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Archive through July 20, 2006

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Such a tragic loss of life, my thoughts and prayers go to the families of those affected and those who lost their lives. In amongst all of this dispair and sadness we hear so many stories of brave people who fought to save others and meanwhile across the globe money pours in to assist in the rebuilding of these destroyed countries and lives. Thank god for human compassion!!!

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Tsunami?what do u think about this disaster that tremble thousands and millions of people?is it normal where most of us would think that why?why?why? God,why would this happen? Perhaps only for those who have a renewing mind from our Lord Jesus Christ will know that why tsunami happens, no doubt as it is stated in the bible.This is one of the birthpain that we are going to endure, but we need to know the truth about us.Human races especially nowadays.When we ask God, why?why? should this be happening.We should ask about ourselves what have we been doing this lately? Focusing on the pleasures of this earth, trying out various ways to make this world a better place? Instead of this, not only have we been running away from what God has been aksing us to do, but once again because of what we are focusing instead of our beloved God,we sin daily against Him. It is by no choice that we have to clint to Him at this moment.It is because of all these troubles and disaster that we can once again remember our beloved God that created us.Perhaps you are not one of the victims of the tsunami,or perhaps you are having a great time now,but only to those who endure this disaster.They will tell you how deep this tsunami has impacted and affected their life.Many lost their relatives,parents,friends,spouses etc.They are desperate to find their loves one,but it seems that it is hopeless for them to regain their hope again unless they can find their beloved ones, but is mostly impossible as many are lost and swept away by the water. No matter how hard they try,they will never be the same again unless at this moment they realize that God is only their refuge. Only once again that we put our hope in God we can find the final peace and hope. Maybe around the world now has been spreading this message that we should spread love to others and to help them rebuild their homeland.But it is true that this world is not as firm as we think. Just for a tsunami, our homeland can be destroyed, no matter how hard we try ,we will never build a perfect earth. We can only go back to our origin, where we begin and where we end.That is seek God’s will, only He can satisfy us, He longs to seek us and save us.That’s why His Son,our Lord Jesus Christ is here. This world is temporary and is shakable.We should focus on what we should be focusing. The Lord seeks your heart today. Trust Him and follow Him if you would have eternal peace and hope. If for a long time you have been far away from the Lord or have not known Him yet. As one of the brother that once who don’t have hope but opposite for now, I would like to encourage you to seek our Lord Jesus Christ, confess your past sins,put your life in Him.At this moment of time, we can do nothing ,because there are more to come, I repeat as it is stated in the Bible, more disaster will come. So,we should confess our sins and give our lifes to our God.Hope that by that time if once again a tragedy happens,you won’t ask why God? Why would this happen? But instead, you will say Father God, I commend my spirit to you, I leave everything to You, You are my only hope. I love You as in the way You love me.Thy will be done. Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.Amen.

Edward Gan

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Bring Lucy back! Lucy,a girl,brown hair and is tall...She is a good friend,im worried!

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No,no wait...she is at her home,i just got a phone call :)

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i am searching for my brother in law sasha previn kumar son of santa kumar and the father of solomon previn kumar. he is last know to have been in sir lanka. if you have any information please contact me at

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To Mr Gan
I will follow your advice and thank God for this retched intoxicating existance of death and corruption.
Is Earth really just Hell?
Thousands of animals die a day (HUMANS ARE ANIMALS TOO) 5 species become extinct a day.Disasters strike every year. From the birth of Jesus a war has allways been raging on this planet at any time. Humanity the 'owners of earth' are destroying it. OPEN YOUR EYES! we do not own earth! we are the most advanced animal on the planet by far, and as a duty, i think we should protect it, but it looks like we're failing, trying to lead a 'good life'. Forget God. Focus on yourself. You are your own God. You control your life. Your fate is what you make it.

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