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Archive through May 19, 2002

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Killing of innocents is wrong. I am not Roman Catholic, but I sympathize with Catholic believers being targetted for murder in East Timor. I am disgusted by militant groups targetting any specific group based upon its religious belief. I am also baffled by the Vatican's silence on the atrocities when they started a long time ago. Many hundreds of thousands of 'brown' and 'dark' catholics have been murdered in East Timor since 1975. Only when 'white' European nuns and priests get murdered, do the Vatican cry foul and start making some noises.

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It is going to be a story of to little and to late for military action in East Timor. Western governments knew in advance that when the vote for East Timor independance took place that this brutality was going happen. This "ethnic cleansing" or "economic brutality" has been going on for a very long time throughout Indonesia and infact the the West has participated and supported the actions of many brutal regimes in the past. It has nothing to do with loyalty to allies or doing what is right for the people of an oppressed nation. When Western governments have the chance to make a difference they will look at all the options before using any military force or embargoes. All of our Western governments typically react only if their strategic or economic issues are at stake. We will eventually wake up when the China decides its economic stake in Indonesia is at risk and they will not ask for UN permission to act. It will be to late for our apethetic societies to do any thing about it. Could it be that our governements are just putting the spin on it for domestic consumption??? Governments trying to look like they are actually concerned and ready to do something about it when in fact they will do very little but talk. I would like to see a military intervention when human rights are trampled in situations like East Timor but I believe that is not realistic in every instance. Most governments on this little planet are not Democratic in any way and they do not tolerate any discussion like we are having here on the Net. Many totalitarian regimes are working very hard to undermine all forms of democracy including yours and mine. I belive we as individules need to do something even when our governments are non-responsive. We should Boycott all products made in Indosnesia and lobby our politicians at every level to do the same.

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INDONESIA must be punished severely not just for its tacit consent to the massacre of a people. Here's a list of the problems it has brought to the countries around it:
(1) massive corruption that was one of the power kegs in the Asian economic crisis;
(2) a massive haze that envelops SEA every year causing massive health and economic problems in the region;
(3) rape and pillage of Chinese minority earlier this yr after the fall of the the corrupt and evil scumbag Suharto

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I guess the only response I have to your recent diatribe Tom H.T., is that you research your religious material more acurately before making unsound comments!

Getting things off one's chest is okay, making unsubstanciated assumtions is a different kettle of fish!

Research is a worth while tool!

Happy searching?

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Tom H.T., I must agree with John's comments above. I am not a Catholic by any stretch of the imagination. I am a black Baptist minister. You are completely incorrect regarding the Vaticans lack of response concerning dark skinned people. Besides, what did the rest of the world do when over 1,000,000 people were slaughtered in Africa in 94-95? It did absolutly nothing. The Dutch colonel in-charge of the the UN contingent begged for 1200 soldiers so he could put a stop to the killing that had begun, but the UN did nothing. Many Catholic priests and nuns were raped and beheaded during this time, as well as many Protestant clergy. These priest, nums, and minister remained to help the refugees. Sir, please get your facts straight before you spread further hatred.

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Actually this is about politic...politic will destroy all section (religion,colors,economic)
I hate war!!!Because it make enemy, I have friends, family, now we can not say hi...because among Indonesian, East Timor & Australia have big problems...

I wish this situation will come back peacefully like before so my friends in the world will not affraid or hate my country, my people

To our government & United Nation please discuss together without have trick to try to get the island of east Timor.

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Really confusing.... why most western countries blamed Indonesia and saying that Indonesia could not handle the militias of East Timor? It is because Indonesia is in a very weak position? Don't they remember in 1975 when Portugal left East Timor then this area became a killing fields? Fretilin (communist) would take place of East Timor and would rule over there. As a nearest neighbour Indonesia felt very uncomfort because of this communist party. Other parties in East Timor asked Indonesia to help them, then Indonesia did it, even Indonesia sacrificed thousands of its army. Then the story started until East Timor became a province in Indonesia even UN never been recognized it. At the time US and Australia support Indonesia. Indonesia develop East Timor. From only 60 km of roads now you can see thousands km of roads in East Timor. From only below 100 of schools now it grows up to thousands of schools all over East Timor. The people of East Timor has given a very good chance to be student at the universities all over Indonesia compare to other candidates from other provinces. I personally salute to Xanana Gusmao, but Ramos Horta? He only look at the bad side of Indonesia's government and he told that to the world. Doesn't he see that his people also has given good chance to live in Indonesia? Since Indonesia is always said as the country with no human rights, then Indonesia agreed to John Howard--as a good neighbour--to give the second option (referendum)in the ballot. When the pro independence won the ballot everything has changed. I hate murder and other violence, but does anyone see why it happened? Some East Timorese who pro-Jakarta said many cheatings have happened when ballot in progress. UNAMET knew it, but they just ignored it. These people reported to Jakarta, but Jakarta has to be really careful to protest. Indonesia is a member of the UN and Indonesia should respect to the UN. These people got angry when they thought Indonesia is too slow to response their report. Then they start to burn and to kill other people in East Timor because they felt unfair of the result of the ballot. The government of Indonesia sent their army to control the situation in East Timor. Another problem faced the army. About 7,000 of the army is from East Timor. TNI didn't know of these 7,000 army belong to pro-independence or pro-Jakarta. It was so difficult. How come Indonesia (TNI) always gave its best to do their army job in other countries as the UN peacekeepers, but in East Timor can't sho it's teeth? The problems so complicated!!! On the other hand Australia as if want to show their force to Indonesia. Why on earth Australia did it. John Howard with his arogant saying anything about Indonesia's bad side. I'm thinking .. why did he do it? As a good neighbour (Australia) he should be able feels what Indonesia's problem then try to help, not to show their army force as if they want to invade Indonesia. Good thing is Indonesia can hold the emotion, if not? You may imagine what will happen between these countries as a very close countries.
I don't want to say anything else, since so many people has already talked about East Timor and they gave so many thoughts.... I just think.... I'm confused.

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Malaikat devil... if the world has the same thought of you, we will have a peaceful world. Salute to you. Have a good day.

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The words from East Timor independence spokesman Jose Ramos Horta said that "We are part of South Pacific nations. We are not part of ASEAN." My opinion is that, so far East Timor is situated in a developing country. East Timor is nice to be an unique Catholic based country neighbouring over 17,000 Muslim based islands. We hope those independence leaders don't mislead East Timor's future towards it's own isolationism; because the about 800,000 population are still depending on the global cares and reciprocation to survive. I suggest the present East Timor's attitude should toward whatever the someone's offered sincerities, Timorese should take the appreciation and achieve their development. Timorese can have friends from their neighbors of Singapore. Thailand, Philippines, China/Hong Kong/Macau beside Australia/New Zealand. Except someones are so covetous, otherwise most of the ethnic Chinese compatriots have learnt a lesson from resented Indonesia's Exclusive Chinese Movement and ethnic violence; we don't see their (Chinese) overseas remittance will deposit back to reinvest in a bankrupt Islamic Indonesia rather than looking for another new alternative route. May be Christianity is an unique advantage to East Timor where nearby Australia. A FreePort economic model could stimulate the half-island Timor's isolationism. However so far we have not hear how to evaluate the new currency of East Timor yet since the independence have been recognized. The delay only will hurt East Timor's rebuild processing.

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It's a horrible thing to see a country like Indonesia that wasn't exactly a hotbed of war or conflict for decades being slowly pieced apart instead of pieced together by that dreaded disease common to men--the I-want-things-my-way-no-matter -what disease. In Indonesia, as in other such places where the population are largely lacking in higher education and so are more in touch with their animalistic tendencies than their humanity, this disease is very widespread, especially among the male population who tend to put their wants first before those of the weak members of their population. Hence the loss of respect for humanity in East Timor during the terror rampage of the militias and now Aceh. Men want things their way so for them, to hell with the suffering they cause women, children, and old people. How I wish I dared sell my soul for the power to wish all such men to be wiped from the face of the earth. The world has far too many such fake men around. I call them fake men because their first true loves are themselves.

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Groups who fought for East Timor's independence from Indonesia met secretly in Singapore on Sunday, February 27, with representatives from pro-Jakarta militias for reconciliation talks. Kjell Ake Nordquist, head of the department of peace and conflict research at Sweden's Uppsala University, presided over the meeting.

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Dear Kem Sos,

This is an order from the Rev. Lim Bunthoeun, Abbot of Watt Khmer Puthipreak in Columbus, Ohio. You need to call (614) 879-7911 regarding "September 30, 2000 Community Awareness Party".

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