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Archive through November 16, 1999

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To All the people in Turkey that have suffered and lost so very much. Just know that there are hundreds of thousands of us here in America that are praying for all of you. Our hearts are filled with saddness and pain for each of you. Your people have suffered so much death and pain I am so very sorry.
I just can't say it enough how truly sorry I am.
It is so hard to know what to say to so many people that have lost so much and have felt so much pain. Please just know that my heart and prayers go out to all of you. I am so sorry this awful thing has happened to each of you.
Please take care and God Bless each of you.

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our names are chuck&kathy oxford.we are looking for our freind metin raysen.he has lived in the u.s.for the last 20 years.we have lost contact
with him.we have moved from the us state of washington to montana.did not contact him before
we moved.he talked about going back to turkey.
if anyone has any information pleese let us know.
thank-you.e-mails at

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I am looking for members of my family. They might be in Duzce, Golyaka or Haciyakup at the time of the quake. Please contact me if you have information about Cemal, Zahide and Nigar Demircan or anyone from Demircan or Celebi families. My e-mail is . May this be the last. Ertugrul Demircan

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Dear friends,

I would like to send my best regrads to people who hove lost loved ones and who are still suffering becouse of the recent 7.2 Duzce earthquake. The feeling of hopelessness is all around does not matter how far you are from troubled home.. All I wish from god is his mercy and his help for the ones who have been waiting under the rumble.

Basimiz Sag Olsun


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Mary Rose Kaczorowski & Judith Vidaver of Ft. Bragg, California U.S.A. are looking for friends in DUZCE.
We met them in 1996 when we were guests in Duzce.
Some names and phone #'s
Nilgun Senol 0374-523-2622 BUT I think the Nilgun we want is:
Nilgun Hanim 0374-523-2622 ( this is the same # as above. Did Nilgun
have 2 names -- or were there 2 Nilguns at the same #? )
Work #: 0374-514-2241 or: 0374- 523-2693 Home#: 514-9911

Onur Ozturk
Kultur Moh. Nomikkemal
Sok. 26/5 16500 Duzce

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I was in Turkey in September of this year, 1999. A group that I was with from the US stayed at the Prince Hotel very near the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia. I am looking for a young man and his wife who was our guide to tent camps where people who lost their homes in the August earthquake are living in Izmit and Yalova. The young man's name is Cory. My name is Larry. I live in Colorado and work in Colorado Springs. If anyone has any information regarding Cory and his wife please contact me at the e-mail address attached.
May God give the victims of the most recent earthquake comfort, peace and hope. He loves you and cares for you and so do many people in the US.

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The philosophy behind all science is based on experiments or tests and theories are build on them. In this approach, the problem is that short-term and long-term predictions usually fail. That means it is not so easy to predict just after 1 second or after 10000 years.

So, scientists should study/work and warn UN etc about where people should locate and build their houses more strength. The latter requires a change in economical model of the world from capitalism to communism. But current scientists of whole world are just servicing radical capitalism. You can see this in spending much money (energy) for developing luxury cars, luxury things etc.

ps. I am not talking politics here. I understand from communism that basical needs of all humans such as food, health, same quality houses etc must be provided. And this won't be done for you by anyone from outside the world. The HUMANS have to do.

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I am looking for Ali Suner, he once was a student in Canada at ••••. Clair College, moved back to Turkey around 1985. I hope that he and his family are all well. Thoughts and prayers are with all Turkish people at this time.

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I am looking for Ali Suner, he once was a student in Canada at ••••. Clair College, moved back to Turkey around 1985. I hope that he and his family are all well. Thoughts and prayers are with all Turkish people at this time.

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I'm looking for a friend named
Ayhan Aslan. mHe was in Turkey on vacation.
Since he left on Vacation I have lost contact with

I pray very much so for his saftey, and the saftey
of all the Turkish people.

May God grant you peace.

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