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Archive through August 24, 1999

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I'm looking for ELA NESIC and DJORDJE SMILJKOVIC (Yugoslavian) that were supposed to be in Istambul at the time of the earthquake. If you know anything about them please send a message to:

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Thank you for your good intentions and willingness to help. But here in Turkey we have
enough people for the task force to search for missing people. What we need is
donations. You may contact the Red Cross organization if you are willing to donate. Also,
it is more reasonable to save the money of a plane ticket and spend it on some other
worthy cause, say buying clothing for the victims than using it up on travel expenses.

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Many thanks mainly to the rescue teams coming all around the world suffering in this completely destroyed teritory showing all their efforts to save one life working there hours, sharing all the pain and hope , with many risks that could be faced with, crying with us.

Many thanks again to the messages that share our grief and sorrow, that are even getting prepared to come here to join us.

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Laura sheble has emailed her father, all is well. Thank you to all who contacted her.
I am deeply sorry for the pain and hardships you are going through. May your lives soon return to pleasant events.

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i am searching for my aunt who is from Berlin, I do not know where she was going in Turkey, only to take a holiday. She may have flown out of Zurich to Turkey. She is about 54 reddish hair, glasses. Her name is Jutta Maurer, I am her niece in the US and she has neither called anyone in Germany or the UK. please email me at or if by chance you may have come across her. I send my deepest condolences to all the people in Turkey, it is heavy in my heart.

Chantal Farabee

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Looking for Philip & Hsiao-Mi Fedorchak. Last known location Izmit. Anyone with any information contact

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I am from Singapore.I am looking for my penpal Tuba Ismailoglu. She is 16 years old. Her address is Gumussuyu cad No 6 Beykoz, Istanbul.
Pls e-mail me at if there are any news of her.

Thank you

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I have called Christina and Ayhan and have learned that they are both fine and that their house has not been damaged.

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My family is trying to find our cousin and his wife Philip Fedorchak and Hsiao-Mi. Philip is about 42 years old, 5'11", 150lbs., Staying in Golcuk on business. He has dark brown hair and mustache. He works for Gibbs and Cox. If anyone has any information, it would be greatly appreciated if you could help us out. My e-mail is My heart goes out to all those searching for loved one or helping find loved ones. May god be with you. God bless... Thanks

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Hi! I am a friend of Baris Emre Alkim.He is from Istanbul Turkey.that is all i know.i don't know what part of Istanbul he lived in though.He is or was a graduate of Bogazici University and had a A.S. degree in Hotel administation plus he translated books into Turkish in his spare time.I think he worked for a computer company but i am not sure. He majored in English Teaching,possibly at bogazici Univeristy. he's 24 years old.I last heard from him in July but he was busy then.I am desparate to find him since i have not heard from him yet or anything.If anybody can help me please please let me know!!! I will really be appreciative. Oh yes i have pictures of him so i know what he looks like too.

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Looking for Yalcin Cakir. He was in holiday in Izmit. Please help to relocate, he is from Istanbul but I don't know his phone nr.

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Greetings all,

Just heard from Sheri Bryant at JFK in NYC. Everyone's alright and made their flights. Seemed surprised that anyone was concerned. They've been on a boat, and had no access to phones.

Many thanks to who helped us out these past few days.


David Steimle

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am trying to get information on Muge Bakircioglu
her latest address was Kent Sit B Block D.35,
Gayrettepe Pk 80280, Istanbul Turkey.

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we are in search of the salman family--talat and fatih salman living in sultanahmet istanbul--works in arasta bazaar no. 135-95. any news on this family would be greatly appreciated.

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Defne or Alper Tozan,in Istanbul & Bursa : Jeanne is seeking info that you and family are okay. E-mail my father at">

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