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Archive through April 08, 2003

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I'm writing a short story for one of my classes about school violence so if you have any info that could help me with getting the facts straight you can email it to me at starluck85@hotmail,com thanks

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Its all very well for you people to come on here and start shouting about how it is wrong for those boys to kill in the columbine masacres. But for once why dont you hear it from teenagers. The problem with teachers and adults is they all try so hard to come up with all the right solutions and sound knoledgable but in actually fact they will learn nothing till they speak to children about this.
Im a fifteen year old girl, and through depression and bullying i can see how it could be very easy to massacre a high school.
Dean and Eric were bullyed, upset, depressed especially Eric, well all i can say is those who died tough •••• your own fault, shoudnt have bullyed them in the first place.
School massacres WILL continue untill something is done to protect children. There is no support in my school for children who are depressed, they are ignored, because that is easier then dealing with the problem. Well until the day i see changes in the school systems, i say sit by your TV and wait for the next masacre to unfold, i guarentee you wont have to wait long.

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Oops, in my last msg i typed Dean instead of Dylan. Sory everyone!

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I have learnt alot about the columbine massacres, and have actually found the websites which the killers made before the killings which talks about what they were going to do.
Anybody who read my last message feel free to post your comments about it. Negative or Posative, id like to know what you all think.

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In response to yaels message i have to say although you are right it was a terrible tragedy, have you even considered the other side. Can you imagen the pain, the bullying and the depression those boys went through to feel this is what they had to do?
They wer not maniacs as you keep refering to them as, they were prime examples of what can happen to ordianry teenagers placed in this society and exposed to the things which all teenagers are.
Even the columbine massacre which is the worst in the american history of school massacres was not that bad. Think about it, think of the amount of people dead everyday in third world contries. They aimed to kill hundreds, not think of how many actually did die. It could have been worse. But will the next massacre we hear of be worse? We can only wait and see.

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My family comes from Germany, and I know all about
Nazism. Its all about "Taking Over". I was tormented
in school and had the similiar thoughts. I some how
survived High School and now home school my child.
Its ironic, our school systems is modeled after
educators from Boston Mass visited a German Schools and applauded the displine instilled in students.
Students became little soldiers and if you were not
good enough, you were left behind. Now we have
these same Military Schools, only the students will not stand for the abuse. We need to change the way
our children learn.....we need to learn in peace and

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Can music make teens violent?/ can it influence it? reasons how and why and examples to prove your answer

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The bali bombing was realy tragic and i send all my regards to all who was there that tragic day!

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