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Archive through May 8, 1999

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I am a Senior at a private school in florida. First and foremost, I would like to say that my prayers are with the family and friends of those killed and injured as well as the families of the two gunmen. I was greatly affected by this tragedy when I heard about it at school. We have had prayer services for the students and families and we pray for them everyday. I am especially grieving for the class of 1999,with only a few weeks left until their graduation, I cant begin to think how many of their graduation events and other happinesses have been stripped away. As for the girl who was shot while reading the Bible, she is truley an Angel. She died a martyr for her faith in God, and I assure you she is being rewarded greatly in heaven. The same goes for the teacher he is truley a hero, and I know his daughters will be proud to say he was their father.
Prayers to Family, Friends, And Victims of Columbine High...
Jennifer, Florida

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Dear Coumbine,
I know that all of the hearts of people around the world go out to you. The only question that we all have is WILL WE EVER LEARN? It is horible that 13 people had to die because of one persons unhappyness or hatred issues. I am sorry for the loss of 13 students that all had a mojor life a head of them. Hopefuly all of them will be rembered and all people in the U.S. will try to make school a safer place.
Traci Brander
Age 14
Ashland Or.

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I just wanted to say that I am so sorry that this had to happen to you all. It is truly a tragedy. My thoughts and prayers have been with you since the day it happened and continue to be. I have a young daughter and it just terrifies me to think of sending her out into the world someday. I want to shelter her in my arms and never let her out, but I know I cannot do that so I have to trust God to take care of her always. But I am more determined than ever to always show her every day how very much I love her and how much she means to me. She is everything to me.

I want you all to know that there are so many people here in North Carolina that are thinking about you, all of you, the victims and their families, the injured and their families and the community.

Please remember that those who died are in heaven with Jesus now and safe in His arms. May God bless you all and my husband and I are praying for you.

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Dear Columbine students and families, i am writing you because of the grief i am still feeling for all of you. I know It may seem that nothing can take away your pain, but hang in there. I want you know that my family and I are praying that you can learn to deal with this tragedy and carry on with your lives, more importantly just remember that GOD loves you and so do I.

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Dear Columbine,
I'm a sophomore at Warren High School in Little Hocking Ohio. I want to say how deeply sorry I am for all your losses. I know I can't say I know what all of you are going through and I hope to God I never can. But I can say that all the families that have lost a loved one, including the families of the two gunmen, you all are in my prayers. This tradgedy has touched us all and I will keep you all in my thoughts. God Bless you.

-Cassie 16

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Can someone tell me the name of the song sung by the columbine student who gave a speech just before student president at the memorial service.

The student at the memorial service said her family would express themselves through song. Some of the words were " faith hope and glory we can fo on together. clouds go by."

Thanks for the help and best blessings for all.


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I feel very sad for the Trenchcoat Mafia!They were obviously in need of mental help!!

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My sister-in-law sent me the most compassionate expression of comfort and support through the words of a poem that she came across on the Internet. The poem is written for the students and families of those at Columbine, by Fran Maiers in Rochester Hills, MI. Please send a request to Fran to post it on this message board for others to read. Her e-mail is">

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The song was "Columbine, Firend of Mine" there are websites in colorado that you could probably order the CD.

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Although I live on the East Coast - some 2,000 miles away from Littleton, Colorado, I have been tumultuously effected by the Columbine High School massacre. Never I cried so hard and slept so little since the 1985 Kentucky drunk driving bus crash that killed 27 kids during a church youth group trip an amusement park.

I have family that lives in the Denver metro area. My brother works in Littleton not far from the school. I am the uncle of a niece and nephew at neighboring Douglas County High School. I am more than elated to report they're all ok, safe and sound despite being next door to "ground zero."

I have written to debunk the excuses of abuse that some are using as justification for Eric's and Dylan's murderous rampage through Columbine.

During my junior high years and the first year of high school, I lived through a hell of physical, emotional, and verbal abuse from fellow students. I admitted to my mom just last week, they're are times of physical abuse she didn't even know about. I wasn't popular so I was a loner. I felt I was a "punching bag". I also lived in a dysfunctional family. I even tried to kill myself because I was so disliked.

One day, during lunch, a guy named Kevin walked to my table and invited me to a meeting that night. It was a night I haven't forgotten some 25 years later. It was filled with laughter, joy, and happiness. There was singing, clapping, some kids dancing too. Then there were outrageously funny skits by the leaders. After all was calm, the leaders got to the purpose of the meeting: A Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ. The leaders were from a youth ministry called Young Life - based in Colorado Springs.

Through my last years of high school, I virtually lived with the "club" as it was known on those Wednesday nights. My parents even let me have 50 to 60 crazy and wild YLer's at our house for a couple of hours of fun, fellowship and prayer. I went with Young Life on summer retreats to Saranac, Windy Gap, and La Vida. I also went on weekend retreats. It was an absolute joy to be involved with Young Life. With Young Life's help, I graduated from high school in 1977.

Thanks to what Kevin did for me on that day, we are now the best of friends. He is the pastor of an inner city Philadelphia, Pa church. I can call him and visit with his family (3 teenagers) at any time I want. I even called him at close to midnight the other night and cried about this wholly unnecessary tragedy. I needed his pastoral counseling to deal with my overwhelming feelings on this bloody massacre that occurred extremely to close to my brother's family.

Today, at 40, I still live with some of those scars of abuse. However, I have a full time job going on 14 years with a Top 10 Corporation. I am also a productive citizen of our society. I have been engaged in politics, protests, volunteer work, etc. Moreover, I HAVE NOT KILLED ANYONE over the abuses I suffered (if I did, I wouldn't be writing this).

What was done to Eric and Dylan was wrong, plain and simple, period!!!! I find it ludicrous some people are using Eric's and Dylan's abuse as justification for murder. If any of you want to be different, an outcast, a loner, then YOU MUST LEARN TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF AND ACTIONS. You will be taunted, looked at, sneered at, gossiped at, and so on. It's all-wrong but that is teenage human nature. I know first hand because I experienced them.

Ask yourself why aren't I liked and do something about it. Talk to your parents, a guidance counselor, a classmate you trust, your pastor, whomever. Also, get involved at school, your church, and your community. Pick a hobby. For me, I like baseball cards - I have over 100,000. I'm a baseball fan too. I like the Baltimore Orioles. I implore you, just don't stand around and palt, feeling sorry for yourself.

Finally, I pray the massacre at Columbine High School on April 20th, 1999 sounds a clarion call to America's adult population to take our kids violent threats seriously. We are the bridges to their future. When will we take the responsibility to protect them, nuture them and guide them until they are ready to cross those bridges?

I don't hold the Harris and Klebode parents SOLELY responsible for the son's murderous rampage. Eric and Dylan are victims too. Both fell through the cracks of bureaucratic indifference and adult apathy to their cries for help. Yes, Eric and Dylan murdered 13 of their classmates, but we adults killed all 15 kids.

To America's teenagers, I am so sorry for my fellow adults failure to stop this unfortunate tragedy. How many more dead teenagers and brokenhearted parents, siblings, friends will the toll climb to stop the killing? PLEASE no more Columbine's, Paducah's, Jonesboro's, Springfield's or Pearl's.

To America and her adults, our country's future is drowning in our children's blood.


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