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Archive through April 08, 2003

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Cammie - R U stupid???!!! How dare you even attempt to blame the people that teased these murderous, racist, psychopaths for the massacre!

I am totall stunned by such a foolish comment! There are only TWO people responsible for the events of Tuesday afternoon and thankfully they ended their own lives soon after walking into their own school and spraying their fellow humans wil bullets!

As for the "entertainment" comment - have you heard some of the absolute CRAP that the people those hideous two listened to?

If you are sick of people throwing you looks because of the way you dress don't blame them - blame the people that represent these "Goth" people - our friends Eric and Dylan (I was being sarcastic there!).

You really are niave and stupid!

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My heart goes out to all the victims and their families!!!! They will be in my prayers.


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I don't really think that there is much more to say than what is already written here thousands of times. I'm really sorry to all the students that so suddenly lost there future and their lives. I am also sorry to the students that lost there brother, sister, or best friend. It's so unimaganable that this could ever happen in a school. And seeing that most of these students were the same age as me it hit's home really hard. I know that I can speak on behalf of the people in Canada when I say stay strong and our prairs are with you.

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As I sit here in my home, I am watching the funeral for Rachel Scott. My heart is breaking as I watch and listen to her friends. The community of Columbine is not grieving alone, the whole world is grieving with you. I have two children, a boy and a girl. I can't begin to imagine your loss, but I know that our country lost children of our future. Gob be with you all. I'm so sorry that so much has been lost.


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I almost failed to mention to that Cammie person that you are sick and disrespectful. I have many friends whom are goth but they don't care what people say because the main part about being goth is to make heads turn. If you don't like making heads turn then it's within your power to dress normal. Lastly for saying that it was the students faults make's you even sicker. As I'm sitting here the funeral for Rachel Scott is on and it's heart breaking. She is not to be blamed, it was the sick one's who shot and killed her.

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My heart goes out to all the people at Columbine. I couldn't begin to fathom how I would feel if it were me or even people I knew. It is a tragedy & hopefully we can find a way to prevent a travesty like this from happening again. I am the mother of a 5 year-old boy & my husband has already informed me that he will not go to school past the fifth grade. I guess that is what is feels is the safe zone to be in school. Kids today are exposed to so much more than we were in school & the sad part is I only graduated a nine years ago. We need to be constantly aware of what our children's interests are turning to & the people they are associating with & how they are affecting our kids.
Second, I don't feel the previous comments directly toward Cammie are appropriate. If you didn't realize she did note her age & by everyone publicly berating her calling her selfish & so on, how do you expect her to express herself in the future? This is how she truly feels. Did you ever stop & think that maybe these two boys may have been talked to in same way by people they were suppose to respect & model? Possibly deciding it was easier to emulate these sadistic singers & movies because they didn't have to be scorned by them? Like another person wrote we have to want to LISTEN to our kids or ANY kids. Don't make them feel like their opinions don't count. If we do that they will definitely not confide in us when they are going through the most confusing part of their lives as teenagers. Find out why their interests are going toward one extreme or another, especially if we find it disturbing as parents or adults. I didn't have a parent at home I could turn to who would listen to me but I feel like I had a good peer group & teachers who let me express myself & give me feedback regarding my feelings. By no means was I ever felt like I was put down or disrespected. Also, the adults in my life made me feel like I was important & my opinions were important. They also made me aware that I was responsible for my actions & that those actions may not only affect me but alot of other people. If I didn't have that respect who knows how my life would have been shaped? So please, if you don't agree with what Cammie wrote, don't belittle her. Instead, try to reach out to her or you can disagree with her but calling her names does nothing but make you look bad, not her. I agree with her that just being "goth" doesn't turn you into a killer, but then, why do you feel like you have to imitate people who do not respect life? People who don't care about God or even you, just how much money they can make by you thinking they are cool or the "in" thing. If people see you dressed that way, don't they think you reflect the same ideals & promote the same disrespect as these people you are idolizing? Why would you want to do that? I don't understand why "goth" is cool. But again I also don't understand the murder and suicide of so many kids with a bright future ahead of them. My prayers, and I am sure the whole nations prayers, are with everyone on Colorado & will be during the coming months of healing.

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I wish to express my deepest sympathy to all of the students, families and community of Littleton. I watched a TV show in which one of the participants asked how they will get through this sorrow; how they will ever heal. As a former critical care nurse and present home health nurse, having worked with people during some of the highest stresses of their lives, I would like to tell you what may help you. Go with your feelings. You are going to feel badly for a long time, and that is ok. Don't question why you feel a certain way. If you see people who seem to be coping and putting these incidences behind them more quickly than you are, don't second guess yourself. You should feel free to cry and to mourn and to hurt for as long as you need to. There is no standard for how we as humans should or must react to such sorrow and pain. We all heal in our own way, in our own time. It may take longer for some of you, and for others it may be a quicker process. But however you feel, you are entitled to feel as you do, and no one can judge you for that. If you get to a point where you think it's too much for you to continue to bear, then seek counseling or help. But don't think there is something wrong with you because you are requiring a long time to come to peace with what has occured. There is a phrase that I use a lot when I advise patients or friends, and that is that "tincture of time" is a great healer. In time, the pain fades and becomes easier to cope with. That may be difficult for you to understand or believe right now, but it is the truth, and one day you will understand it. You will be left with scars, and those scars will always be sensitive. But you will heal, and you will survive.
Be sure to talk about your experience and your feelings. Talk to anyone and to everyone if you need to. Tell a close friend or your family or even a stranger. Talking it out helps you resolve issues in your mind. If you're not a great talker, then get on your computer or pick up a pen and put your thoughts into words. Write out all that you feel, all that concerns you, all that you are angry or sorrowful about. And keep talking for as long as you need to. Get together and discuss the incident, maybe even on a regular basis. See if you can join support groups. You don't necessarily need to have a professional present; you can have neighborhood groups in which to do this. Continue to work it out. Talk about your sorrow, your anger, your guilt (at being a survivor, at not doing more even though there was nothing more you could have done), your fears.
I wish you the strength you need to get through these most difficult days. I wish you peace in those days that follow. I wish you friendships and the support you need. Allow yourself to be human and to feel, and take care of yourself and those around you when you feel strong enough to do so.

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I know you're getting a lot of support, but my wife and I, along with the rest of the nation, would like to send our sympathies and make you aware, as you already know, that we all support and applaud all of your efforts. We know this is not an easy thing. Good luck and God Bless you all.

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I cannot find words to express how I feel .
My love and prayers are with you all .

nef >^.,.^<

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I'm a mother of two boys, I wonder if anyone is safe in this world today. we all need to protect this world from harm and not loose why we are on this earth.we are here for peace and protect the ones we love. Godbless all of you. and may god help you all though this horrible thing.

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I feel so badly for the families of the victims. They can never to back to where they were before the shootings and will always have to live with the pain of "what if". As a homicide survivor myself, I can not even begin to describe the pain that goes along with losing a love one to violence. There is not a word in the English language that can even begin to let anyone, that has not experience a homicide, know the overwhelming destruction that has occurred to a survivor of a homicide.

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The day I found out about the shooting in Colorado i just came home from work at around 3. I was watching CNN b.c my mom told me what happened. I immedialty called my Best Friend MEggin. We couldnt beleive 2 kids could do such harm to there own school. Even though we graduated last yr just the thought of it alone touched us deeply that we started to cry. I wish everyone in that community to have the strength to push on. I have you all in my prayers. I know its hard to lose class mates. My HS just lost 2 of them this summer. It wasnt the same as what your community went through but the pain was still there. Here is a poem I have for all of the familys of the victums who lives where lost and to there friends. I got this from a News Letter I get on Aol.

You aren't forgotten, loved ones
Nor will you ever be.

As long as life and memory last
We'll remember thee.

We miss you now, our hearts are sore
As time goes by we'll miss you more.

Your loving smile,your gentle face,
No one can fill your vacant place.

God Bless You all. My Family, Friends and me have you all in are prayers.

Sincerly Yours

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From England, our hearts go out to all the people that have lost someone or that has been injured. You are in our prayers.

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We were so sad to hear the news of the shootings in Littleton, Co. It is so sad that so many children had to loose their lives and the teacher that helped protect them had to loose his life. My husbands family lives in Littleton so this has hit close to home for us. Thank god they are alright. But we wanted to let the families of the ones killed know that you are in our hearts and our prayers. America is proud of the ones that were killed and the ones that survived. God Bless You Each and Everyone....Tom and Yvonne Piontkowski
Grand Island, Nebraska

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I remember hearing it would help the victims coping with this tragedy to write to them. If their is any way this poem that I created could be forwarded to the whole entire school it would be greatly appreciated.

Paul Gmitter

My heart goes out to the people of Columbine, Their school turned to tragedy just around lunchtime.
No answers just questions to the victims in pain, a suburb now lost , two psychos to blame.
The terror they felt, the blood that was shed, the parents of students who heard some were dead,
I can't remember a time when life seemed so bad, where one had to kill to make others so sad
I grew up in a time my school mimiced their own, It brings tears to my eyes their pain has hit home.
What now? When will it end?Do kids have to die? our family ,our friends.
This wasn't the first time,I'm sure it won't be last, Our nations in trouble we must take action, and fast.
To the people of Columbine, " My heart goes out to you all"
"I am just someone who cares to help cradle your fall"

Paul F. Gmitter
Bordentown N.J.

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