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Unfortunately, the wtc survivor database has been closed. Neither nor are working.
However, you might want to try one of the following lists:

For an interactive map of the WTC area:

Best wishes to all.

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To all Americans

Here in England our hearts and prayers are with you ,we watched in horror on Tuesday as thousands of innocent souls were murdered. May god bless all who have been lost in this tragedy and their families. We can only hope more survivors may be rescued.
Stay strong and know and that England is with you every step of the way, no matter what may happen in the next few days & weeks.
The whole world needs to see justice done.

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I want to convey my heartfelt sympathies to everyone involved, their families and friends. I watched last Tuesday as events went from bad to worse and was unable to go to bed. Somehow it seemed disrespectful to sleep soundly in my bed whilst so many people were enduring such pain and being here in England, it felt like all I could do was watch the news on TV and keep praying. My six year old son said a prayer when he went to bed for all the boys and girls who "don't have a mommy or a daddy anymore". It was as if a knife had turned in my stomach and again, I cried.

To everyone who has lost someone I send my love and to everyone who has yet to locate someone I hope that your despair will soon end and one way or another you will have an answer and can start to put your lives back together again.

For the sake of the children, this must end now. We must ensure that the world they inherit is free from these vile cowards so they can live in peace.

God bless you all.

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How can words describe the sympathy and compassion the rest of us feel for our fellow americans affected by this horrible act of violence and evil. I believe that as a nation, we will all stand united against these evil cowards.
I will continue to pray daily for the victims and their families. Good always conquers evil and we will overcome this tragedy

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I send my deepest sympathy and thoughts to all the UNITED and AMERICAN AIRLINES staff and their families .I feel all the most close to you as I am an AIR FRANCE employee and I travelled several times as a subload passenger on your flights.I can't help thinking of what your young and beautiful air hostesses endured and I just cannot understand such hatred and free violence !
I do hope you all keep your jobs and I shall never forget what happened.I'm on your side,
Romain CUNY

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In memory of David Michael Henderson, 42, of San Diego, CA. Passenger on Flight 175.

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My prayers and thoughts are with you at one of the most trying time in your lives. May God continue to bless and keep you is my prayer. Remember in the mist of it all God is in control and he will never leave or forsake you. He is just a prayer away.


A concern citizen from Alabama

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Having just travelled to New York City for the first time in May this year, I am heartbroken to know that there are people in this world with no regard for human life and beauty. My heart goes out to our country.
God bless those who lost their lives, and to their families. The one comfort we all can have is that wherever they are, they can never be hurt again.
To the firefighters and police officers of New York City, and everywhere-Thank You for your courage and the selfless duty you display everyday. You all truely are heros.

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my grandchildren are so upset about this great tradgedie that i had to send amessage the grandchildren are 8 and 9 two little girlsthey send their deepest love to everybody affected from sophie and chelsea

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i want to send my deepest prayers to all the victims/families/friends of these tragedies. I know at a time in everyones life it seems the world is turned upside down, but just hold on to each other. We as a country, that has now become a family, will get through this with the help of god.

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I've recently returned from New York. I loved the hustle and bustle of the place, and the positive attitude of the people. It's hard to imagine what it must be like to be living through the aftermath of the tragedy, and I would like to tell you that Australia has received intensive coverage of the events that have occured since it all happened. We are thinking of you all, and send our deepest sympathies to all those affected by the tragedy.

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i am from Bangladesh. Mourn the death of the heroes. I salute their death and express deep hatred towards the terrorists and terrorism from the heart of Bangladesh.

Tanzimuddin Khan
Research Officer
Bangladesh Institute of International and strategic Studies

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If anyone would like to help a woman I met briefly last year in her time of grief, please donate to the address below.

(Miriam Horrock)

The family of Michael Horrocks, the Glen Mills pilot who died at the World Trade Center. Contributions may be sent to Christa and Michael Horrocks Trust, c/o Commerce Bank, 3609 Winding Way, Newtown square, PA 19073


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What a horror,
Pray to God, so in future it will be a peacefull earth to live on.
We should use our mind, first we asked why its
happened? Why the American Gov. are so hated?
Just common sense!!!
Nowadays some people up there are not "human".
May God guide us....

Analiser Gaze, Malaysia

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or hearts go out to all the families/victims/friends from eveyone here in england we stand side by side

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