taken from the only person whose land it truly belongs to.

I know, you think I'm being "selfish". I would apologize, but look what OUR "Un-Selfishness" has gotten us... Vietnam, Korea, two world wars and lets not even try to count the smaller wars or those yet to come. Again American people... You need to wake up!

We all saw this coming. Sooner or later we kept saying. Yes it's eventually going to happen, and it did, and my bet is that it will not be the last. It will continue not because of Anti-American sediment either. If one wanted to truly stop this madness... kill the monetary system. What, huh, isn't that a terrorist idea? What could you be thinking? Well money is the root of all evil. Where would you be if you couldn't buy that new leather for your BMW? Where would you be if you could possess your property and not have to pay someone for this right? Who ever or where ever did it come to pass that land was for sale? It was given to the people, so why is it that someone can suddenly own it.

Come on people, I could go on and on. Not bashing America or it's people, but ignorance and incompetence is what caused the disaster in New York, and it was because the American people need to be more selfish. Lets take care of America, before we try taking care of the world! When they, the other countries finish killing themselves, and we've become the nation I believe our forefathers truly envisioned, then and only then could we handle or deal with the rest of the world!

In closing I want to again emphasis that I am NOT Anti-American. But I do blame the American people for the acts committed to American people! I blame every single adult for not taking back our government from the Special Interests, and not educating our children about the true power they possess to keep these acts from happening in the future. I blame the American people for allowing their American government to put their people into situations in which have no resolve. I blame the American people for not taking care of what we have, and in their gluttony for more, spreading themselves and the American resources to every square inch of the world, just to "flex their power", which really does not exist. I blame the American people because they put the decisions into the hands of someone else, rather than making their own decisions.

Wake up America! Wake up before it is too late!

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When you think of more, please get out your crayons and send us another letter.

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Actually, Matt, I agree with you just about 100%. It is time that we Americans take our country back. Us little people who work the hardest and get the most taken out of our pay check every week SHOULD have a little more to say about what goes on. But no, that's not how this country works anymore. You have to be some big shot making bookoo bucks that can influence people with money to be heard. I say amen to everything you have said.

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hickchic, you need a quick lesson in french101....nice spelling "bookoo"'re the perfect example of our own domestic problem of education in our country....go back to the ninth grade and take a french lesson.....matt, we should just line you up behind bin laden so when the grenade we bury in his ass goes off, it will take you out too!!!

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Ok - now that you have analyzed and detailed every thing wrong with America - and you do have that freedom still - what positive things are you doing to try and change things.

Anyone can can find fault - what counts are positive solutions

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my wife and i were discussing last night, that if the people of this country would bind together constantly, the way we all have during this tragedy, the USA would be a different place. I say let's all care for our fellow man/woman in the same manner we care for ourselves.

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A question you should ask yourself, is how many people voted in the last elections. If you don't participate in the system that is supposed to represent you, how can you be represented?
Let's all keep in mind that we are dealing with humans. Humans are full of emotions, passions and fallacies. Even if you took away from them, every reason for a terrorist to hate America, they would still be jealous of our freedom. All the more reason we should defend it and defend any other person regardless of their home land, who search for that same freedom.

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they're (America) not ready.
You made some good points, but I think you lacked tack. Mostly because of your timing. NO ONE wants to hear about what we did wrong. NO ONE wants to believe that America might have caused this on it self.
Now I'm about to say something off the walls, and hopefully big brother won't come lock me up... I understand why they attacked the WTC and pentagon. I understand their motives. (or at least what WE think their motives were) I can understand why those palestinians (i think) were cheering. And as wrong as I believe America has been ever since (was it Truman's) big stick policy.. when we started sticking our noses in every one elses business, I still cannot accept it, and or excuse 911. Its one thing to take down the symbol of western oppression, but its another to kill millions of people doing it. And though I disagree with MANY of America's policies, I am letting that aside so that I can help my country recover.
NOW is not that time for Americans to question their country. Now is the time for us to trust the government (just for a minute) so that we can stop letting the rest of the world think they can go around killing INNOCENT Americans who don't give a DAMN about their country (the country that attacked us .. assumming it was one), and probably couldn't even tell you where their country was. After we get that through the whole world's head we can fix some of the many issues we have going on here.
MY point is: I agree America has spent too much time in the past dealing with other countries and not enough time dealing with its own, but now is not the time to change that.. America needs justice.. once we "fix" this, then all of us who have issues with how our government is ran, can change it through our american right- the ballot.

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The United States of America, no matter what is still the greatest country in the world to live in for many different reasons.

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Much to much time on all of your hands... You want to make a difference? Go donate some blood.

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Another very good analyse in the russian newspaper Pravda (in english):

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As a Canadian from Ontario, I would be objectives about United States of America being the greatest place in the world.

I can see the pros and the cons, but nothing like this should have happened after the last attack on the World Trade Center. Without questions or pointing fingers, I am a bit surprise that the higher and powerful people did not protect the innocents from the tragedy that occurred on Tuesday.

Hearing the event on Tuesday's morning was shocking and unreal to believe. It was like hearing a big action movie over the radio. Later in the evening after finishing work and watching live coverage before going bowling, to see more coverage. Now, I can understand why nothing could have been done.

The difference between ground attack and air attack are totally different. If it was a ground attack, it would have been much easier on the authorities to stop the maddest in process unlike an air attack, where minutes were turning into fractions of a second with very little reaction time to stop the horror and violent that once was a place that I was going to visit next summer for the first time in my life.

Hopefully, the city that never sleeps will be back in the near future.

To fellow Americans that lost loved one and other in shock and horror. I hope that Americans will see Canadians as their only true 'international' friends across the border and see that what happened in New York, Pittsburg and Washington does take an effect on folks that live just across the border.

Furthermore, I hope justice will prevail for those involved one way or another.

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Whoever instigated the attack, if there is one, is obviously a coward. America must stay calm and take things cautiously, not go out firing missiles at every suspected muslim nation and make more enemies. What i fear most is, what if there isn't any instigator? what if bin laden is not behind it? What if its done by some independent angry group of individuals, not terrorists? Now that the mental barrier of crashing a plane into a prominent landmark, had been eliminated; who else will follow? Where was the airport securiy? Where was the supposed "intelligence"?
If there is an instigator, he/she would be in fear now, as the world raise against him/her. Then what is a few more miserable lives when so many innocent ones have perished. Make no mistake, the terrorists have made their biggest enemy - peace loving people around the world. I propose a bounty of USD50million on the person behind this highest level of stupidity.

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pravda, THANK YOU!! That article is probably the best thing I've read in reference to this whole situation. I only wish everyone would read it.

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