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Archive through May 19, 2002

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Its time to educate the immature Timorese politicians. The year 2000 witnessed the raise of Timorese radical political groups such as gangs of former "unofficial" Falintil guerrillas and the splinter group of the historic Fretelin party, CPD-RDTL. These groups have instigated disruption all over East Timor which panicked many who are yet to recover themselves from September 1999 uprising.

It is important that Capacity Building Program becomes the highest priority of the transitional administration in the period leading up to the national election.

Some political leaders have exchanged words in the uncensored local newspapers without observing the code of ethichs of media publication. Jose Ramos Horta onece lambasted the CPD-RDTL as thieves and idiots in the local media. Likewise, Gil da Costa of CPD-RDTL has also made unhealthy comments in STL insulting Ramos Horta for the former comments in the same paper.

While some small political party leaders would refrain themselves from mingling into others' internal affairs, some immature politicians and Ngo activists have added to the already unhealthy political atmosphere by making unfavorable comments in the media that triggered conflicts at the society at large.

With the exception of Xanana, politicians such as Lu'Olo and Mari Alkatiri of Fretelin and others have not shown yet their capabilities to rule the country in the future. Most of UDT and Fretelin (the two biggest political groups)politicians are still romancing with the past, 1975. Using their past as justification, these parties think they are the ones who represente the true will of the East Timorese. Post-power syndrome still the main problem to be taken care of in East Timor.

Get up men, it is 2000, not 1975

Timorese still needs help!


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i was wondering to what extent should polictical and military leaders be held account for decisions and actions taken during time of war and civil unrest?

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I hop East Timor they need all the Help they need next 7 year

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