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Archive through September 13, 1999

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I am lývýng in istanbul,that night we had horrible moments but we dont feel the samelike the people who are living in izmit.ý feel really sorry about that people but my mind can not understand how all of thýs happen.Sometýmes ý thýnk that thýs ýs not areal earthquake,ýfeel lýke there is ahuman fýnger ýn thýs dýsaster.we are trying to search what will happen that night and we dýscuss this subject with the scientists.we have really doubts that thýs ýs a kýnd of bomb(that causes earthquake)if anyone who knows anythýng about thýs please ýnform us ýmmedýately.

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I live in the United States and yesterday afternoon I was watching the end of an important football game (Michigan-Notre Dame) on one of our national TV channels, ABC (American Broadcasting Company). The announcer was introducing the Goodyear Blimp (big balloon that flies), that was taking the pictures from the sky of the football game for the TV, and he told all of us an 800 number (free long distance telephone number) to call to donate money through the Red Cross for the earthquake victims in Turkey. Since millions of people in the United States watch college football games on TV on Saturday afternoons in the fall, I hope much money will come your way to help you out. God bless you all.

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SEEKING: Alkan, Marion and Erden.
We are seeking our friends the Alkan's. He is in the movie business and they have a sweater business called Alkan Fashions. They have a son named Kent Alkan, 21 years old. If you know of them and their where abouts please contact us.">
Thank You and God Bless.

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I'm desperately seeking for Halil Beysulun from Holland. He was on a holiday in Turkey at the time of the earthquake. I haven't heard from him since and I don't really know in what area he was at the time of the earthquake.

If you know something, please let me know. You can contact me at the next e-mail address:

Thank you in advance...............

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I am trying to locate Turan Kutlu. He lives in Istanbul on Moto Sim Sok Street. He is 47yrs old. I am concerned about his safety. If anyone knows any info about him please let me know.
Thank You,

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We thank you all for the kind support of the victims of Turkish Earthquake.

God bless you all!!!

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I am looking for a friend I met in Miami, Florida approximately 6 years ago. His name is Teoman Chepni. His approximate age is late 20's. The last communication I had with him was approximately 5 years ago when I received a post card from him, post marked from Instanbul, indicating he moved back to Turkey. If anyone knows any information regarding Teoman's whereabouts, please email Jessi at Any information would be greatly appreciated. My prayers are with you all.

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I just don't know how to thank to the people of the whole world for their presence supporting my country during those very hard times. Thank you very very much. We lost many of our lives. But we have to work harder than ever to get our country into shape.
My special thanks go to the people of Greece. We do stand by you to help for the earthquake in Athens.

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We had a big aftershock today on 2:55 PM (local time) It was 5.8 Magnitude and some people died in this big aftershock esp. in Izmit, the center of the last mainshock. We are all OK in Istanbul but I think people are feared in Izmit.

Thank You World for your help about the earthquake we lived before...

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