Looking for AON employee David Wiswall. Please contact Kara at 212-371-6626. God Bless!
Looking desperately for AON employee Alan Friedlander. His wife, son and daughter are extremely concerned. Please contact Helen at 914-245-8738 or 617-851-1728.
Need to find FRANK KOESTNER works on the 104th floor of Tower 1 at CantorFitzgerald please anyone having any info at all contact Michelle Stabile 516-785-4050
Looking for Gary Albero. Was at Aon office for a meeting. Have not heard from him since the disaster.
Looking for Sue Blair - AON Employee - any information please contact . Thanks and God Bless.
We are looking for Heinz Ackermann from Germany working for AON Jauch & Hübner Group in WTC2 top floors. Any information please contact Tim Beckschaefer Germany 0049282296740 or 0049282251110
I am looking for my uncle George Bishop who works for Aon on the 102nd floor of the south WTC building. He has been missing since Tuesday morning. Please contact if you have any information. Thank you.
Richard Fraser, 92nd Floor, AON, please call his wife, Suzanne Fraser at (212) 254-4307, if you have any information. Thank you.
Looking for Larry Nedell. He is an Aon employee last seen on 92nd floor. Last contact was after the annoncement that tower2 appears to be secure. If anyone has anyinfo please contact us.
If anyone knows about the following AON employees please e-mail me. They are Jenine Gonzalez, Ivan Rodriguez and Kim (100th floor receptionist).
If anyone has information whatsoever on Stephen Poulos, AON 102nd Floor, please contact ckantor@baltimoresymphony.org or call 410-783-8016. Thanks and God bless.