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Post / Read Discussion On How America Should Respond

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hey AA
i don't have a pool, or no country club membership, but you would be welcome at my shack for a beer. I have been known to laugh at Seinfeld, but you better believe, my friendships are irony free........

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bowood AKA justhefacts. oops.

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To be nobody but myself in a world which is doing its best, night
and day to make me the same as everybody else means to fight the hardest
battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting.

e.e. cummings
(1894-1962, American Poet)

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To Facts/Bowood,
there is absolutely nothing wrong with your existence and your every rational word proves this.

I would be more than honoured to share some brewskis with you over some scintilatting conversation and under that beautiful country sky.

My relatives come in every flavor and economic strata and the ones I enjoy the most time with tend to be the ones with the least.

This is usually the case. I remember a series a telejournalist did almost a decade ago about his perspective on a hitchhike across merica. He was trying to recreate an authors trip. What he found out was that the benzes, beamers, the caddies, and the continentals(maybe even an xj6) all passed him by. It was the old pickups and old sedans that were picking him up and helping him out. It seemed, in people, that the good stuff came in the old, ruffled packages.

One love my brother,


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To Big Dog,
Take a deep breath and take a serious chill dude. You're really scaring me now, because you really seem like my brother. He thinks I'm attacking him all the time too, when all I'm doing is trying to explain my understanding of what has/is happened/ning.

Haven't you noticed that I've stop being venomous. Haven't you noticed that I'm being very cordial to you. What you don't seem to see is that I'm not angry at you anymore and that's all I was angry at. Especially after your last few post. I know so much more about you now and thus understand you more. For instance I coulda guessed you had some really tough parenting and background experiences and am very glad you told us about it. It fits with your previous online persona, GOD the ultra right wing liberal slayer(not related to buffy). Everything has a cause and/or a history and this history and/or cause is usually manifested in some way. Usually in behavior. Because we deeply disagree doesn't mean I wouldn't sit and have a drink with you and I sure hope you feel the same way.

All I've been doing is trying to show, rationally, what the consequences of enforced inequality are. It is a part our topic here on this board. I used the experiences of the Irish in England and the Sicilians in Italy and the USA to make a point that, all humans tend to deal with inequity the same way, they fight it or run away from it. And also that all human groups tend to want to dominate another. This includes Africa as well. You don't have tell me that twice, I was agreeing with you on that point. We all remember the horrors of the last century. But most of all, those two groups, are a great example of how America works.

You, my friend, are a true example of what is truly great about America but conversely you represent what is truly bad about it as well. You are the epitome of the plain spoken, hard talking, wear your heart on your sleeve American badass. You are a true scion of your peasant forebears. You lay it on the line, every day and everyway. The irony is that this is what makes you easy to understand and like to most Americans but this is what is hard to understand and like by the rest of the world, hence the bad.

I understand you well and have no qualms about befriending you but you got to understand me and see that I'm not angry, I'm only trying to be analytic and rational. I think my explanations of things, as they are, are helpful to those who desire some greater understanding of me and my tribe. They have been thought out after long readings and life experiences such as this.

Do you watch any MTV? Well I do and there's a show called "The Real World", on it, that I love. Why? Because it's a great experiment in sociology.
This years show had a "cast" that included a black muslim female and a hulking midwestern kid who loved wrestling. When they just moved in there were sparks flying everywhere between these two. I mean bad sparks. She was jumping all over him everytime he mentioned something rascist. It was really tense and ugly. But they each grew. She learned that under all those racial epithets and midwesternisms existed a true prince of a guy. He found out that inside the heart of this radical banshee existed a great deal of hurt by people like him for a long time. In her words and I'm paraphrasing, she said that they've met at a beautiful place where she could see his armor shine and he could feel her hurt. It was kinda the story of America in the microcosm. I'm there my brother, meet me.

One love Big Bro Dog

ALI aka AA.

P.S. Is Jamul anywhere near Kabul.

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Merry Christmas to all you miserable people!

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To All,
Let's hope the world is a better place for all in the coming year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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Merry x-mas and happy new year.



missed me didn't ya?

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ali what's up, where ya been, just out here conquering the world.


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Okay, board has slowed down. The "implosion" theory sounded interesting But it makes sense to me, that the basement would have unbroken beer glasses, when the stress, started up-top, blowed out and lost momentum. But here is a question I have not seen addressed, "How the heck was a camera crew on site, right then, at that moment?" With satellite and everything all in place to catch the second crash? I don't know about your area, but where I live, the nightly news reports an exploding story, and sez "their newscasters are on the way". On site coverage, usually shows up later. How Was I able to see the second crash, minutes after the first, on live t.v.? I spoke this question to some co-workers, and they immediately explained satellite crews were "everywhere". Bull! Their employers would go bankrupt just "waiting". Think about this, for a while. What other "news" have you actually seen in "real time". And what a horror of real time, to see. I have hoped someone could provide a reasonable explanation, to my simple mind, I have not found one yet. I welcome, all explanations. Thank You.

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Let' hope and pray that this September 11, 2002 will be a normal day with alarm clocks ringing, birds singing, and stock markets dinging. Be will never forget what happened on that day, September 11, 2001. It will be in our hearts and minds forever. BE STRONG AND WAVE YOUR FLAGS PROUD !! For we are the people of a UNITED and FREE Country and TERRORISM has no place here !!


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To Godog, Bowood/facts and all, I hope it was a really good year. I hope the tension of it all wasn't too unsettling. I think I made it intact. I gotta do a good audit to find out though.

Godog I hear you've given up political commentary for a membership in a far left Rap/poetry collective. I guess you're still "wrestling" with the issues. And they said there was no hope for You.

Facts I heard you were last seen at an ashram in southern India sippin on some Karnataka Cruisers and teaching the guru a thing or two. You're still the sage. It's hard to believe that things, world wide, are just where you placed them last year. The world moves slower than cold molasses on an unheated winter morn.

I'm back from deep cover. at least for a little while.

AA aka ALI

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To C. Robbs, I'm an ex New Yorker and still visit and I or anyone can tell ya that before the 9/11 and probably again, a camera isn't very uncommon in NY. It doesn't seem that unusual to me and probably most people from those parts. I think there are other fish to fry in that bonfire of contraversies and intrigue. Look keenly.

