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Read California Earthquake Messages

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Our family gathered in Costa Mesa on Friday night before our trek to Magic Mountain to ride the roller coasters. We got our pre-courser to the rides when the earthquake struck. Needless to say, we all got up--only the kids slept through it.

It was very disappointing that the local TV stations did not come on with any mention about the earthquake until a half hour after the occurance. It was obvious it was a "big one" and the TV stations should have immediately broken in to report the fact that it had occurred, even if they didn't have any further information.

We had to go on-line to get information about the earthquake. We instant messaged back and forth with family members closer to the epicenter. The first word we received of the magnitude and location was in our own instant messaging.

What happened to the TV coverage? They seem to break in with "breaking news" with every other event. Why not this one? Was it not near enough?

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I recomend that we all should get ready and prepare an emerency survival kit.And pray that bad things don't happend

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Disneyland is fine. They checked it out immediately after the quake and opened as usual the same day. Come to'll love the ride!

A native-born Californian.

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this was the first earthquake i have experienced since moving to los angeles four years ago. it was a liitle frightning hearing the house crack as the ground moved. luckily for all angelenos, it was in the desert, far from la. this truely is a wake up call for me, i didn't have one bottle of water in my house!! i urge everyone to get prepared, we all know it won't be the last and we better be ready!!! cookie harkey

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There was a 5.1 aftershock tonight, wed, in Las Vegas. Some felt it. I don't think I want to go through that again.

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Well, I live in the eastbay area, northern california, home to the infamous Hayward fault. It has been creeping and some microquakes have been logged the past few weeks. Working on an earthquake kit for the home and cars. Best defense is a strong offense, and a somewhat calm heart which comes with preparedness. Keep reviewing survival tips. May we help one another when the need rises if we can. I hope someone will e-mail or instant yahoo msg me after the Hayward Fault lets go. Thanks.

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I can't wait to get back home to California after my husband is out of the army, earthquakes or no. I just hope home-sweet-home doesn't fall off into the ocean the day after I get there, with my luck.

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i hope no one was injured, i live in the uk so i've never experienced an earthquake and hopefully never will! it's ashame that nature can be so bad at times, and can't be good all the time...still at least it wasn't very big so thats the bright side of things. A TIP FOR ALL PEOPLE OUT THERE: never look on the bad side of things, always look at the good side. it always helps

luv to you always

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no ones here today . i've never come here (to this chat room) before so i might speak toy you another day

luv to you always
cutee xxxxxxx

PS i'm 12 years old

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We were living in Los Angeles in 1946, I woke up with the bed moving up and down, The door bell chimes were swaying and ringing, I thought to my self, This is an earthquake.we had no damage but the big water aqaducts were broken, cost a bundle to repair them, I have visited Los Angeles several times since, No one there jokes about earthquakes or Los Angeles falling off into the ocean. I am 87 years old and I do not think I want to live around earthquakes.You can have them, I don't want them I am scared of such things

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My Daughter is in Bell with her fiance does anyone know if they are ok. Im in the UK so as you can expect i'm a bit concerned.

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i can experience futures; loma prieta; i had a vision of l.a. basin on a chart nines were on it like everyone else, in the esp world or not,i am not sure on this one;epicenter was pasadena. in loma prieta, with a number of people,i picked the hour within twenty four, and was at the transmitter of club; in answer to a previous board message: there is humour there.after the quake was on,i told a russian amateur; "we just had a very nice earthquake".i don't want to be in another major quake;future seeing is very very awful for me;i seem to land on horrible things.if you start e.s.p.look out!

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a couple of years ago,following a discussion of quakes,i had a vision,or dream,(don't remember which)of a chart of l.a.basin,with a few nines on it,epicenter Pasadena indicated;i am strongly gifted with e.s.p.I have recently been thinking of this strange function,realizing its breadth.gods!earnestly,John to all.

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why do you want me to add a message? do you want to suggest an addition,or is that a standard offer.There is no guarantee whatever,I hasten to add,of any kind of authenticity in this l.a.thing coming into my mind like so many others,some proven,some of which not yet;i am not a professional psychic,just another universally curious mind,hit and miss.ta ta.

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