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Archive through May 8, 1999

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What happened at CHS is a terrible thing! Students lives were taken for no reason, one girl was shot just for saying that she believed in God. When I first heard of what happened last Tuesday, I just thought to myself, "Man, we can even go to school without thinking 'Is someone going to come in my school and start shooting?' I dont understand why people do such things? I go to school in Va Beach, already after this happened, there has been bomb threats in 2 of the schools, and guns found in a school bathroom.
Our school is taking this all very seriously.
Not only is the state of Colorado grieving, but all the way across the country people are grieving. I would like to tell the families and friends and all the students and Columbine High School, you are all in my prayers, God Bless all of you!

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my heart goes out to all of the victims of this tragedy. You are in my prayers. Give your heart to Jesus- He alone can comfort you through this grief. Much love, Kamala

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WE love you

Never knowing what was coming
Expecting the least
Your mouth went dry
And your knees went weak
The sheer terror inside of your school
Makes you think that some kids
Were just as brave as you
One black
The rest white
Four females
Ten males
And a teacher killed in fight
Imagine what it was like
Inside Columbine High
Some kids were just hangin' outside
With one bang
They're dead
Others strive to survive
We all ask what can we do
Their response
Pray for us
And we'll
Pray for you
Jesse Schwiderski
In memory of Columbine

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I am very sorry for your lose of family and friends. I can't even begin to think of the pain you are going through. I have and will keep praying for you all. The Lord is with you all, I know at times it may seem that he is not, but in truth he is. I wish all of you the very best. If you are lonely and feel there is no-one there for you just close your eyes and think of the friend or loved you are missing.
God Bless you all, Tiffany Breedlove

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i not speak inglish i am puerto rican
espero que esten bien dios los ayudo loque esas gente hicieron pagaran por lo que hicieron pero tienes que pensar en hechar pa lante dios te dejo en la tierra piensa eso espero que se mejoren amigos le mando saludos a todos los de la high school columbine que se mejoren.
island puerto rico
city ponce
name jhoel
telephone 842 2543 cip code 00731

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soy de puerto rico siento mucho lo que paso ese dia yo llego estar meda un ataque pero amigos lo mas importante es que estan vivo delen las gracias a dios yo le doy gracias a dios por darme salud los quiero mucho amigos que se mejoren high school columbine: i am the puerto rico
my house is in ponce my name joel como me comunico con alguien de la escuelaseguire viniendo que se mejoren bye

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L ive in western ky,where a year we experienced the same tragedy,we would like you all to know the parents and students of Heath schools are praying for you all,and we know mere words can not expressed yor grief at this time or our feelings of sadnessPlease just stand together and talk and comfort one another,and let the lord led you.

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Even though I live thousands of miles away in Philadelphia, this tragedy has touched me very deeply. I can't help but feel the pain of Littleton. Knowing that something like this can happen anywhere has shocked us all back into reality. Since this happened last week, there have been numerous bomb threats in my city, espcially at the local high schools. A lot of them had to be closed for at least a day to make sure everything was safe. You can't feel safe anywhere anymore. I wanted the Columbine High students, facutly, family, friends, and the whole community to know the my thoughts and prayers are with all of you and that you are not going through the shock, horror, pain, and heartache alone, the whole country feels it with you.

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My name is Heather Raulerson and i am a 18 year
old senior in high school, and i felt so bad about what had happened that i wanted to do something for the families that had lost loved one or ones that had their loved ones hurt in the mess, so i spoke with my mother and asked her if we could send money to help them out, so she thought about it and the next day she told me that we could do a big car wash and a rather large yard sell and sell alot of stuff and send all of the money to you all at Colorado, it probably will not be much but i am certain that it will help...MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL IN COLORADO....

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Gun people--the USA has a fetish for guns.

NRA go away.
NRA go away
NRA go away, please.

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I am truly sadened by this ! Those boys need to realize how stupid they are.


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Come by and leave a message, link to the page, and see the heartwarming support offered during times like this.

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My heart goes out to the victims of this tradegy. I was staying home from school and watching t.v. when I saw the news brief, I immediately called my mom and cried this is so awful to aceppt, and it was nowhere near me. It makes you truly think how safe you really are to The families You Are in My Prayers and my heart goes out for you Heather Rouse

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My name is Amber Pierce and I'm in the 9th grade.I attend Warren Alvarado Oslo High School in Minnesota,and the population of this town is 1813. I have about 40-45 classmates, in the whole 9th grade. Our town is not that big. I keep hearing everyone say that there is no way something like that could happen here, and it makes me really mad. I beleive that anyone and basically everyone is capable of doing a horrendous thing such as what happened in your community. When I heard about the massacare I immedeatly started crying, just because I felt for the innocent. I'd just like to let the community of Littelton know that this town as well as any other town in the US, is praying for you and your lost as well as found loved ones.
I really hope that you are seen through this, and I also hope that everyone can move on and start over with a new begining. I would like to hear from the community of littleton, please let me know how the town is progressing and if the students of Columbine need a helping hand, please, please contact me, I will do all I can.
Amber Pierce

contact me at

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I'd just like to say that I haven't slept for the almost two weeks since this began. It's terrible. I've been crying non-stop, and I'm terrified to be at school. This just goes to show how stupid and selfish some people can be. (i.e. the killers), and how giving and caring others can be (i.e. the rest of the world). I'm just writing to tell yuo that Canada is thinking of you at all times. We're praying for you all the time, and we love you.

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