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Price gouging

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I wondered how long it would take the crooks to come out of the woodwork. Hertz cannot realize how bad this is going to be for them. Hopefully, there will be full criminal action against them when the pain and suffering and numbness lessens but we cannot dwell on such low lifes and just try to remember of all the good people that are willing to help. Hertz is obviously not one of them.

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I cant imagine that the HERTZ corporation is condoning this act. Most likely this is the act of a single manager not the entire corporation. whatever the situation this "act" of ripping people off should not go unpunished.

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Hi all, welcome to the beginning of the end of the world.

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Keep getting the message out! In Madison, WI the price gouging at the pump has ceased as of noon today, a local gas station that charged $3/gal yesterday is now being picketed, and the Governor has voiced proclamed the price gouging as "UNAMERICAN".

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I just left a message on the site.. telling them they are a disgrace to the US!! and that I along w/everyone I know are boycotting them.. They should be fined!! or severely repramanded.....Gas prices here locally skyrocketed last night (tuesday) from $1.69 to $3.99 they had the police directing traffic in & out of the stations!! I myself am going to wait it out because they are saying that they will be prosecuting those who price gouge...

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Keep getting the message out! In Madison, WI the price gouging at the pump has ceased as of noon today, a local gas station that charged $3/gal yesterday is now being picketed, and the Governor has proclaimed the price gouging as "UNAMERICAN".

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I just left a message on the site.. telling them they are a disgrace to the US!! and that I along w/everyone I know are boycotting them.. They should be fined!! or severely repramanded.....Gas prices here locally skyrocketed last night (tuesday) from $1.69 to $3.99 they had the police directing traffic in & out of the stations!! I myself am going to wait it out because they are saying that they will be prosecuting those who price gouge...

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Keep getting the message out! In Madison, WI the price gouging at the pump has ceased as of noon today, a local gas station that charged $3/gal yesterday is now being picketed, and the Governor has proclaimed the price gouging as "UNAMERICAN".

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I just left a message on the site.. telling them they are a disgrace to the US!! and that I along w/everyone I know are boycotting them.. They should be fined!! or severely repramanded.....Gas prices here locally skyrocketed last night (tuesday) from $1.69 to $3.99 they had the police directing traffic in & out of the stations!! I myself am going to wait it out because they are saying that they will be prosecuting those who price gouge...

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I sent a message to the Hertz Contact Us page (I used the about this websight option to limit the number of required fields on their submission form). Hopefully they will refund the monies they tragically took from those in need. I also went to EBAY to see if they were really doing anything and they do have items listed, but they've all been removed from their database and they have a message on their homepage expressing their sympathy. I give them credit for having the integrity to do what Hertz doesn't...refusing to make money off of other's hurt. I would really suggest that people make it very known when they see gouging and inform people so they will have to stop. They are no better than the terrorists if they choose to make money off of this. People need to come together and GIVE even out of their need so that we can remain a strong country of UNITED AMERICANS. This is not the time to think of profits...please.

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SPARKYS in Guthrie Center, Iowa, Price for gas
this morning $1.99, across the street at Caseys
$1.63, I emailed the govenor and the price dropped
by 9:00 this morning!! WAY TO GO GOV!
May God Bless the people of NY and America. We
are awesome, we just have to stick together!
Love you!

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The people at Hertz should be treated the same as the terrorists that have perpetrated these attrocities on AMERICA. Now is the time for President Bush to seek retaliation against all terrorists foriegn and domestic, including corporations like Hertz and the oil companies that are price gouging.

It seems we no sooner finish with one terrorist group then another one is funded by Islamic countries. President Bush should retaliate on all known terrorist groups and nations, NOW!!!

Our hearts go out to the victims and their loved ones. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AMERICA!!!!

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It's ashamed so many people are taking advantage of so many others, May God be in our minds and in our hearts as America and truly the whole world is forced to join hands to solve this udder disregard for life, and I hope not only the terrorists but also those who engage in price gouging receive their just reward.

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I would like to comment on Hertz. Some Hertz dealers are not connected to the corporation as others. Some are franchised out. If you think you have been overcharged, and I would say your cousin has, he should also report the incident to the Hertz Corporate office. Here in Southern California at the John Wayne Airport, Hertz is renting their cars for $20.00 a day, no milage and free drop off anywhere in North America. That includes Canada! They are trying to do their part to aid in this diaster. Please do not judge all rental facilities because one had to see this with his bank account instead of with his heart.

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Until Tuesday, I comfortably believed that the rise and fall of gasoline prices in this country is driven by the simple economic “Law of Supply and Demand”. More consumption on holidays and weekends equating to higher prices was easy to understand. We are a free market economy and government should avoid regulation of commerce as much as possible.

However, the actions of service station dealers has sickened and astounded me. What POSSIBLE “demand” could have been created by the death of thousands that was so urgent and immediate as to send gasoline prices from $1.55 to as much as $5.00 at some stations in less than 24 hours? Greed.

I cannot view the conscious choice to raise prices so quickly as ANYTHING OTHER THAN DANCING ON THE GRAVES OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED OR OR ON THE HEADS OF ANY ONE WHO MAY STILL BE TRAPPED IN NEW YORK OR WASHINGTON UNDERNEATH ALL THAT RUBBLE. I am now convinced that, without question, the distribution of fossil fuel in this country must be regulated.

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