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Read California Earthquake Messages

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Attention: Earthquake Survivors!
Catastrophe Analysis Technology Co. is available to assist all who experienced the Sept. 3 quake.
CATCO are forensic construction experts.

They can help you recover repair funds from your insurance company. Without very accurate documentation, you may be denied your claim.

They can help you. They will fight for you!

Every lost collectable, every cracked wall is a reminder of the impact earthquakes have on our lives. Let's not be victims of the insurance loss as well. Contact

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See California in an Earthquake (not kidding on this one) by clicking on the 'previous winners' link in the upper left hand corner of

Then click on the 'California Experience' link next to the date 8 Jan 2001

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See California in an Earthquake (not kidding on this one) by clicking on the 'previous winners' link in the upper left hand corner of

Then click on the 'California Experience' link next to the date 8 Jan 2001

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Prediction: A 7.7 magnitude quake will occur within 10 miles of downtown LA sometime between the dates of January 16th,and Valentines Day .If it doesn't happen,you may laugh at me.If it does,I get to gloat.Well,it will be a tragedy,so maybe I shouldn't.

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Prediction: A 7.7 magnitude quake will occur within 10 miles of downtown LA sometime between the dates of January 16th,and Valentines Day .If it doesn't happen,you may laugh at me.If it does,I get to gloat.Well,it will be a tragedy,so maybe I shouldn't.

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Hey, has anyone thought about the earthquake in India? How many nuclear tests did they do underground last year? Was this earthquake self-inflicted?

Just wondering.

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I think we all better take stock in the Bible. So much can be learned from it and the predictions in it have been accurate so far. Earthquakes scare me but I would be more afraid of not having the faith that our creator has made a promiss to all of his children and all yes he does require something of us. But read the scriptures and believe that when , no one knows but truly it appears to be the end time for this system of things and we all better be ready. The only way you can be prepared is to trust in God and the only way you can ever kniow him is to read the book he left for us by inspired writings. Bless you all.

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a couple of weeks before the Seattle quake occured I dreamt of a huge pylon looking structure on the side of a mountain with something on it that looked like a water reservoir.(somewhat vague now)The structure fell over in slow motion then there were huge pieces of roc that went hurling what seemed like kilometers into the air and landing in a city area and as we approached were very fearful of the event. Could be anything right? except I've had dreams before other major events over the years and the dreams are not real clear as to where or when but coincidently do have disasterous events following them. Don't enjoy this but I would like to know what to do with this information or if I should just ignore it. I will enter my dreams of this nature on this message board from now on (it doesn't happen often) and maybe others can help me figure it out... GM

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We don't have Earthquakes in Texas!!!!!!

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ART BELL'S PREDICTION:On Monday night's show,Art Bell said he received an e-mail from his earthquake prediction man, who predicts quakes by measuring radon levels.He said a 7.2 or greater quake will strike near LA by January 21st.He predicted last February's Seattle quake. I think a major quake will hit Southern Calif. for sure before Valentines Day,and it will be in the 7.0-7.8 range.

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Today is May 13, 2002.
At approximately 10:00 pm, I felt a major shake at home in my apartment in Sunnyvale, Ca 94087.
I live in a brand new apartment complex with a garage under the building. I live on the third floor of a four story building. People on the upper levels definitly felt it more than the people on the ground. It lasted long enough for me to recognize it while laying on my couch. Then when I got up into a door frame, it continued to shake as I could hear the attack access panel shake in the ceiling. I know you are not suppose to leave where you are at, but I could picture that trap door falling on my head. I ran down the stairs into a clearing.

Looking on the net for news in the one story computer office located in the complex. So far, no news.

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I live in san fransisco on the bottom of a
three story building. I was making a cup of
tea,then i felt a big jolt it was weird cuz
it went front to back instead of side to side.
my kitty cat and doggy felt it to.

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