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Archive through September 21, 1999

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Let's pray for all people in taiwan. Hope we can keep the casualty rate to the minimum. I would like to share some information based on my own experience. In 1976 when we had one of the biggest earth quake (8.2 degree) near TangShan, HeBei province, I was at Beijing (180 miles) from TangShan. Some buildings in Beijing also collapsed. Based on my experience, you should do the following when earth quake is coming:

Always keep self wrapped with either a thick blanket or quilt. When you can feel strong quake, get underneath your bed. This strategy has saved many lives. Do not try to run out of the door or rush down stairs, many people died because of the falling materials. If the bed is made of steel or wood, it is even better. Usually it can block tons of falling stuff.

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I am currently looking for information on the Earthquake to hit northern
Taiwan. I have a snail-mail-pen-pal in Yung-ho City just south of Taipei.
Any information on how bad the damage was in Yung-ho, or a weblink with the
names of missing and/or dead, it would be most appreciated.

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The US Geological Survey reported that it is at 7.6 magnitude but
Taipei's official report said it's 7.3. The epic center is in the
mountains of NanTou county. Telephone lines to Taiwan are not at
normal since callers can not get through. The damage can not be
determined because communications and electricity have been knocked

The quake occured at 1:45AM Taiwan local time.

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I am a businessman in Tokyo, but I come from Kobe which had suffered the disastrous quake a few years ago. I have also lived in Taipei, Taiwan since 1975 to 1981.

I would like to give my deepese prayer to all those who have died in the quake. I am also worried about the whereabouts of many of my friends from high school.

I have been trying to reach some of my friends but the phone line seems to be out of order and I am not getting any responses on their mobile phones. Jeeez I really wish they are OK.

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My daughter is in Taipei on business for two months and staying in a hotel. She called her brother in Austin during the first aftershock. Of course, she was very scared. He reminded her to stand in the doorway and put her shoes on (to protect her feet from glass ) and talked her through it.

He talked to her about an hour later when she was in the lobby of the hotel with all the other guests. There seemed to be plaster wall damage but the building appeared to be safe for the moment. She said she was the only hotel guest in the lobby with shoes on. I wonder where he learned about shoes???

She had no information at that time since it was still dark. The lines are all jammed to Taiwan, so we haven't talked to her since....and I was worried about a skirmish between China and Taiwan while she was there... Barbara

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My prayers are with the people of Taiwan this evening.

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I'm looking for Loren Hubbell from the US, California, performing in the west side story in Taipei... hoping he is ok, if you know of him, email to his parents are worried (of course).. thanks for the help


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I've heard that the largest amount of casualties was in the city of Taichung (where most of my friends live), but all the news on tv and the internet is about taipei. Does anyone have information on the rest of Taiwan?

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Dear Taiwanese People,

I hope you can get through this calamity with fortitude and come to terms with the loss that was inevitable.

Shari from HK

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I think President Clinton should, as a prudent measure, order American armed forces in the Pacific on high alert. Just in case that Chicom try anything foolish in this chaotic situation.

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Mei-Ying Lin: I want to know if you and your family are alright. I'm praying for you and all the Taiwanese people.

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I might add my prayers that the semiconductor foundries in nearby Hsin Chu did not sustain damage which would adversely affect my stock investments.

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My girlfriend and her family lives in Lu-ku, Nantou. If anyone has heard from this area, please let me know.

Thank You

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I spoke with my family in Taichung an hour ago. Although my family is OK, the whole city is not in a very good picture. Lots of buildings collaps, and people got buried alive. I am praying for everyone in Taiwan. The reason we havn't seen lots of news about Taichung is because infrastructurer is damaged badly in the middle part of Taiwan.

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I'm posting on behalf of my friend Nick. His brother, Mark Stocker, is a graphic designer who lives in Taipei with his fiancee, Juju. My thoughts are with you all. I hope today finds you safe and sound.

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