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Archive through September 21, 1999

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I have a friend teaching somewhere in Taiwan, his name is Paul Wengerter. If anyone knows how he is please let me know.

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To all the people in Taiwan,

We are saddened to hear the earthquake that has
hit your country, our prayers are with you all.

Just want to say hello to all my friends in Taiwan
working at the Union Transportation Ltd and other
companies ...people like John Hwang, Youngson Hwang, Alice Yeh, to our Philip Chien at Taichung
Love and our Prayers to you all.
Robert Wong

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My Aunt just heard from my cousin, Stan, a teacher at the Morrison Academny in Taichung, Taiwan. The power flickered on and he raced in to phone her through his computer. He managed to give her a little news before a large tremor sent him outside for safety.

The actual school faculty and students are UNHURT. They are all living on the athletic field, bedding down for the night. The swimming pool has water and is their only source now. The earth has huge cracks in it. All buildings above 2 stories are totally closed to everyone. Biggest news is that they expect and are warning of another quake sometime within the next week of 6.5 or more. The school has opened its gates to the community to provide shelter on the field. They are singing with guitars and thankging God for their relative safety.

If you have a name you want checked, we may be able to help, NO ASSURANCE, but email me the name and I will post updates HERE. I am getting enough email that I can't answer them all but will post here.


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Any information please about Providence University in Shalu. Thank you very much. We are praying for the safety of all people in the affected areas.

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what is up with all these people who are getting on taiwan's case? i find gus's message very ignorant, too! as far as i know, taiwanese did not bind their feet! we use calculators more than abacus... and so what if taiwan wants/is capitalistic?... so are many other countries! and for your information, gus... china is helping taiwan... don't be so ignorant and judgemental, okay?

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"Sorry for calamity in Taiwan"
I Pramod Sharma with my family worship for recovering those suffering by this poor calamity in Taiwan. We wish this will not happen in future again any where in the world.
God bless them.
Pramod Sharma

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God Speed to you all....

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Our daughter, who is 11, is from Taichung. She lived at the Daniel Poling Babies' Home. Has anyone heard of the damages there? Apparently, Taichung was hardest hit. When she heard the news on the radio this morning, she was visibly shaken. Our prayers to our brothers and sisters in Taiwan. I hope you can forgive the hateful message from Gus...who doesn't have the guts or the heart to feel another's pain.

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is it a possiblity that China bombed Taiwan and the media claimed it was an earthquake to cover it up? or the possibility that someone is making these earthquakes happen to keep war from breaking out (like in Turkey)?

how do we know what's really going on?

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Any news from or about David Bateman, living and teaching English in Taipei, would be appreciated by his family in Ireland.

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The people of Taiwan are in my prayers. May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you throughout this tragedy.

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I am touched by the helping hands extended by American people as I read 70 rescuers from Fairfax County, Va are flying to Taiwan to help the rescure efforts.

One thing I feel so proud of being a Taiwanese is that during the last major blackout about a couple of months ago and the deadly earthquake early Tuesday morning in Taiwan, the Taiwanese behave with discipline and calm. No panic, no looting

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Having just survived a nasty quake here in Athens, I can only say that my thoughts and sympathies are with the people of Taiwan who have just experienced a much bigger shock.

I can vouch for the fact that these natural phenomena are hard to get used to, (to say the least). There is nothing like the feeling of familiar sturdy structures and objects, suddenly moving around like they are made of putty, to remind us how fragile and mortal we all are.

I offer my sincerest condolences to the people of Taiwan and hope that the loss of life will be minimal for such a powerful quake and that the rescue workers will save many still buried in the rubble.

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My thoughts and prayers are with all!

God within me, God without
How shall I ever be in doubt?
There is no place where I may go
And not there see God's face, not know
I am God's vision and God's ears
So through the harvest of my years
I am the Sower and the Sown,
God's Self unfolding and God's own


Flutterby (Jackie)

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If anyone has seen or has any information about John Greenwood, please post a message on this list. He is a British student of Chinese at Tunghai University in Taichung. He lives in the Longching/ Hsinhsing area.


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