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Read Hurricane Floyd Messages

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Need info on Spanish Wells (Cheryl Higgs) and Marsh Harbour (Tommy Bethel). I live in Florida and am desperate for info on my family. Thanks

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To whom it may concern,

We are a company that custom builds Hurricane
Proof Homes that look just like any conventional

Check us out:

Keep the Faith!

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Looking for word on Peter Bromiley. We have a home at Coral Point 4 miles north of Marsh Harbour. Would greatly appreciate any information concerning his safety and whereabouts. Also looking for friends at Dive Abaco, Bahamas Realty

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In Freeport there has been a report of on man that drowned, that tried to swim across the street. Waters there were about 3ft. or more. Also the Airport was flooded and nothing can leave or land until Friday the earliest. Also in Marsh Harbour it is reported the Airport and Medical Clinic was flooded and damaged.

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Does anyone know if the Palm Coast internet provider,, site is inop? Can't log on - trying to get any info available on conditions at Hammock Dunes (presently in North Carolina).

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Reuters reports the following on The Bahamas. Steve is quoted!

The streets of the capital, Nassau, were choked with debris as the storm ripped trees from the ground, toppled power poles and shredded lines, and tore roofs from some houses. Electric power was lost in much of the capital early on Tuesday and most businesses were still shuttered on Wednesday morning as power crews took to the streets to right poles and reconnect lines. Although the powerful eye of the storm skirted New Providence, winds reached nearly 100 mph (160 kph) and a 10-foot (3 metre) storm surge sent rivers of seawater along coastal roads.

The worst of Floyd's damage may have occurred in the Family Islands, small patches of low-lying coral rock scattered over hundreds of miles. Floyd's ferocious eye, surrounded by winds exceeding 150 mph (241 kph), ran directly over several small cays in the northern Bahamas.

Communications with many of the out islands were down and government officials were trying to arrange flights to Eleuthera, Abaco and other hard-hit islands, officials said.

Amateur radio operators, who communicated throughout the storm, said Floyd did severe damage to the northern Bahamas. "We're hearing there is significant damage in Marsh Harbour. Major buildings are down but no loss of life so far," said Steve Rutledge, an amateur radio operator in Memphis, Tennessee.

Floyd was battering the north Florida coast on Wednesday morning as it steamed northward. It was expected to make landfall near the South Carolina-North Carolina border early on Thursday morning, forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami said.

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We're looking for any word on the safety of Lynne Dunn and Tim DeMass, sailboat Cape Katherine (WCZ2558), last known location was Hope Town or Marsh Harbour. New arrivals to the Bahamas. Please email any information ASAP to:

many thanks and my prayers are with all the folks in Floyd's path.

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Any word on the well being of Sam Braxton, Garden Cay/Marsh Harbor,Abacos, Bahamas?

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The Callahan Family is looking for any information regarding friends and neighbors on ELBOW CAY. Any news please e-mail to @AOL.COM">SOLERAUSA@AOL.COM

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Re: Rock Sound, Eleuthera, Bahamas

Any news on Rock Sound Airport or southern part of Eleuthera ?

What about other airports on Eleuthera Island?

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I was told that Gov Harbor airport was destroyed.

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I just spoke to my dad in Freeport this morning. They stayed in a hotel downtown last night because they live in Queen's Cove, which is located on the north side of the island. He went to our house this morning, and as expected, our house was flooded. Most of the homes in Queen's Cove appear to have been spared structural damage, but most were flooded. My dad said that our home had 3-4 feet of water inside.

The airport was also flooded. Apparently, all the cars around the airport were partially submerged as well. It is my understanding that the central and south side of the island did not sustain much damage.

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I am seeking any news about Man-O-War Cay. Worried about family Joe and Bea Shirley.

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Posted by Steve Rutledge on September 15, 1999 at 12:52:17:

I talked to a woman at TC Services earlier. She didn't know a lot but passed what she heard. They talked to Everett Pinder via
satellite phone and he had the following to say:

Storm surge about eight feet. Bottom floor of condos around marina flooded. One boat sunk in marina. Another up on dock.
Tipsy Seagull (bar) is OK. Fools and drunks rule!!!!!! Windows blown out of Spinnaker. Lots of undescribed damage. I hate
to report this but she said the "houses on the beach are gone." She didn't know which beach. She said the "villas are OK." I
asked which villas and she said "our villas." Not sure which ones those are.
No injuries.

Conflicting reports about the airport from other sources. Some say MH and TC airports are closed. Others say open. I did
hear a report that the Great Abaco Highway between TC and MH had washed away in places. I expected this.

Will give you more when I get it.

Steve Rutledge

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Sending our love and prayers to Eleuthra - the Norris family, the McKinney family, the Pender's, and many others who have touched our lives over the last 20 years. - The McClellan Family, Cape Eleuthra

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