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Archive through August 21, 1999

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by fulya &derya

We are worried about Buket Akyavuz & Hakan Özel.We would be greatful for any information.Thank you.

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dr. alptekin ilaslan ý arýtorum ailesi derince de yasiyordu kendisinden veya ailesinden haber alýrsanýz bildirir misiniz ?*

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I am trying to find Suzy Korur in Istanbul she works with American Home and Life Insurance
Co. She may be in Izmir with her mother.

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Monterey, CA based friends of ERTUGRUL UZUNGULO (aka Archer), a Lieutenant in the Turkish Navy, seek information on his whereabouts and well-being. His last known locale was Ankara, but he often traveled to the Navy Base hit hard by the earthquake.

If you have any information, please forward it to

Wishing you all a happier outcome.

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I'm looking for my friends from Adapazari,
If you have any information about them contact me via I would be grateful

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To : Noah Katz

Doctors Without Borders ( ) site mentions 4 teams being in Turkey for the relief efforts. Hopefully, they know the contact numbers for doctors. You can also make donations to DWB, if you wish so. Like an American Red Cross official, I think cash is the best help people can offer, as you don't have to spend time & money for the logistics of sending things from the US. I, for one, made donations to different organizations for my countrymen. I am terribly sorry about what happened and still going on.
I would like to thank for all the international response we have been receiving.

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I'm looking for information about my college
boyfriend, Kerim Baran, age 28, went to
Northwestern University, and his whole family who
live right outside Istanbul. If you have info
please e-mail me at"> I
Kerim may have been working at Coca Cola in
Istanbul, but have no way of confirming this. His
mother has her own clothing line. He also has a

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I am looking for Evren Ali Ozsoy. If you know of his whereabouts or how I can find out if he is ok, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You

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Trying to Acquire any information regarding the status of The family of Ozbeks. Names are Mr. Ismet Ozbek and Mrs. Guler Ozbek Located at Bahceilevler. Cad, Domanic , Turkey , City of Kutahya. Son named Artilla , very concerned , cannot reach them by phone . Any info would be apprieciated . Can be reached by E-mail at Glel

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I am looking for information on the location and well-being of Berna Donmezer. She is a naval officer at the Navy Base that was hit hard by the earthquake. e-mail:

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I am looking for a friend from the internet.His name is Bahattin Ozturk.Please let me know if you know of him and his family and if they are safe.Thank you..
My email is{}

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I am looking for a friend from the internet..his name is Bahattin Ozturk....he lives in Yalova..
Please let me know if he and his family are safe......Thankyou
You can email me at

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I am looking for a friend from the internet..his name is Bahattin Ozturk....he lives in Yalova..
Please let me know if he and his family are safe......Thankyou
You can email me at

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Please pass this message to anyone who may be helpful. I and my friend are geologists. I know Turkish well and my friend is well-trained for emergency rescue. We want to go to Turkey to help people. If any organization is deploying, please contact us at WE ARE READY TO HELP AS MUCH AS WE CAN. Thank you everyone. God bless TURKIYE!!!

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My heartfelt sympathies to all in Turkey and all with loved ones in Turkey.

For those in the U.S. who would like to help,any of the following organizations should be effective and will accept funds designated for the Turkish earthquake:

American Red Cross
International Response Fund
P.O. Box 37243
Washington, D.C. 20013

Doctors Without Borders USA, INC
P.O. Box 2247
New York, N.Y. 10116-2247
Spends 12.1 % on administrative expenses. Doctors and nurses volunteer to provide urgent medical care in some 70 countries to civilian victims of war and distasters

Direct Relief International Turkey Relief Fund
27 S. La Patera Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Tel: 1-800-676-1638
Spends only 1.4% on administrative expenses. "Provides critically needed medicines and supplies during disasters and health crises in the U.S. and around the world. Effective and efficient"

MAP International Turkey Relief Fund
2200 Glynco Parkway
P.O. Box 215000
Brunswick, GA 31521
Tel: 1-800-225-8550
Spends only 2.8% on administrative costs. Medical Assistance Programs Every $1 sends $15 worth of lifesaving medicine.

Brother's Brother Foundation
1501 Reedsdale Street, Suite 3005
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Tel: 412-321-3160
Spends 0.5% on administrative expenses. Medical, educational, agricultural programs serve the worldÆs needy in 40 countries. Kiplinger magazine names BBF: "Charity you can believe in".

1-800-486-4357 or
161 Cherry Street
New Canaan CT., 06840
Spends 1.8% on administrative expenses. "We are the first to bring help and the first to bring hope when disaster and famine bring homelessness and hunger."

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