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Stop the Praying nonsense and give blood, donate money or lo

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Hi, I'm adding my prayers to all of yours! I'll add my blood and my money too! As I was reading these posts I see the confussion that EVERYONE is going through. In all the "prayers" and the "thinkers," I hope all people keep in mind the goal and best outcomes we can invision and put THOSE visions out into our world: one of which is not to judge those who are dealing with these catastrophies in the best way they can just as everyone is and they may not be saying exactly what they meant to say - give a little room for error in everything! Open your hearts and your life in anyway you can. Judging is not "in God" either.


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To Thinker: If you are still reading this- which I'm not sure if you are because of all the mean things people have said to you so far- If you do not believe don't pray, When the time is right for you you should know that God as well as this country gives you the right to choose to believe in him. Good for you to have given blood. You have obviously not seen the miracles that prayer can produce. I get the feeling that either you have not been exposed to the grace of God or that it has been cramed down your throat which can sometimes drive a person away from the subject of church or prayer or even belief. Sorry if this has happened to you. God is not that way truly, some people can be that way about God but God is a patient and kind God that brings mercy and understanding. The next time somebody tries to throw bible verses at you tell them this, Unless the Lord builds the house the laborores labor in vein. Thats in the bible. Translation- God would not try to get you to believe in him in a way that would be hurtful toward you. Yet he would do it in a loving way. I will pray for you and the people who have suffered from this tragedy because I have found that it works for me.

P.S. for the others out there that have not found a close relationship with God but are getting curious about him I sure the questions arrises for some of you " Why would God do such a thing?" God did't, Evil did this. You can pray directly to God anytime you want 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. If you want a personal relationship with God just ask him to be in your heart and he will, just like that. No fancy frills or gimicks just ask and you can have a personal closeness with him and he will help you from there.

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In regards to "Thinker":
I hope and pray that you come to accept the fevor that many Americans have for their religions. I am a christian and in church last night all the leaders urged everyone to do all that they can to help the effort-both tangible and non tangible alike. I can appreciate your concern over the lack of supplies and I hope all Americans, as most have all day, will continue to help in the effort long after this terror is simply a memory. As most of the survivors and and others will need assistance as we strive to re-build our community. Please continue your efforts to spread the word of their need of supplies and please try to accept that a large group of people take comfort in the things that are unseen. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews11:1) I pray for everyone involved and I pray for our country. May God Bless America.

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you all blindly believe some supernatural thing without even questioning. the same thinking was in the filthy brains of those terrorists. there is no supernatural thing. it has never come to our rescue. i personally has not seen it in my life. if it is does a lot of harm...kills innocents...wrecks the disguise of religion. its all our deeds that shape the future. without a befitting reply, the US cant sleep. terrorism, religious fanaticism and all such evil things haunt today's world. and everyone forgets that the concept of a 'god' is the center of all these evils. i think i will get some rational reply...not curses or unexplainable reiterations!

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Last night was the first time I've prayed in almost ten years and I can not even begin to tell you what a release it was for me. I know that these victims and there families are feeling and appreciating all of our prayers. Tonight "Thinker", as will many others I will pray for you!!

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To All, "He who slings mud loses ground" in other words if you think that saying hurtful things is a way to get people to believe, think again. -Believer

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Do you have love for your loved ones? Do you have compassion for the victims? Then you have qualities that God has given you! Imagine that!
Don't belittle the life that God has given you by not believing in Him.
I leave you with this universally known bible verse. Please read it and "think" about it.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall
not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

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And what do you do if you are an Atheist who believes humanity can control its own destiny?

Each to his own belief, whatever helps them the most in times like this. Even for those who don't hold any religion.

Thinker, if doing something tangible like giving blood helps you through this, then you do that, but try to show a little more understanding towards those who believe in God at a time like this.

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I am in Singapore and prayer is the only thing we, as well as millions others all over the world, can offer.
Praying is to give strength when our bodies can no longer sustain. Don't stop praying America and the world is praying with you.

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Why do you think this way? WHat has God done to you and that you can think such thoughts?If it hadn't been for God, thinks could have been much worth. A friend of our in the Marines told us that the terrorist had intended to blow up one of the Nuclear plants in California.If that's not enough the Hoover Dam wasanother possible target.Prayer does change things and I call avoiding this targets an answer to prayer. Things ould nave been much worse.
Question: where is the ACLU in all of this?Ponder on this >

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You are all saying "PRAY FOR THE LOST AND THEIR FAMILIES". What is that doing...NOTHING. Did praying save my sister and mother? No they were left in a burning buliding to to be crushed and die but hell I can get on my knees and "PRAY" for them to come back. Im not one to diss any religion. I was at one time a Catholic who prayed and went to church twice a week. This was before i saw what prayer gets you. I agree with everyone who is saying take action over prayer. We are a nation of people who get shot, stabbed , and blown up everyday and prayer does not seem to be helping or ever has. You cant say miricles are an act of someone you have never seen and i feel sorry for myself not knowing this untill now. Miracles and everything that happens is LIFE not god and whatever else you put it on. I know people are going to say "what a bitch what does she know"? But oviously the question is what do you know devoting your life to something that does not exist because if he did 5,000 people would not be dead. I am one who thinks people control their own destiny and people are the only ones who can change it. My heart goes out to everyone helping recover the people God isnt and to the families mourning just like I am.

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Americans deserved it

We have hundreds of Ladens here in Pakistan if you kill one from Afgan. We have many Dawoods and Masoods to attack you whole life and you just can not do anything. As it is what could you do in last fifteen days? Just show off ...that too without us pakistanis you are nowhere.

you all are going to suffer thruout your life. YOU boosted our confidence and now you are going to pay through your nose and that to forever.

Musharraf will keep on pretending as if he is supporting USA; whereas its his brain who created many of the terrorists in 11sept attacks.

Keep on cheating yourself. We are there to finish up remaining America.

Long Live Pakistan

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God is a great God and our nation needs to worship him like we once did when we were basically a christian nation. Bye and trust in God for everything study his word and go to church.

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