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Archive through September 23, 1999

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After the main earthquake and many aftershocks struck Taiwan, which caused thousand of deaths and injured as well as serious destruction, the immediate aids are needed. While helps are coming from all over the world, I urge all long distance phone companies donate the amount of charges to all calls that we made to Taiwan on 20th, 21st, and 22nd as relief funds. Please help Taiwan!

Please send the message to your long distance phone company.

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Does anyone have any information about Yuen Shu Lin, in the province of Daxi? My e-mail is
Thank you

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Please help. Family name is Chen.Family's address is:
5F No. 54 Lane 200 Tunghua Street' Taipei, Taiwan. Does anyone know if family OK or area where they live safe from quake? Their phone no. is Taiwan (Internat. code 886) 22738 7284. I am very concerned about the safety of a friend of mine and her family who live in Taipei. I went to RMIT University with her in Melbourne, Australia during 1994-1997. My Phone No. in Melb. Australia is (Internat. code) 011-612-03-9527 1604. My prayers go to all those in Taiwan. Thank you for your help.

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Life goes on: congratulations to Steve Drape and his wife Evelyn in Hsinchu; their baby boy was born during the initial quake on Tuesday morning. I'd be grateful if anyone could let me know if the following people are OK:

Amy Chen of Hsinchu, Arthur Chen of Taichung (originally Kaohsiung), Randi, Kate, Barry, Chinwen and Liu Hsiu (former students at SOAS, London).

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Further to my previous message: my e-mail is

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PLEASE HELP!! Does anybody out there know if my friends Eileen Huang and Shunza Ni are OK? I've sent several e-mails but have not heard back. They live in Taipei. Thanks,


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I too am looking for my brother...His name is Stephen K. Whitehead and lives in Taichung with his wife Emma and son Stevie. My e-mail address is and I would appreciate any information. His phone number has yet to yeild any success of connection. Thank you for any help you can give.

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U.S. Structural Engineering Team in need of interpreter/driver for earthquake-damage reconnaissance mission in Taiwan.

Tentatively, our team of engineers from San Francisco, California is scheduled to depart on Wednesday, Sept. 29 and arrive in Taipei on Thursday, Sept. 30 for a two week stay.

We will be working for the U.S. State Department evaluating structures at the American Institute of Taiwan, which we believe are located in the Taipei area. Seperate from this work we will be collecting valuable, perishible data on earthquake damage, which will be used to improve design and construction methods and emergency response capabilities in future earthquakes.

Our preference for an interpreter/driver would be a local structural engineer or university student studying structural engineering. However, if we can't find someone like that, anyone with good knowledge of the Taipei area and the epicentral region near Taichung would be helpful.

Our team is affiliated with the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, CA and the Pacific Engineering Research Center of the University of California, Berkeley.

Any assistance in helping us would be greatly appreciated.

Kent K. Sasaki, P.E., S.E.
Branch Manager
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Assoc., Inc.
2200 Powell Street, Ste 925
Emeryville, CA 94608

email address:

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I would like to post, that we have heard from our Dear friend Yevette Ho, she lives in Yi
Lau Hsien and is okay!!! She and her family did not suffer much if any damage and are
currently experiencing problems with power. She was able to get on her computer and
through ICQ get a hold of us and let us know she is fine.

Our prayers continue for all the people In Taiwan, and for all the incredible people of the
rescue teams that have rushed to help. Our prayers also continue for news that all the
loved ones posted here are found, safe and sound and returned to their families.

It does appear that Hsien is okay, being far enough away from the epia center...if that
helps anyone with loved ones there.

Thanks and prayers,

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I have spoken with a friend in Taichung last night. Most of the smaller building are o.k. however, many large building are unsafe and many people are sleeping in parks. He was forced to sleep in the park for several nights, and is now joining the rescue work. The phone lines are having intermittent problems. Keep trying to get through. Resue efforts are in force and many people are o.k. just scared and displaced. I am still trying to locate my friend Lin Sho Tzu, or Cassandra Lin. She lives on San Ming Shee Rd. in a tall building. I believe she is displaced from her home. I have had a message that she and her family from Puli are o.k. (a very hard hit area) but I don't know where she is. I lived there for over a year and hope and pray for all Taiwan.

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