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Archive through November 16, 1999

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I am English and I was with my fiance, Tolga Altinors, during the earthquake in Avcilar-Istanbul. Avcilar was badly hit and we have been living with it ever since. I 'm now back in the UK hoping that my fiance, Tolga can come here, so we can be married. I went back to Turkey last week. Still everything feels like it is shaking, still the fear is strong. I will never forget it as long as I shall live. My thoughts are with Turkey and most importantly Turkish people every day.

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I am terribly sorry. we had another earthquake. there are serious damages in various cities. 34 death and more than 160 wounded...

Fatih Gumus

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Tonight , 12.11.1999 at 18.59 , a new earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 hit Turkey.
The epicenter of the EQ is Düzce. This area is 200 km. east of Istanbul and 230 km. west of Ankara. This area is about 100 km. east of the previous epicenter.

Here is a report as of 23.15 Turkish local time
(+02.00 hours GMT)

Till this time 18 aftershocks between 4.0 - 6.0 are recorded

The cities effected are :

Düzce , Bolu , Kaynasli , Gölyaka

Although it was felt in a circle with a radius of 250 km.s from istanbul to ankara, there is no damage or dead reported in istanbul, ankara,izmit,gölcük, yalova.
In istanbul only 25 people were wounded because of fear.
Düzce is badly hit. Till now 34 deaths recorded. Lots of building collapsed. The damage is extreme, lots of people feared to be under rubble at the moment. The old hospital building which was evacuated because of the damage of the previous EQ has collapsed. The other hospital building is also evacuated at the moment all in patients are treated in garden of the hospital and emergency medical help is trying to be given in the garden. The medical director of the hospital summarized the situation as " I am giving S.O.S. for Düzce" .

No clear information arrived from Kaynasli and gölyaka and the damage in these cities are big.

In Bolu about 5 buildings reported collapsed till now. Lots of wounded people. 3 deaths reported till now.

As the area is has a cold climate and lots of stoves were running, in all EQ area lots of fires are reported.

The main highway between Istanbul - Ankara is closed in Bolu Mountain area as 200 meters of road is collapsed and a crack of 2 meters.

Help to Bolu is maintained from Ankara and to Düzce from istanbul.

Rescue works has started.

Still communication is very hard with the area and even if you can reach by telephone , nobody is inside. Everybody is staying outside.

There is no electricity at the area.

As my family lives in Bolu , I had a chance to contact them and have -at least for the moment- a continuous communication channel with them.

If anybody needs any information from families or loved ones from the area , can e-mail me with all possible information and I can try to reach them. My e - mail is :

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im living in Istanbul and i felt the earthquake
very strongly. As i was afraid i cant even think
of the feelings of people who are still living
under the collapsed buildings in Duzce. im
watching people who are hopelessly waiting even
for a little help on tv. But unfortunately my
country is not as rich as usa and is not as
technological as japan. So i think they are gonna
wait for a long time. Tomorrow can be too late. So
lets help them immidiately. if you need any help
or if you dont know how to help to those people
please contact me.

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I am looking for a very sweet young man...
Mr. Ramazan Geezer... He called me his spiritual mummy... We became very close friends because of the internet... I am missing my spiritual son...
I miss him so much. If anyone has information as to where he is, please E-mail me at
I am praying for all of you in Turkey...

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Oh I hould of mentioned... My spiritual son...
Mr. Ramazan Geezer, last I heard he was in Bursa, if anyone has any info please let me know...
Hudavendigar Mah..
Akdogan Sit. C BLK No.7
P.K. 16090
That is the last address I had for him...
Mr. Ramazan Geezer - I miss him so very much...
Please E-mail me at with any info.

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Our prayers are with you. Hold on to your faith and your belief in your fellow man.

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Date Origin Time Mag
121199 165720.8 7.2 Duzce-Bolu Turkey

Very serious damage in the area, rescue teams
working non-stop. 120 deads reported untill
now and will increase, alot of collapse
buildings. Area is far from Istanbul and Ankara
and no major damage reported from those major

Pry for the lives of the people

For support Call

Sivil Koordinasyon Merkezi (Coordination Center)
Tel : 90 212 292 96 75
90 212 292 97 65
90 212 245 5602-03
Fax : 90 212 245 5604

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Hi! I have a friend name Hande Okal living in Kadikoy Istanbul. She is student at Eastern Mediterranean University north Cyrpus. If some one know about her please inform me . Thanx.

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I am trying to find out any information regarding my AFS family. My father's name is Mahmut Akova. The last address that I have in Gebze: Osman Yilmaz Mah. Yildiz Cad. Kultur Sok. No: 8/3 Gebze - Kocaeli They also had a summer home in Tuzla: Marmados Sahil Sitesi Blok=31, No. 5 Tuzla/Kartal My "brother" Akgun Akova was in Ankara the last that I heard from him. That addres is : Cinnah Cad. Alabas Sok. Saygi Apt. No. 7/5 Cankaya/Ankara If anyone knows of the whereabouts of any of them, please email me ( My thoughts and prayers are with the Turkish people. Inshallah the suffering will stop.

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I am desperately anxious to hear from my son, Hakan Molla, aged 18 on holiday staying with his grandmother - Mrs Guler Citankaya, Kurtulus Cad No 138, Sisley, Istanbul. Please if anyone can help me call 44 171 404 3092

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The Red Cross Donation appeal telephone number is +44 171 201 5250. Donations can be made by credit or debit card

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If anyone still requires our help locating people in the earthquake zone please write to us at or ICQ : 16036578. Please include contact information in your message. We cannot help you if you only provide us with a name.

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I am trying to have any news from my relatives Erdinc, Ersin, Erol and Erdogan Bozan and their families who live in Adapazari. Any information let me know. Thank you.

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I'm in Kartal and experienced the earthquake. Fortunately, although a terrýfyýng experýence, no houses collapsed ýn thýs area, no one was kýlled. I hope thýs reassures you.

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