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Archive through July 05, 2006

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I am looking for a couple of friends that I met in Merida, Venezuela. There names are:
-Mahli Vegas
-Ronhny Santiago

Please email me at"> If you can find anything about the death or life of them, that would be most helpful. Thank You. please let me know soon!

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I would like to know if the flood was close to California Sur, Caracas. I know a family there, Avendano. Father was Angel Francisco Avendano, Sons Jose Luis and Juan Carlo. Daughters Fanny Avendano and Karen Avendano.

If anyone know them please contact me via email at

Neph Medina

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I have been following the terrible tragedy in Caracas and would like to offer my services as an architect and contractor. If you know of a way I
could help out, please let me know.


Hugh Bosely
Tallahassee, Florida

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I cant't get any contact from my boyfriend Carlos Alonso Belloso(31) who lives in Caracas. If anyone knows him. Please inform me about him.

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On Dec. 28, some international commercial flights were able to depart from Simon Bolivar International airport. I was told there that the airport will be fully operational again within one or two weeks.
To those of you who have friends/relatives in areas like California Sur, or other residential areas in the southern part of Caracas, DO NOT WORRY. Those areas are safe and people there are well. States like Merida are intact as well.
I arrived in Venezuela with my husband on the 18th through Valencia airport and came back to the US on the 28th. On the 15th, though, mudslides had already taken place and affected Vargas State. However, it is my understanding that most people who arrived in Maiquetia that day made it safely to Caracas, although it took them a few hours to do so due to the fact that mudslides had blocked access to one of the tunnels located on the highway to Caracas.
Venezuelan victims are in need of a wide range of things now. From psychiatric help to the survivors, food, medicines and clothes, to new homes and jobs.
This is the saddest, the most desvastating event I have ever witnessed in my life. As I write these lines I am still processing it, digesting it. But I guess it will take a lifetime for me to do so.
Many, many kids are now orphans and this is certainly the cruelest aspect of this tragedy.
While in Venezuela I witnessed some of the efforts of the Mexican aid sent to our nation, as well as some recue operations led by US troops.
To the peoples and the governments of Mexico and USA, my deepest thanks.

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01:38 pm)
UOL Venezuela donará un dólar a los damnificados por cada nuevo usuario de su
servicio de mail gratis
Caracas.- UOL Internacional, con sede en siete países de Norte y Sur América, ha decidido unirse a la
serie de iniciativas de las empresas privadas nacionales e internacionales en pro de los damnificados
venezolanos. UOL contribuirá donando un dólar (650 bolívares) a los afectados por la tragedia ocurrida
el pasado diciembre en Venezuela, por cada cuenta de e-mail creada entre el 5 y 10 de enero del
2000, en cualquiera de sus portales.

Cada nuevo usuario de UOLmail de Estados Unidos, México, Colombia, Chile, Argentina y Venezuela ,
al inscribirse, estará sumándose a toda la comunidad de contribuyentes, nacionales e internacionales,
que desde el pasado 16 de diciembre han venido realizando aportes para ayudar a las miles de
víctimas de la tragedia que ensombrece a Venezuela en esta transición de milenio.

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Quisiera saber de la pareja que conocimos el 16 de diciembre 1999 en el seminario de macuto y nos prestaron su celular para llamarle a la embajada alemana. Quisieramos estar en contacto con ellos.

Gracias por informarnos

Iris e Ivo de Alemania

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Romana Rodrigues
Martin, Cristina, & Martin-Jesus Barretto

any info pls contact:">

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My heart goes out to the victems in Venezuela who are in the floods. I wish they get help soon!!!! Have hope!!!!!!!

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Hola, Estoy buscando a mi primo que tiene ya dos años desaparecido. Su nombre completo es Mario Alejandro Guzman Bigott. Edad aproximada de 30 a 35 años. Venezolano. Diseñador Gráfico. La última vez que lo vi en el año 1993 tenia una estatura de aprox. 1 metro 80. Corpulento. Solía hacer trabajo freelance para comerciales. Si usted sabe cualquier cosa favor comunicarse al email
