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Post / Read Attack On The Pentagon

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I am looking for 3 NCO's. SFC Hunsaker, SSG Porzio and SFC Dates. They all worked in the Logistics side of the Pentagon. If anyone has any info. on them please let me know.

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"A Message to All Americans"
September 15, 2000

"The message that follows this one is from all of us at the Spirit of Ma'at. We hope that perhaps the ideas it expresses can help to empower us in this moment of darkness.

But first — now that four days have slowly slipped by — my soul would like to speak to you, if you wish to listen, about something I see as a core issue in all that is happening.

We Americans have been watching life go by as though it were a surrealist movie. On TV, we see the flames of wars and watch them burn — Israel and Palestine, NATO, Kosiva, Iraq, Iran, India and Pakistan, Columbia and the drug guerrillas, North and South Korea, Russia, Chechnya, Ireland, England. We see the incredible pain. But it doesn't affect us directly. We have become numb to the violence. Numbness appears to be our only way of dealing with the tragedies of life. We feel very little in our hearts and bodies. In fact, most of us are barely in our bodies. We exist mostly in our minds and in the images.

It is all so removed.

And within our own society are ills that weaken us in our own eyes and in those of the world, and again, we are numb. We do not feel in our hearts the pain of the children who are raped, tortured, and made to serve the perpetrators of child pornography. We are numb to child abuse and people abuse, murder and violence on our streets and in our homes. We accept divorce as the natural order of things.

We witness the suffering of the world's people, the ravages of hunger and starvation. We face horrible diseases that threaten all life. And even more devastating, we see our Mother Earth herself dying, in her final gasps for life. CNN brings all of this to our eyes in massive doses, and we let it all into our living rooms, watching our little boxes, playing in our fantasy world, eating and drinking our fine foods and wines.

How could we allow ourselves to feel the true pain of it all? To feel such pain could almost kill us. So we don't feel it. It never happens to us.

What now? The pain is here. Not just at our doorstep, but here, within our homeland. What do we do now?

Whatever we do, I doubt if we will continue in the old way.

In the past, we have reacted to conflict with emotional violence of our own. In families, this almost always leads to pain and divorce. In the world, in this case, it leads to war. Real war, that will surely be fought worldwide, but this time, most likely, also in our own neighborhoods.

Supporting this war is one of our options.

But there is another option. It begins by first understanding why this is happening to us. I say this because I don't believe that we do understand. We really are too far removed from life.

I think we must learn to feel the pain that is worldwide. When we see a child burning in India or a little baby dying of starvation in Africa or bombs dropping on beautiful villages snuggled in the countryside, as a nation our hearts could respond as One. We could change this world by our love instead of our violence.

So I say that when we can understand and feel the pain of our distant brothers and sisters, then perhaps we will have the wisdom to know what to do about this horrible tragedy we have all just experienced as a nation.

The world can come together and say, "No more terrorism." We can let go of all terrorism, even our own, and find a way to make peace real. This seems to me to be the only answer. We create our world by our lives. We can create a world without terrorism if we wish and focus upon that.

But we do have to wish and focus upon a peaceful world — not stare at the TV in a coma. We have to come alive and do things that will make a difference.

The unity that we are all feeling now is a place of strength that could be the catalyst that alters the world in such a way that terrorism is a distant memory. Or it could become the energy that drives a lynch mob into chaos and perpetuates the pain and war, with the real possibility that this course could bring an end to civilization as we know it. It is our choice.

In a marriage — which is much like what we have now, since we cannot leave the Earth — the object is not to kill the other person, even if the other person may be making our lives uncomfortable or even painful. If we decide to solve our problems with murder, we are no different from those we consider evil. Finding a way where both people — both sides of any conflict — can live together and love and respect one another is probably the only response that will save the Earth.

For World War Three will almost surely take away the life of our Mother.

But before we can respond in a healthy manner, we first must feel, we must care, or there is nothing. We need to get out of our Lazyboys, stand up, and change our world into a planet of peace.

Through prayer and inner peace, and then through taking the kinds of action that come from a peaceful heart, we can change this world. I have great faith in us and in America. I believe with my whole heart that we will find the right way.

In love and service,


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I am looking for information about my
sister-in-law, Marian Serva, who was working
in the Pentagon on September 11th. She has
been listed as missing. Does anyone have
any additional information? We remain

Bob Coltrane

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Please understand that expressing your opinions on this board is really only a means to an end in that it allows all of you to begin to deal with your belief and perceived reality about the recent events, whether right or wrong. Hopefully this will begin a personal voyage towards assigning a meaning to has happened but, it will not change what is about to happen in the Middle East.

The only way to satisfy the Arab Nation would be if all people different, like European and American Whites, African Americans and all other religions, packed there bags and moved to another planet.

The Arab Nation does not want to co-exist peacefully, they have murdered and starved their own. They teach hatred to thier children and been
unable to raise themselves up from thier squalor
since since the beginning of time. They do not respect themselves therefore they do not respect anything or anyone.

The U.S. has finally waged war on the scourge of our planet. Our innocent civillians have been murdered, our soil has been stained.

Please also try to understand that being an
ex-United States Army Ranger who has seen war, I have a certain level of understanding and appreciation of what will take place in the middle east that is more realistic than most.

The sons and daughters of Allah will have there throats slit, and there bodies will be burnt, shot and disfigured. Thier babies will be killed and civilians will be hacked to death. Thier soldiers will die at much greater frequency and number than ours. Please realize I do not intend to inflame the Arabs, or our liberal
Anti-Americans living in our country, but that is simply what happens in War.

Great Americans have had to lower themselves to the level of the beast in the past, and will do it again in Victory so all Americans good and bad can continue to enjoy the freedom that these past great heros have earned.

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I'm looking for a friend, Hilario "Larry" Mercado, Commander United Stated Navy. He had been working on the Petagon, if anyone heard from him, or about him, please e-mail me at:

Thank you.

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I have seen a listing for a Ms Donna Bowen from the Pentagon as missing. She is listed as a Verizon employee. Does anyone have any additional info on her. Thank you. Had a very dear friend in Florida with this name---Hope they are not the same.

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Looking for Joseph pual Gutierrez who workied somewhere in the pentagon. this is your friend Cynthia, I just need to know you are O.K. Please call me at (435)752-4015 before monday if you can because I'm leaving for Arizona. God I am worried to death about you, but restrain myself from calling your parents as I feel it is not my place. My God be with you Joseph Paul. Please if you can let me know if John is O.K if you even know. Please know that I am with you in heart and spirit and as all are saying these days " GOD BLESS AMERICA" and God bless you my friend!

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I am looking for Mrs. Bonnie Lee Barlow-Winnie-Sharp.
She is my baby sister and I need to know if she is all right.
Her husband Jerry Sharp was found injured, and taken to a hospital. I do not know which hospital in the Pentagon area. He is all right.
If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of Bonnie Lee, please post a message or contact me at my email address.
Thank You.
Jinie Rose Barlow-Workman
May God Bless Us with World Peace.

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I am lookin for a friend Jamie Sparks he is with the Secret Survice an he was at the Pentagon the day it was attacked. If you know if he is ok, or have heard from him email me. Please.

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My name is Mike Gallagher.

I live and work in South Korea. I was just informed that one of the victims of the attack on the Pentagon was a U.S. Navy civilian employee named Judith Jones, age 53, of Woodbridge Virginia.

Could anybody tell if this is the same Judy Jones whose maiden name was Climer,who attended grad school at the University of Miami, Florida, received her M.A. im International Studies there, and who married a Len or Leonard Jones, who has a lot of health problems?

Many years ago she was my first serious relationship.

Mike Gallagher

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I am a reporter in western Pennsylvania, looking for any natives of Beaver/Allegheny counties now working in the Pentagon and were present for the Sept. 11 attack. If you were there, or know of someone who was there, please e-mail me at Working on a story for the first anniversary.
