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Archive through September 21, 1999

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If anyone has any information about Erin King who's teaching in Taichung, please e-mail me at >Thanks very much.

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Looking for any information about David Doyle, please email with ANY info (}

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Worried about Sue Keeton, Imran Durrani and Keith. If you read this guys, get in touch when you can. Any info, please e-mail

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Since there seems to be no way to access the webmaster of this site, I'm posting a note, publically. Can anyone reach the webmasters to ask them write a cgi or javascript to eliminate the bs, cutesy-pie, biggot-speak? Thanks.

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Dear friends in my homeland, I am saddened by the news of the big disaster hitting our homes. But I can't stop thinking at the same time that our lives are so fragile, now we feel that everything is fine, and the next moment they are threatened. Perhaps it is time to think Who holds the future.
Signs of earthquakes and wars between countries were prophecized in the Bible, when the end is near. Dear friends, do not put this aside but think carefully: what from earth can we take away when we leave?? Believe in Jesus and you will no longer fear death, for He gives us a Life to eternity. You are in my prayers.

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Looking for information about Wei T'ing Ni in the town of Puli, Nantou near Sun Moon Lake. Also looking for information about her brother, Wei K'e Wei, from Ilan City. He is presently living in Taipei. We have heard from your parents in Ilan
City; but we would like to know how you both are faring.You are in our thoughts and prayers. My son, Dylan's, e-mail address is

Eric and Grace McKenzie

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To our friends at the Central Police University, The MOJ Correctional Institute, Taipei, Tainan, and Ping Tung members of the International Shuai Chiao Association, greetings and sympathy. We remember with gratitude your hospitality during our recent visit. Please let us know if we may assist. Also know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Your brothers at Ho Chun and Grandmaster Chicoine.

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Hi. I'm looking for my friend Terry Thatcher. Her internet address is not working. I'm not sure what part of Taipei she lives in, but she was supposed to be coming to the States later this week. Any one know anything?

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I find it a sad example of human kind at it's most uncompassionate when people feel they have to preach to victims of a disaster. Kelly you need to read between the lines and realize that with most certainity the Lord has wrapped all the good people of Taiwan in his arms.

Once agin our thoughts and prayers go to all the people and their families who have suffered through this earthquake. And to all the Couragous Rescue workers and organizations and their familes.. We pray for your safe return and for the heavy burden of your work.


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Friends and colleagues of Alan Lambert (American Clearwater) please contact him by phone in the US or email his daughter, Nancy Lambert, at the following:

He has been unable to reach anyone by phone and is deeply concerned. Thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Taiwan.

Will update later with specific names of people once my father sends them to me. Thanks, Nancy Lambert

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Please let me know how the situation is in TAOYUAN, I have a very dear friend in Tao-erh street#67.Her name is Anty Chen.

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I am looking for in formation on a town called Yi-Lau Hsien and a woman named Yvette Ho (or her family) Please, if anyone has information email me at

My prayers and thoughts go out to those in Taiwan.

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I got a call from my fiance live in Kaohsiung. She said that the situation in Kaohsiung and Pintung is not bad. Actually, the power in Kaohsiung area is normal. All the internet and ICQ access is normal. She said that it was very difficult to call oversea right now because the telecommunication facilities are being repaired. The worst tragedy is all the people in ChiChi village, the epicenter perished in the quake
Jim Davis: it seems that Pintung area does not suffer much.

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Has anyone heard if Peitou, Taipai Taiwan was damaged and if anyone was killed or hurt there?

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Dennis Chang phone home!! Are you ok?? If email is down maybe you can post to this from a kiosk site somewhere. We all hope you are ok

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