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I AM a mother of four and I agree with cool anger...not just the women and children but all people from the country/countries that did this to us have to be punished. Sure, I agree, the children are the innocent ones...for now, but if they are raised by these terrorists what do you think they will grow up to be? And no May, two wrongs do not make a right but there has to be a point when we have to take a stand.I don't know where you live,but what if we don't do anything now and the next time disaster strikes it's YOUR city and YOUR children??? These people have to be stopped or else they will think that they can do it again at any time.

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Dear Tami,

These people have to be stopped, but I am afraid of the response from the U.S. and Nato. I hope we don't end up punishing the innocent and creating new problems instead of solving the existing ones.

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I just wanted to add: the frightening thing is they know that they can do it again anytime. Only longterm economic and political measures can remove that threat. Understanding America's need for revenge is is another matter, but it won't solve the problem.

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I watched in horror the events of September 11 with the rest of the world. As a Christian, my thoughts were not of "why would God allow such tragedy?" - my thoughts were "this is the work of Satan himself". God's hand is not in the evil that reigned that day - God is in the actions of the firefighters, and the police officers, and the thousands of volunteers who are at the various sights giving aid. The Holy Spirit is moving in millions of Americans, as we rally around our President and each other to give comfort and aid in big and small ways as we are able. Our Mighty Lord was not in the tragedy, but He is showing His face in Americans and her alies across the globe who are assisting their fellow human beings, showing compassion, and love, just as He taught us to. By His example, we are serving each other when we need it most. By His Grace, hopefully, we will learn from these horrific events, and see that by loving, and showing our fellow man the care and tenderness that each one of us wants, that the world can be a peaceful place.

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For decades and probably centuries, people have asked why God allows evil to happen. "Cool Anger" says "no God would allow this to happen".

When I am faced with this question, this is often my reply:

When God first created the earth (going back to the Garden of Eden) He had no plans for evil to be in the world such as it is today. He created a place of love and compassion. However, He also created human beings that have a free will to make choices and do as they choose. Unfortunately, when Eve chose to eat of the Tree of Life after being expressly forbidden to do so by God, evil entered into the world. It was never God's intention! It was MAN'S choice.

God never wants us to hurt. But that doesn't mean He doesn't work through it (not causing it, but using evil for good). Pam is exactly right that God is in the good things that have come about since the tragedy occurred. Doesn't anyone notice the mercy, unity, love and compassion that just about everyone is expressing since this happened and see how it correlates to people turning to the only thing they know to do in a time such as this - PRAYER.

Make no mistake; God is alive, God is powerful, God loves us, and God is HERE. And it's because we called upon His name.

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Remember - there is a HUGE difference between retaliation and justice.

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Let us not forget what separates us from those who are capable of such acts of cowardness. It is our belief in God and our humanity. If we loose those things, then we are no different than the damned. Feel compassion, sympathy, and hurt, but don't become bitter and angry, and full of hate. For those are the things the beast feeds off of. Turn to your bibles and to prayer, and more than anything turn to God personally, instead. May we pull together as people and as christians, and not be separated by race and religion. Don't let this make us weak, when it has the ability to make us stonger. May God Bless and keep us all.

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There is only one way to solve the problem of hate and terrorism! Even if all the terrorists were found and their countries blown off the earth there would be hundreds more waiting to take there place! The underlying motivation for their hatred and violence must be destroyed! DEATH TO ALAH! DEATH TO ISLAM!! But it shouldn't stop there! Christendom is responsible for 95% of all bloodshed on earth the past 1500 years. Tens of millions have been conquered and butchered all in the name of Jesus! Whole native cultures have been wiped out in the name of Jesus. Religeous hatred and bloodshed is still going on in Israel, Ireland, former Yugoslovia, Africa and other countries, mostly Christian! There is only one way to rid the earth of hatred, terrorism and bloodshed! RID THE EARTH OF ALL RELIGEON!!! Without religeon there is no more motive for hatred and bloodshed! It is the only logical answer! If you think I'm crazy you need to pull your head out! 95% of all wars, fighting and terrorism in the last 500 years has been because of religeous beliefs! Wake up people because this terrorist attack is only the beginning!!! IT IS GOING TO GET WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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To all you Religeonists and Patriots: HYPOCRITES!!! You forget Hiroshima? Nagasaki? War is between governments and their armies, not innocent citizens! Yet the USA thought nothing of dropping atom bombs and murdering hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens mostly women, children and elderly! That was far worse than what happened in NY. But that's OK right? The USA doesn't need to be ashamed of that, right? No apology necessary, right? You Religeous and Patriotic HYPOCRITES!!! Wake up! There is only one way to solve the problem of hate and terrorism! Even if all the terrorists were found and their countries blown off the earth there would be hundreds more waiting to take there place! The underlying motivation for their hatred and violence must be destroyed! DEATH TO ALLAH! DEATH TO ISLAM!! But it shouldn't stop there! CHRISTENDOM is responsible for 95% of all bloodshed on earth the past 1500 years. Tens of millions have been conquered and butchered all in the name of Jesus! Whole native cultures have been wiped out in the name of Jesus. Religeous hatred and bloodshed is still going on in Israel, Ireland, former Yugoslovia, Africa and other countries, mostly Christian! Even the attack on Pearl Harbor was motivated by the Japanese Shinto religeous beliefs. There is only one way to rid the earth of hatred, terrorism, war and bloodshed! RID THE EARTH OF ALL RELIGEON!!! Without religeon there is no more motive for hatred, wars and bloodshed! It is the only logical answer! If you think I'm crazy you need to pull your head out! 95% of all spilled blood from wars, fighting and terrorism in the last 500 years has been because of religeous beliefs! Wake up people because this terrorist attack is only the beginning!!! IT IS GOING TO GET WORSE LEADING TO ARMAGEDDON!!! THIS IS THE PROPHECY OF REVELATION!!! No one wants to respond to this because they are afraid it's true!

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Armageddon is biblical, and yes we are headed there. Yes, most of the wars fought do center around religeon, and? That is the way it is supposed to happen, that is the way the whole thing is supposed to end, too. If you read you bible, you would know that, though. Armageddon will happen regardless, As will the second coming of Jesus Christ. With all you non believers on one side, and God himself on the other to cast you straight into the depths of hell. Weither you chose to believe it or not is irrevelant. So, now who is affraid to respond?

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First and foremost, No, you do not scare . I do however have a question for you. Why does who I decide to worship bother you? Christians have been persecuted for thousands of years, because they have chosen to believe in God. So, just for the fun of it, why do you care? Would you give up your right of free speech? Or, how about your right to a trial if you needed one? Any one of a thousand rights that you have and take for granted? Would You? No, ofcourse you wouldn't. So, how can you honestly think that religious prosecution is alright. Oh, it's ok to take away peoples right to religion, as long as the one who doesn't consider himself of any religion doesn't loose anything, right? Now, who's the hipocrit??? YOU ARE MY FRIEND!!! This is not about religion, it is about FREEDOM. The only difference between you and I is that if all of my rights were taken from me one by one, the one thing that they could never take away from me is God. What would you have left if all your rights were taken away?

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God I do believe has brought us together, stronger
as a nation. We are living in the final days
the book of Revelation. God has told his teachers, pastors, to " come to me, pray to me"
for we are living in the final days, bef. my return. I am missing one brother. I like so many
am serching for a loved one. He was in the North
Tower. I have hope, yes, that never dies. But
again, I hope he did not suffer. I know many people did. God knows that we are suffering,
and he takes care of us, the weary, the traveling
he will win, he always doe

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He didn't do anything to stop it either did he??
He or any god had nothing to do with this a bunch
of sick HUMANS did and that is what makes it

Using the name of a god to do these kinda things is what makes me even sicker 🙁

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There is no difference between retaliation and justice. No, you can not abondon religion. No christianity is not responsible for 95% of bloodshed in the past 1500 years. Yes, there is no way we can end terrorism through force. No, Islam is not the cause of terrorism. No, Religion has very little to do with wars but is often an excuse for wars to be declared when tensions already exist. Yes, the US is ashamed of dropping atomic bombs in Japan. If any of these statements need justification please feel free to e-mail me. This is a terrible time, but ignorence will make it worse. I will be happy to elaborate on my beliefs peacefully as well as adapting yours to my own.

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