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Post or Read Hurricane Jose Messages

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Hi folks,

is there anyone who can tell me, if Jose battered Sint Maarten?? I do not get contact to my friends there, so I am very concerned. If you know more please send me a message to me:

Thank you and let us hope the best for you all in or near of Jose

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the weather keeps on deteriorating slowly, there is more rain and gusty winds, but also periods with nice sunshine. Winds are from the East en NNE, gusting to about 30 knots in squals. The weather channel is indicating the eye to be over Antigua at this moment and the strongest impact appears to come at Barbuda.
Tracking the storm's center on a large map, it appears the storm to be extremely close to St. Maarten, but at least on the East side.
Locally the Lt. Governor has stated on the radio that as of 1200 hrs there will be a curfew until further notice and also indicated that all hurricane shelters were opened as of 09 hrs this morning. Everyone appears well prepared but the comments are in general that every one is sick and tired of these storms.

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Hello all. The Univ of the VI had us all prepare our offices then leave by
noon today. Right now, it's a nice, albeit cloudy, day out. We have had a
couple of squalls, but nothing that kept up for very long. Right now, the
forecast calls for us to catch the southern part of Jose. However, JOse has
been zigzagging and we could still get a direct hit. It seems it's supposed
to get here tonight. I'll try to post again before they shut down power
Stay safe! Stay dry!

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Ansen & Sophia, please get any info to me by cell and I will post it on the board. Don

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Hello All In Paradise:
If the weathermen/women are right, it looks as if Jose may pass east of you only dumping rain and some gusty winds. That's what we are hearing here in Maine anyway. I'm praying for you all and hope they ARE right.Be safe tonight and let us know how Judy does giving birth! We love you Rae, Jeff, JT!

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Conditions in St. Barthelemy and the area around St. Martin and Anguilla- I am writing from St. Thomas - I was able to get a phone call through to St. Barthelemy at around 7pm Oct. 20- I was told that the weather there deteriorated early this afternoon and that hurricane force winds are now bearing down on the island. The power company EDF- Electric de France has turned off power to the island, the phone service is working but is sporadic- and reception is not clear. They are also experiencing a lot of heavy rain. As for St. Thomas the weather is clear- with a few strong winds- the news reports seem uncertain about the direction the hurricane will take so people here are just ready and waiting.

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Just tried to phone ST. Thomas either the phone service is down or all circuits are busy. Good luck to all and batten down the hatches.

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I was just able to get through to St. Thomas by phone so the system is working but just busy. The report is the that current weather is calm with a slight breeze. Folks there are just waiting to see if Jose ends up turning north in time to skirt the islands. Good luck to all. We hope to have cell phone contact later. So I will post an update. Time is about 9:45 pm in St. Thomas.

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Have family in Antigua, near Pineapple Beach Club/Long Bay...any word on damage there? Please email Thanks!

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Hola Ansen, Sophia & everybody.
This Jose& judith hoping that you guys doing OK.
We are fine, no baby as yet but still waiting for it.Pam we would let you kwow when Kenneth Jose or
Cristian Jose(we not sure about the name yet)come to the world.We have a lot of wings in this area
but nothing mayor yet.Hi to Jeff, Rae ,Patrick ,Tammy & Jonh,Greg & fam.
Nuestra familia en P.R. en carolina y Humacao no se preocupen que estamos bien. Hasta ahora 4:00 am
se siente mucha brisa y lluvias.

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PLease let me you if you have any news on the st martin situation after the hurricane JOSE. I have friends there and yesterday they informed me that they were waiting it between 8:00pm and 11:00pm their time. Any information on the damages or how it was if it wa sjust rain or worse.

Please I would appreciate any info.

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4 a.m. and still no baby. How about this morning's weather down there? They say St. Martin got pounded with a direct hit! Winds are down to 75 mph and headed for USVI. Should be a near miss and not too bad unless he heads a little bit more to the west. I'm relieved for all of you. Take care of Judy and your son (when he gets there). Lisa and Laura want to babysit!!!! At least he won't have to be born in the height of a major disaster storm.....Pam

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I just received a phone call from St. Thomas 6:30 am Pacific Daylight - 9:30am Atlantic. It appears St Thomas came through the front of the storm in pretty good shape. There are a few trees down. Electric power just returned a few moments ago. Things are moderatly calm at the momemnt. Curfew is in place to 1pm. Another round of wind is expected sometime between 10am -11am. The storm has been downgraded to a minimal hurricane. It appears to have diminished just before reaching the island. Local radio is not reporting any major damage. It was indicated that the storm center most likely went over the eastern tip of Tortola and just barely missed the northern part of St. Thomas. If power is maintained they will post a more detailed report after curfew is listed.

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Don where are you? Is Erica and the Kids with you? Sophia what's going on? I can't seem to get through on the phone.

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Report about St. Barthelemy and the islands around that area - St. Martin and Anguilla-
I spoke to family in St. Barthelemy around 5pm AST, I was told that they received quite a bit of wind - and some roofs were damaged. Telephone service is sporadic and power is not yet on- it is expected that power will be returned in the next two or three days, the major concern with power is that it be returned in the area around the hospital. I was told by my cousin in St. Barthelemy that he has never experienced the amount of rain that fell as a consequence of hurricane Jose- apparently they experienced a lot of rain when the tail of Jose was passing over.

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