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Archive through September 22, 1999

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Looking for information on Jack Lai and family (Formosan Kang Dai Plastic Corp), Section 5, Nanking East Road, Taipei.

Please call Alan Lambert in US or email his daughter Nancy Lambert at the following:

Unable to get through by phone, and deeply concerned. We send our thoughts and prayers.

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If anyone is interested in making a donation, May I recommend the Tzu Chi Foundation, an excellent and trustworthy organization.

Tzu Chi Foundation (Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation) is an international charity originally started in Taiwan. It is completed funded and supported by civilian volunteers. Their work has included aid and medical assistance all over the world, including mainland China, Kosovo, Turkey, southeast Asian countries, as well as relief work within the United States.

Tzu Chi Foundation is also well known for its honest accounting of charitable contributions. You can be sure that 100% of your donations will go straight to the people of Taiwan.

It is also a registered non-profit organization in the U.S.A., so donations are tax-deductible to U.S. taxpayers.

Tzu Chi's main website is
Main USA office is in California. Tel# 626-305-1188.

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My Daughter and her husband & family are in Taichung, living in the northern sector. They report that most damage is in the southern part of the city. They spent last nite in a playground and are back there now. their apt was shaken with cracked walls but still standing. Note the number of after shocks.

This is a report received at 9 pm CDT:
Dear friends and family,

We've received a small mound of messages over the last 24 hours asking
whether we are okay. The short answer is "Yes, we're okay." As you
probably know, Taiwan was hit by a major earthquake measuring 7.2, not quite
30 hours ago. The confirmed death toll has risen to 1800 people (but this
number is still rising -- there are many people still missing in the
rubble). Of that number, 700 of the dead have been found here in our city
of Taichung, the nearest major city to the epicenter (our home is about
25-30 miles from the epicenter of the quake). Many of the dead and missing
were in highrise apartment buildings that collapsed.

As you know, we ourselves live on the ground floor of a highrise apartment
building, but none of the buildings in our immediate neighborhood collapsed
that I know of. We are on the north side of Taichung, and it was the south
side of the city (nearer to the epicenter) that was hit the hardest. So,
the only damage we had were some long hairline cracks in the walls.

Still, we had quite a ride of it. We were awakened at 2:00 a.m. by a
bouncing bed. It didn't take us long to figure out what was happening (we
knew that Taiwan was on a major fault line, so we had been warned that
earthquakes were a danger -- still, we are told this is the strongest
earthquake Taichung has had in 200 years). We immediately got the children
up and huddled under a doorway (which is what they say you're supposed to
do). After the initial tremor was over, we and our German missionary
neighbor, along with most of the other residents of our apartment complex,
evacuated to the park across the street -- the only nearby area that is a
safe distance from buildings. We stayed there for an hour and a half before
finally returning to the apartment.

They tell us there have been 1500 aftershocks since. Not 5 minutes ago we
had one of the biggest so far -- really a light-moderate earthquake in its
own right. The danger now is that a major aftershock might knock down more
stuff that didn't fall the first time. Because of that, we spent all of
last night (the second night since the initial quake) sleeping in the car,
parked near the park across the street. The park was a small tent city last
night. We expect to slowly return to normalcy here, but we would appreciate
your prayers over the next several weeks as the aftershocks continue and
eventually diminish.

And pray for the thousands injured or still missing, and the familes of the
dead. The pictures on local TV here have been horrific. So many of those
demolished highrises on the other side of town looked so much like our
own -- the same tile facade, the same basic design. I shudder to think of
what might have been if the epicenter had been slightly further north.

Pray also especially for one of our SEND missionary families in Puli, one of
the towns nearer the epicenter. We have so far been unable to make contact
with them because all the communication lines are down. This is a German
family who have been ministering in that outlying area for several years

Well, we just had another big aftershock, so I'm taking the kids to the park
again. We appreciate your prayers.

Love in Christ,
Bob (for us all)

Bob and Pam Hamilton
SEND Taiwan
P. O. Box 63-44
Taichung 406

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I am stll desperately waiting for news on my brother Sean Jones, an English teacher who should have been celebrating his 30th birthday yesterday. His last address was 12 Sec 148,Chung Hsia Road, Taichung, please e-mail me if you have any information for me.

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Dear Mr.Bob Halmiton we saw your letter in disaster message service if you know any thing about Mr. Chang Pei and family who live at 83 mingchou rd ,Pu-li, nan-tou please let us know in detail if possible in this message board. Our thoughts and prayers with people in Taiwan. Thank you very much

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I'm wondering if my brother at Hsinchu, Ching Hua University is ok. His name is Tay Thorn Yang. If anyone knows him, please ask him to contact his family in malaysia.

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this is for orential rose
we love you we miss you please we pray come back to us.

My prayers are for all victems of the quake and I wiss all a safe reunion with loved ones


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Looking for family in Taichung. Matt Zahn and Katy Ho (Zahn). If you have any information please e-mail me. Thank you.

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I cannot imagine going through a disaster like this prayers are with you all.

I've been unable to contact a dear friend of mine who lives on Wun Sin Road, Sec.1 in Tai-Chung. If anyone has any information on this area, I'd really appreciate it.


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I am looking for news on friends working at the YMCAs in Changhua and Yuanlin. Also friends on Zhongshan Road in Yuanlin. Finally, friends in Zhu-tang in Changhua county. ANy news on these cities? Please e-mail

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"Mom" needs help finding son, his name is
Dan Jacobson, he was to return home
on 9/20 but so far has not been heard from.
He was working at map research in Taipai.
His address is: 1-6 Ching-Fu Street, Dungshr
23, Taiwan.... If anyone can give us some
information, please please contact us at:
or his Mom "Annette";

Thank you sooo much...
Peggy McQueary

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I'm looking for Tim Alexander and his family. Tim and his wife, Care teach somewhere in Taiwan. Me and other friends are hoping Tim, Care and family are OK. If you know of them, please email me at and let me know if they are OK. Our deepest prayers go to these people in distress tonight.

Carl Matthews

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"Mom" needs help finding son, his name is
Dan Jacobson, he was to return home
on 9/20 but so far has not been heard from.
He was working at map research in Taipai.
His address is: 1-6 Ching-Fu Street, Dungshr
23, Taiwan.... If anyone can give us some
information, please please contact us at:
or his Mom "Annette";
I just received word from USGS in San Francisco
that a large aftershock just happened in Taiwan
mag 6.3..... My heart goes out to you all...

Thank you sooo much...
Peggy McQueary

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Very concern about the safety of my friend Tony Chang who live in Pan Chiao District, Wenhua Lu since I did not receive any reply from him. Should anyone read this message and knows the situation in Pan Chiao District, kindly email me as soon as possible. Thanks.

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My heart is out to the people who suffered lost ones. It is sad that only in times of disaster like this do humanity unite together.

My prayers are out to the people in Taiwan.

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