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Price gouging

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Sad but true. My cousin could not fly out of New Jersey so he had to get back to Kentucky today. He had to rent a car and HERTZ was the only company left with cars. They jacked up the rental for a economy car to $275.00/ day. Boycott HERTZ for taking advantage of the desperate.

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I heard on the news that the police would be enforcing 'anti-gouging' - in New York anyway. Have your cousin save all of his receipts - if no resource is given for victims of gouging, he should at least file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I am sorry this happened, and personally, will not use Hertz again.

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i would like to say that i am thinking of everyone in ny and all the families that have lost there loves ones. i will keep you in my prayers.
on the other hand i think it is very sad what our country is doing . making money off of such a tragedy. we should be sticking together at this point .with the gas prices rising , car rentals, and any other forms of transportation raising prices its very sad. just remeber the golden rule.
(do unto to others as you would have done to you )jump in and vouleenteer your time and services, and most of all save a life and donate blood. one day a tragedy might happen to you and you will wish for the same.kentucky will keep you in our prayers. god bless you new york

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The conversation about Hertz is very disturbing - and I for one will NO LONGER use them, or recommend them within my organisation.

FYI - the organisation is 5000+ and global - I hope this hurts the bastards.

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It has been a very sad day here in Oklahoma City. Memories of our bombing in 1995 came flooding back to me with the events in NEW York Tuesday. To make matters worse, the gasoline companies here have started gouging gasoline prices. Lines were very long and traffic was backed up in the streets causing traffic delays. Our local news reported some places charging over $5.00 a gallon for it and many places are out of gas completely.

This is very sad.

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How can people that take advantage of this tragedy claim to be "Americans"? Thieves should be the operative word here, and I hope they are unable to sleep @ night knowing that someone with limited or without monetary resources was not able to be with their loved ones or assist someone less fortunate due to the price gouging taking place. May your conscience be your guide...

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I will also never use Hertz. Shame on them!!!I only hope the word spreads. YOu guys are toast.

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Hertz must immediately refund the money to anyone they jacked the price up for renting one out of this disaster situation.

Its more than shame on them. Its their way of making a few bucks more from this murderous event.
This was and is not a ballgame where you hike up your prices on popcorn and cokes.

I will never use them again. They must make a public appoligy and refund all overcharged prices. What a horrid way to make a few extra bucks off of US American citizens deaths!

This will spread and I will help it.

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It's unbelievable for a major coorporation to take advantage of this situation. Please inform the media about this. Make sure it will cost them in the long run.

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Hertz has a "Contact Us" form if you go to their
web site. Why not let them know how we all feel
about there actions.

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Ebay is also trying to rip people off for Trade Center items.

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I asked my husband to gas up last night because of the reports of a gasoline hke. I am sad to hear of Hertz taking advantage of your cousin, I'LL PASSS THE WORD ALONG TOO. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

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I am going to email everyone in my book and let them know about this monstrosity! Hertz will not recover from this once everyone finds out what they are doing. As for the gas prices, that is just ridiculous! The prices are staying pretty much the same here in Iowa, with a few places taking advantage of this tragedy. What has happened is awful, and anyone taking advantage of it is awful.

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I have contacted Hertz via their web site, and gave them a link to this page so they can see what a great reputation they are developing in the wake of this tragedy. It disgusts me.

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you have survived the most horrible acts made against a people and nation and the non-human who committed these acts will be held accountable and i'm sure most canadians agree whatever your government decides will be endorsed by the free people of this world, my heart goes out to the families who will endure the pain and greif of these actions and we are not only neighbors i consider the american people family and i am very proud of the way you handle this cowardly deeds may god be with you and GOD BLESS AMERICA

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