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Please stay with GOD!

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Please understand that expressing your opinions on this board is really only a means to an end in that it allows all of you to begin to deal with your belief and perceived reality about the recent events, whether right or wrong. Hopefully this will begin a personal voyage towards assigning a meaning to has happened but, it will not change what is about to happen in the Middle East.

The only way to satisfy the Arab Nation would be if all people different, like European and American Whites, African Americans and all other religions, packed there bags and moved to another planet.

The Arab Nation does not want to co-exist peacefully, they have murdered and starved their own. They teach hatred to thier children and been
unable to raise themselves up from thier squalor
since since the beginning of time. They do not respect themselves therefore they do not respect anything or anyone.

The U.S. has finally waged war on the scourge of our planet. Our innocent civillians have been murdered, our soil has been stained.

Please also try to understand that being an
ex-United States Army Ranger who has seen war, I have a certain level of understanding and appreciation of what will take place in the middle east that is more realistic than most.

The sons and daughters of Allah will have there throats slit, and there bodies will be burnt, shot and disfigured. Thier babies will be killed and civilians will be hacked to death. Thier soldiers will die at much greater frequency and number than ours. Please realize I do not intend to inflame the Arabs, or our liberal
Anti-Americans living in our country, but that is simply what happens in War.

Great Americans have had to lower themselves to the level of the beast in the past, and will do it again in Victory so all Americans good and bad can continue to enjoy the freedom that these past great heros have earned.

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In response to "Brain" It is obvious that our country is compiled of many different ideas and beliefs. That is one thing that makes our country so Special. You should pray to "someone" that these other countries don't get their way so that you have your freedom to speak your mind, no matter how sad it may be, so openly and live to tell about it. I am Proud of my Country and blessed to serve my God. I can't imagine a heart so empty and cold. It must be lonly.

May God Bless

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There is a new website that has forums like this. It also has a database of survivors and missing persons (as well as victims). Go to

Make your voice heard! Put your comments on their Forums!

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Joined: 23 years ago
Posts: 10

It is time to call a spade a spade;

Bill Clinton and the liberal left destroyed our defense infrastructures, Destroyed our intelligence gathering capabilities, Sold out our top-secret defense info. to the Chinese.

Bill Clinton gave the terrorists the confidence for an attack by his destruction of the Americans value system making us appear slovenly and weak.

Bill Clinton made a mockery of the highest office of the most powerful country of the world, perverted the constitution, lied under oath and gave the fundamentalists the very fuel they needed to hate the people of this country.

Bill Clintons legacy will be the hole in lower Manhattan where some 6000 Americans are buried alive. That is what he will be remembered for.

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