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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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Spoke with relatives in Nassau late this evening. Apparently, the worst missed Nassau, although there was much wind, rain and flooding. Many shingles off roofs, trees blown down, roads ripped up from uprooted trees. Hard to travel any more east than the Harbour Bay Shopping Centre, or very far west. Weather has subsided, but it is difficult to get around because of trees and other debris in road.

Haven't heard anything about the other, harder hit islands, but would like to know any info about Eleuthera or Abaco.


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Looking for news from Cherokee/Casuarina Point on
Abaco. In particular anything about Rex & Judy Albury and/or Jack & Sharon Sawyer. Please E-Mail any info to: or Hope everyone on Abaco is safe. Good Luck!

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Hoping anyone who can get online in Freeport,
Grand Bahamas can contact me or get a message
to/from my elderly mother who lives on Morgan
Lane. Phone line dead. Am worried. Thank you.
(San D

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If anyone has news about Harbour Island please let me know.
Kind regards

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looking for JERRY AND ARLENE DOLLARHIDE they were staying at TAINO BEACH RESORT THE RITZ IN Freeport Bahamas.if anyone has any info please e-mail us!!our prayers are with all of you brave people.REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU AND IS WITH YOU ALWAYS........GOD BLESS

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I don't know about you all, but here in CA I think we done a poor job covering this hurricane. We been putting more emphasis on FL and GA, and Nassau, when Abaco has been the one to be hit the hardest, and no one seems to be covering that. Why not?

Even when the reports of damage do come in, the popular places like FL, GA and Nassau will be the ones to put more attention on. Abaco had the eye of this hurricane, it confronted it head on, and no one seems to give a rats @$$. I'm just very angry that one has been able to get any information on Abaco yet. What the hell does it take? Sorry, but the media brought it on it's self. But am I the only one who feels like this? Please let me know if you have any information on Marsh Harbour at: Thank you.


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Any word on my brother John (sails Skyelark) on Sugarloaf Cay would be very appreciated!

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone...

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still trying to get word on the george cross family. black sound green turtle cay. my email is JRC2108 @aol . com pam cross

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now you know what it's LIKE !!!
remember bombing BELGRADE (yugoslavia)!!!
'Vengence is MINE' sayeth the LORD!

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Steven what sort of an idiot are you? I don't exactly recall seeing the Bahamian Air Force over Belgrade!

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We have a house in New Smyrna Beach,in North Beach.We're up in Vermont and haven't had any news about the neighborhood. Anyone?

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Go and read this:

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I talked with Earl Russell this morning via his son, Randy, who talking to him on the radio. Major damage in the Abacos. Earl said Elbow Cay is now TWO separate islands. Marsh Harbour has suffered significant damage with large buildings down. BASRA (Bahamas Air Sea Rescue) is starting to search the wreckage as we speak. No word on casualities, injuries, etc. at this time. I am trying to to relay to anyone down there to get the runways at Marsh Harbour and Treasure Cay cleared so rescue/relief can get in.

I am being flooded with email at this point. I know you are scared (like me) about your friends/relatives. Right now, amateur radio channels are reserved for EMERGENCY traffic. Soon, when we can get organized we will start what is called a "health/welfare" traffic system. This will pass info about specific people, etc. We need to get an amateur radio operator and a station down there. I don't know when that is going to happen. Right now, we need to think about medical attention first, medical supplies, food/water, shelter in that order.

The most important thing is for everyone to keep a cool head, wait until you are asked for assistance (whatever that might be) and let this rescue/relief effort get organized.

I promise you that I will post whatever info I can get my hands on when I get it. Thanks for your support. This is FAR from being over with. I think the hard part is about to begin.

Steve Rutledge

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If you go to that message board DO NOT POST ANY inquiries. The board is in jeopardy of failing due to too many inquiries. They will post information when they have it. Thank you.

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I live in Central Fl. The News reports indicate light damage on the East Coast of FL. They are focusing on Daytona Beach and the Melbourne area. I have not seen any pictures from New Smyrna Beach. The damage they are showing is trees down, power outages here and there. I don't think you have to worry to much. Is your house right on the Beach?
I also saw a news report from Nassau. The Atlantis on P.I. apparently had some damage but they weren't specfic. The news clip was very short. I agree with Javier Cortez. The news media hasn't mentioned The Abacos they sound like the worst hit. I have an uncle(Jerome Darville) in Green Turtle Cay and cousins in Nassau. Sure would like to here something.

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