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Archive through September 23, 1999

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Please Help!!
I have a penpal in Taiwan. In the province of Nantou. I have just heard that an aftershock has just hit that province. Her name is Emily Lin. If anybody can help me please reply. If you can help me obtain a list of people found, dead or alive....please help. Thank you very much. May God bless us all.

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I am praying that the rest of us who are spared of the disaster will learn to appreciate what we have now and not take these things for granted. Earthquakes, wars, natural disasters at this time had been foretold in the Bible. God loves you all and He wants to let you know that you are sinful, but He wants you back, and He is willing to forgive our sins. To whoever that seeks Him, He gives eternal life.

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This is an addition to my previous message. My friend Emily Lin's address is:

No. 5, Lane 72, Don-Mei St.,
Tsaotun, Nantou, Taiwan 542

If anyone has any information about her where abouts please e-mail me at:


I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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Now that I got your attention...

The president of Red Cross, when interviewed on TV, said that Red Cross effort has to go through main office in China. In other words, China's Red Cross is supposed to be leading and deciding how to help Taiwan.

So if you send your money to Red Cross, guess where it will go!
And think of the delay while Taiwan victims are dying.

I normally support the American Red Cross. My point here is that you'd better send your money to a Taiwanese relief fund to make sure the money goes directly to the Taiwanese people. Better yet, especially for those of you from Taiwan, Tzu Chi Foundation would be the most reliable organization to go to.

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Any news from the Daniel Polling Babies Home in Taichung? I'd like to know whether children and staff are safe.

Thank you

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Anyone in contact with Jonathan Miller, a British subject resident in Poping Road, Taipei teaching English at a language school, ask him to contact his mother, sister or aunt by telephone or e-mail ( PLEASE!

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Anyone in contact with John Holmberg, an American working in Nabisco's International Taiwan location, PLEASE email me at

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A list of the casaulties in Chinese (killed and missing) is available at:

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I am trying to find out about my brother, Doug White, and his wife, Grace Hsu. I have been unable to contact them so far and would appreciate any information. They live at:
12F #41 Lane
73 Linsen Street
Hsi-Chih, Taipei
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this tragedy. My thanks to anyone who can help.

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Taiwan Earthquake Update web page:
I gathered many useful info in the page. Hope this help!

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For those who can't find your family or friends. Check these sites, they are very helpful:
There are 2 very kind volunteers who will make phone calls for you from their hot lines. Many people already get in contact with their friend/family with their help. You must have their phone # to get help here.
This is a database web site. You can the people you're searching for to the form, and they'll try to search them for you and post back to the site. It's Big5 Chinese only. If you have difficult reading Chinese, I can help. E-mail me the info to:

For regional reports, check my message board at:
I've been tring to update as many as I can.

For donations/help info and photos, check my update web site at:

Hope all the info help. Good luck!

Yang Yang

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Hello, looking for a dear friend MATTHEW NISSELIUS. If you know him and know if he is OK please let me know. He was in a city outside Taipei called Shinchu teaching English. Please e-mail me at Thank you so much. All are in my prayers. God Bless.

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Hello, looking for an American friend of mine to see if she is alright. Her name is Brandi Burch and lives in Taichung. Any news on her is appreciated. Please email me at - thank you for any help or input. God bless.

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I've received e-mail from my sister-in-law from Taichung, and she also telephoned my mother-in-law earlier today. Fortunately, we found out they were safe by late Monday night. The reason we found out so soon is because a friend of my folks called them w/in one hour of the quake. Apparently the quake didn't knock out phone service there -- the flood of calls into the country later, did! She confirmed that power outages have been intermittent, but she's been successfully sending e-mails, so I expect those waiting for news from Taichung will hear soon.

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Can anyone tell us anything about the damage in Taichung? We just visited there in July of this year. We have hosted several students from that area here in the states and are very worried about them. They are: You-Hsiao Wu (Jennifer) and You-Jen Wu (Annie) at 19F-2, No 608, Kung-I Road, Sec 2, Taichung; Yu-Ling Liao at No 42, Lane 256, Feng-Chou Road, Sheng-Kang Hsiang, Taichung; Lin-Chen Huang (Jackie) at No 3, Alley 2, Lane 269, Hsin-Pying Road, Sec 3, Tai-Pying Hsiang, Taichung; Yueh-Hsin Chang (Daisie) at No 91, Hsin Ye Street, yuan-Lin, Chang Hua, Taichung; Yu-Chan Lin (Mandy)at No 464, Sec 2, Sa-Tien Road, Ta-Tu, Taichung; and April Pan at No 34, Alley 11, Lane Hung-An, Sec 3, Hsi-Tun Road, Taichung. Any information that you can provide to us would be most appreciated. Please e-mail us at Thank you.

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