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Archive through December 16, 2000

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Austria's eastern provinces and its capital Vienna were shaken early Tuesday by the strongest earthquake in 20 years, the national earthquake monitoring center said.

The quake, which measured 4.8 on the Richter scale, caused minor damage to buildings in the provinces of Lower Austria and Burgenland, ORF television reported.

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I am looking for the ARC web-site on line, where I can send $$$ to the TURKISH earthquake victims of last year.



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I need American Red Cross website, where I can give funds on-line for TURKISH victims of 17 August 99 'quake.



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Get the hell out of California!!!! The big one is coming; why are you people still living there?!


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Have they released any names of the people injured during the earthquake? I have some close friends from my church visiting Cali and i'd like to know if there all right!

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Re: Northern California Earthquake 9/3/00 - around 2 AM
There's only a child in critical conditions...
A few elderly people w/minor injuries...
Lot's of glass in pieces and lot's of telephone lines dead... (They were the only ones who died)

I felt the earthquake...
It woke me up - is a very intense felling because you see your walls moving and you just get like in a state of shock...
First it felt as if somebody was sleeping with me and my bed started to shake... I looked around and realized that was only me... the walls started to make sounds that I have never heard before... I live in a loft in south of market (SF) and the big windows looked as a big screen. At ones I could see the street light pole and then was gone... back and forth... I jumped out of bed but I could only walk 2 steps when I became a statue .. My heart was going really fast and I felt fever... adrenaline effects but no movement... everything came back to normal for a few sec or min... and then a little aftershock - the sound of the walls again-- and that was the end. I wanted to run out of my house with Lola and Kafka (my friends the cats) but I could not find them anywere… They were scared… We stayed on the living room drink some water and relaxed…

I will not MOVE from were I live just because the earth that we somehow overtook, now and then remind us who's the boss... and my God in nature so I think I'm in good hands... we can't predict how are we going to die... only speculate... and that is a mediocre way to limit your existence... so in respond to the lady who's not sure if "people" are still living here?! -- Well we are here and we are doing great! We love California as you may love your hometown (I hope) - We are humans and have the ability to adapt and accept...

Thanks for your concerns but if you look over Africa they have another "big one" every day because people are dying just like the glasses that were broken in Napa Valley...but Africans are dying of AIDS… let's send them a note, or get inform, pry, sing, do something for them... they don't have earthquakes but the ground shakes every day... especially on cemeteries...

Marco Castro

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I haven't heard from my friend in Sunnyvale since the earthquake. I am assuming all is well.

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In 2001,LA is going to get rocked by a major earthquake.Heed this warning and get out of southern Cal,now! Also,the volcano in Mexico is showing signs that it is going to blow at any time.Last Tuesday,it erupted a record 200 times!! 2001 is going to be the year that all hell breaks loose, seismically.

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