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Archive through April 08, 2003

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I would just like to say how deeply sorry I am for the victims and their families. Things like this should never have to happen to children. Kids should never have to see what those kids saw on Tuesday. I pray for all who are involved in this terrible tragedy, and I pray for our entire country as well.

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Everyone in the town of Littleton have been in our hearts and prayers. We see your loss and your pain through the TV. We are from Paducah and my daughter lost 3 friends to a crazed gunman while they were praying before classes started.
Again, the gunmans parents said "they didn't know". Please parents, get involved in your kids lives. Know who their friends are and make it easy for them to talk to you. Don't lecture. LISTEN! If someone elses kids can't talk to their own parents, let them talk to you.

Getting rid of the hate is the first step. The second and most important is teaching the LOVE of God through all of us. God Bless You All!

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This game of life that we have to play is so complex ! There can be so much joy and overwhelming happiness in one heart and at the very same second there is pain and suffering in another . God has promised to the believers that he will give us a after life of pure happiness and never have to feel pain and suffereing again . So I rejoyce for the souls that have moved on to be with the lord and pitty the ones that well be damned to hell for ever . The kids that were killed are now feeling the comfort of the lord and the two killers are feeling the evil of hell . Everyone has to try to forget the names of the killers because Im sure that the fame that they have claimed would please them , they would be pleased to know that the whole world now knows of them and will not forget them but they are not worth even a small place in ones mind! Only the names of the innocent should be remembered and thought of daily. I have cried many tears for the souls that have been taken from the earth by evil and everyone must always remember that evil lives everywhere on this earth not just in big cities ! God bless and mend the broken hearted in Littleton

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It has now been almost a week since the shootings, and it feels like the horror was just yesterday. I'm a Canadian, and I just wanted to let everyone in Colorado know that our hearts go out to you. And were all praying for your community to somehow cope with what has happened. I've seen many places that there has been some good come out of this and it was the bond between the town. Just watching it on the news it's so obvious that everyone is there for everyone. And even in a time of greif the support there puts a smile on my face. I'm sorry to the families that have lost someone close, and to the students and faculity. I'm with you guys every step.

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I know a girl name Rachel Scott who was killed. I was sad. I will never be able to go back to school. Her red acrua legend is a makeshift memorial in Columbine High School parking lot. Her step-brother pretended to be dead in a friend's pool of blood. I also know Cassie Bernall. She died in an awful way Eric asked her because she was reading a bible do you believe in god and she said "YES I DO" those were Cassie's last words.I think this shooting was useless. God Bless you Rachel and Cassie and best to the familes of Rachel Scott and Cassie Bernall.

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These students are not to blame. They are reflecting off todays society. Their parents should have noticed they were up to something. If I, an eight grade student, can notice these things, why don't others? Parents, get involved in you childs life, for their sake, and ours.

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In my opinion, the media and the school environments are paritally to blame. I know that schools can never be completely safe, but I've seen cases in my school where students have gotten in fights in the same rooms with teachers and the teachers have done nothing.
The media is to blame in tv and in video games. I've seen sooo much blood and gore in 3d video games these days and I have a feeling that those games were very popular among this group.
To those who are gone. we will never forget what happened. Your prayers are with us.

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My hart and prair goes out to the whole school and community, to the injured, the families of the victoms and to all of the friends of the victums. I just wish that there was something that I could do to help.
Something needs to be done in order to prevent future incodents and instead of placing the blam and pointing fingers, people (everyone) should put their heads and thoughts together to come up with away to prevent it.

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This is a poem that my sister sent me a few weeks ago and I thought the daughters of Mr. Sanders might find some peace with the words.
Always made me happy
Sometimes made me sad
Always full of love
Is now up above.
Sometimes made me mad
But most times glad
Till the very end.
Thank you for being my dad
For that I am forever glad
I miss you so much
I wish for just one more touch.
Always in my heart
Even though we are apart
A daddy liek you is one of a kind
You are forever etched in my mind.

We lost our father 9 years ago and this has really helped since my sister sent it to me and just wanted to share it with his daughters and let them know how proud we all are of what their father did for those kids.
God Bless!!
Yvonne (Tom) Piontkowski

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Must we always blame? Our society is obsessed with placing blame in someone else's lap. It seems like the natural, the just, thing to do, but it doesn't solve the problem. And it doesn't heal the pain. The kids at Columbine erected crosses for all who were killed- blue for the boys and pink for the girls. What moved me to tears was that they also erected two black crosses for the killers, a prayer for their deeply troubled souls. By keeping open minds and accepting all people we might shower enough love onto this firery world to drown out the hate. I find it so hard to muster compassion for terrifying people, but judgement is not mine to render. "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." -Ghandi

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all of the students at Sparta School in Sparta,NC want to say how sorry we are at what happened a little over a week ago. If there is anything we can do let us know.

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It is with some reluctance that I post this message, and yet I feel the need to vent. I'm not sure why the media feels the need to report on funeral size...i.e. _____'s funeral was attended by 2,100 people, ______'s funeral was attended by 1,800 people, etc. However, because they are doing this, I noticed something that I don't like. One of the students killed was a special needs student. And that student's funeral was attended by "only" 800 people. Here, in the midst of this tragedy, when we are assigning blame and raising voices to get rid of the barriers between people, we see the media coverage being given to the high achieving victims, the huge attendance at their funerals, etc. and the student who was perhaps less able, who functioned at a lower level perhaps, seems to be, even in death, "brushed aside". Not that 800 is a small funeral. It is small only in relation to the other funerals. Perhaps the family preferred that. Or is it yet another example of some people being treated 'better' than others? Just another disturbing thought in among many disturbing thoughts. This child's terror and confusion was probably even greater than the other students involved. It did not occur to me that there were special needs students in the school, but now that I think of it I realize that of course there would be. These students will need even more help than the rest of the students to understand what happened. Many have an innocence that is more naive and vulnerable than the regular teens. I hope that their fellow students can find the generosity of spirt to rally around them. They will be more lost and confused than anyone. New school, new schedule. My heart goes out to all the students, teachers, parents, and especially to those with special needs.

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HI, I am very sorry what happened in your school. I go to a very small school and every day I pray to god that we don't have this. I really don't know what ot say because it never happened here. I hope it will never. God is with everyone that has to wake up and think of this. My Prayers are with each and every person that goes to the school and the parents.

Christy Brink
Harmony High School

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hi there sorry about your loss i wish that all this stupid volince would just stop i just thought to write in tell you that every body is thinking of you guys doing this bad time and to say god is always with you and so are your friends

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Hey there sorry to here about all the useless killing and my simpathy goes out to all of the parents that has lost becuase of all dumb stupid shootings because a couple wanted to be remember butthat is defintly the way to be remebered i just want to say sorry to the partents that have lost their children the students that have lost friends and the school that lost a brave teacher.

Ryan Young
Harmony High School

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