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Archive through September 21, 1999

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Our prayers go out to the people of Taiwan...most of all to all those friendly folks we met up in Ali Shan. Gary & Julie on Guam

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I taught English at the Hoping East Road branch of the Hess Language School in Taipei from 1992-94. I sincerely hope the teachers, office workers and old and current students are all OK. Would greatly appreciate any info.

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I live in Taiwan, and have lived there for the past 10 years. I happen to be on vacation in the US right now, but my wife returned earlier. I am just as worried as everyone else for the safety of my wife and all the people I love in Taiwan. The phones are down and I would appreciate any information available. That said, I saw this coming when the quake hit Turkey and reports came filtering out about how so much of the damage was attributable to poor construction quality. I am sure this is a problem in Taiwan, too, where construction quality is suspect and builders routinely cut corners. I don't want to dwell on this now, but I guarantee a certain degree of loss could have been prevented by better building quality. We will surely see more such reports as the rubble is cleared.

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AT&T told me that the communications problems with calling Taiwan are due to the volume, and in disaster situations like this is is common for the phone service in the region to allocate more lines going out than coming in. That way families in Taiwan will have an easier time contacting relatives abroad, and also free up space for rescue services.

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1999 may be a bad luck year for Taiwan. After the power failure for the whole Taiwan, they had an aircraft overturned in CLK of HKG last month and they had this horrible earthquake.

I hope this is the last disaster for Taiwan and also the rest of the world.

However, it may also be a good chance to develop the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland. Can they can do whatever they can like Greece and Turkey?

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Let us pray that International Leaders from the US and Mainland China will not use this tragedy
as an excuse for military involvement. May the Lady of All Nations who once was Mary Be Our Advocate.

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For those who want to know the situation of each city and can read Chinese : you can connect to the BBS at: (BBS of the National Taiwan University) and go to the "News". You can login
use the name "Guest".

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Nobody has called me yet from Taiwan. However, I have been able to read some Chinese-language websites. In addition to collapsed buildings in Taichung and Taipei, a 16-story building collapsed in Changhua. Worst hit is Nantou, near the epicenter--over 500 residential buildings have collapsed in that county alone! In the small valley village of Puli, over 100 houses are reported down. Power is reported out for 6.2 million households north of Chiayi (sounds like all the households north of Chiayi to me).

There are reports of a brewery or distillery in Nantou that blew up. But passage to the facility is blocked and rescuers have been (or were?) unable to reach it.

Someone mentioned Luku. I am sorry to report that six are reported dead in Luku.

As the epicenter was at Chichi ("jiji" in pinyin romanization), in Nantou, it is being termed the "Great Chichi Earthquake."

The aftershocks have been serious. According to one report, as of early morning Taiwan time there had already been over 500 aftershocks, with the strongest registering 6.8. Serious aftershocks could take place at any time over the next two months, with the greatest danger in the first two weeks after the quake.

If this helps I will post more as I learn anything.

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We lived and taught in Chung-Li for 10 yrs. How badly is the city affected? Especially all our friends in CYCU, Sheng-te and KHS New Village?

Our prayers to all of you.

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I pray for the people on Taiwan. My wife is flying into Chaing Kai Shek airport soon. Does anyone what the conditions are there?

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I pray for the people on Taiwan. My wife is flying into Chaing Kai Shek airport soon. Does anyone know what the conditions are there?

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I have relatives in Taichung and wanted to know if anyone can supply information from that area.

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Has anyone news of damage and casualties in Tung Chuang Village in Kuan Tien Hsiang.

I am wanting news of Katy Wang and Ching Wu Wang at the above address.They were with me in Vancouver three weeks ago.

Garth Edge Vancouver, Canada

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I am praying for all of the people in Taiwan and Turkey also!! May My God and Your God watch over you and keep you safe. My heart goes out to the ones of you that lost loved ones in these disasterious earthquakes!! I wonder if our God and yours too is sending us a message that he will be coming soon??

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