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Archive through August 20, 1999

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Funding needed for the purchase of two underground shelters. To be used primarily for the protection of children, the elderly, and the disabled in the event of disaster, or other social disruptions. Temporary low interest, secured loan needed untill grant can be located. If you, or your organization can be of any assistance, please contact us. Time is critical, as these properties will not be on the market much longer. Private donations are also welcomed. We are but a small organization, not affiliated with the Red Cross, or Red Crescent. We try to deceive no-one with our name. Our authenticity can be verified by the NC. Secretary of state,Ph.1-800-228-8443. Your help is urgently needed, Our address is below. Very Sincerely, Joyce Sullivan,VP. Ps. Please excuse the spelling, and poor grammar. Our secretary is on maternity leave.

Cross And Crescent Relief Agency,inc #81,Tyndall Lane Maysville,NC. 28555 Tel.910-743-6550

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I am looking for any information regarding the safety or condition of my friend, Sedat Senturk & his family in Istanbul. If you know of him or about his condition, please post a message to this board. Thank you!

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What can I do to help? The death toll surged to 10,059 dead, and more than 45,000 were injured, the government said today. Does anyone know of groups that are helping. Please post to this board.


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Stephanie, I do not understand why God gives breath to people of your intelligence, but then again neither me or God judge people of your intellect, we only feel sorry for you!
As said 'Frank' from Canada, one day you may be in need of some form of help (Personally I think you are in need already), lets just hope those that tend you are more humane than your miserable, self centred & very narrow minded self.
For your own sake, I pray you never have to experience the devastation our fellow human beings recently experienced in Turkey (of all nationalities, including yours!), simply because you wouldn't last the distance or survive.
Your a shallow, cold hearted individual and one day your comments will come back and bite you on the arse!
I've probably wasted enough time on you already, so take care and find a real vocation and meaning to your hollow life!
You probably deserve less than you have?!

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Anybody who wants to help, please visit URL


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For all of those looking for ways to help, I have been regularly posting public announcements at the Yahoo! Turkiye Club:

I would post them here but they are too many and too long. Please visit the URL above to read the bulletin board messages on how you can help. There is also a listing of organizations that have designated specific funds for the Turkish earthquake.

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An immediate action that you can take is to contact your local churches and synagogues and ask them to collect donations in this weekend's mass for the earthquake. The donations can be channelled to:

For churches:
American Red Cross
Turkey Eartquake Fund

For synagogues:
B'nai Brith
Turkey Earthquake Disaster Fund

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Dear stephanie please come here and talk to my 8000 dead people about camels ( Here is no camel have a look at arabia )You are out of my point anyway. We need all helps that we can get from all over the world. Please dont forget. People is people everwhere.Here or there. Whats the difference?

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I am looking for the Condition of Zubeyde Tarim of Yalova. If anyone has an information on her condition, please e-mail Your help is very much appreciated. May God be with all of you.

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I am trying to call my sister last two days without any success. Her name is Zerey , Nermin she is living in Pendik and her phone no is 216-6775390

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We are seeking information about our aunt and uncle who live in Yesilyurt/Istanbul, Turkey

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Golcuk, Kocaeli
Yuzbasilar mahallesi, Yuzbasilar apartmani, daire 1

Lutfen yardim! Annenemizden haber alamiyoruz. Eger
birsey ogrenirseniz Turkiye'de 252-386-3808'i arayiniz.

Cok tesekkurler.
Janet and Sarp

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I'm looking for information regarding the safety of Yurttas family members: Tezer (naval officer on TCG Fatih) & brother Mahir (both in Golcuk); Nadir, Nilgun (in Istanbul).
Please email me at with ANY information.

Thank you so much,

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Engin Tezcan ve ailesinden haber bekliyoruz. Amerikadan telefonla aradik ama
hic cevap alamadik. lutfen yardimci olun. tesekkurler ve insallah boyle felaketle
bir daha karsilasmayiz. herkese gecmis olsun

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To the Board:

I know that this is a site for individuals seeking to find their loved ones. I have no relatives missing in this quake, but I have friends who do. I simply must address Stephanie Wong's remarks and our response to them.
By attacking her with verbal zingers, we make ourselves feel better, but only shore up her assertions that her's is the only point of view.
Part of me wants to say "She was probably abused" or "she's on drugs" or "no one loves her and she is lashing out". But the habit of excusing ill behavior should be put to sleep along with intentional cruelties. There is no excuse for this behavior. There is, howver, no excuse for OUR behavior if we continue to insult her and verbally spit on her. As I said, we only add gasoline to the conflagration she's begun around herself.
So what will help? I don't know. We can pray for her, pity her, feel sorry for her...and we can also send donations to the various relief the name of Stephanie Wong.

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